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Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Are The Chances Of Getting Hepatitis
Important win
SETS BY Maoism!
DOWN WITH revisionism!
AGAINST parliamentary cretinism!
popular movement Peru
December 2010
Dear friends and comrades,
on behalf of the Office of International Relations of the TKP / ML We welcome Your conference with proletarian enthusiasm. The conference discussed the importance of Maoism and the scientific application and the experience of the international proletariat and those countries which apply the people's war.
We are in a Time in the subjective forces of the communist and revolutionary movement are still weaker and weaker. This does not mean that the situation can not change. All over the world, we see the reactions of the people against the policy of the imperialist-capitalist system and their local lackeys, as well as rebellions and fermentation of mass insurrection and the popular movements. This event is also a possibility that the subjective forces must use worldwide by the social and national liberation struggle to promote and develop, and we see it in India, the Philippines, Turkey, etc..
Efficient discussions on political and ideological level, for The international movement is very important. We hope that this conference will lead an extensive discussion and contribute to this development.
For various reasons we can not attend your conference, we thank you for your invitation and we wish the conference a success.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long Live the Proletarian internationalism!
December 2010
Long live proletarian internationalism!
For Communism!
SoL * Socialist Left
December 2010
Hamburg, 4 December 2010
alliance against imperialist aggression
The International Conference in Hamburg, Germany, on 4 December 2010 was the last event in the series of conferences, the Peru People's Movement has organized this year. Thus, a set task of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru has met. The conference was an important victory in the battle for the Associations of the Maoists in the world to the principles of our class - against the new revisionism, the surrender, the parliamentary cretinism and the imperialist plan of "peace agreement". The conference has also led to the drafting of the balance sheet by the application of Maoism, the New Power and the People's War contributed to Communism.
Accordingly we will post the main issue of Peru People's Movement for the conference and some of the speeches of some comrades in the conference. Later, we will publish other contributions. We hereby thank the comrades for their proletarian internationalism.
Accordingly we will post the main issue of Peru People's Movement for the conference and some of the speeches of some comrades in the conference. Later, we will publish other contributions. We hereby thank the comrades for their proletarian internationalism.
Workers of the world, unite!
main speech of the people's movement Peru at the International Conference in Hamburg, 4 December 2010
The Peru People's Movement expresses its warmest revolutionary greetings to all Communist Parties and organizations at this conference, to all comrades who have fought for their participation, and to all parties and organizations today can not be present, but they are here with us, through their messages and speeches. We reaffirm our determination to fight with great initiative and drive to the International Communist Movement (IKB) makes the leap that calls for the world proletarian revolution, and we expect that today's conference makes a small contribution in this regard. Therefore, we will examine some aspects of the three points that were set by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of Peru (CPP) for this series of conferences, which are now graduated.
The call of the Central Committee of the CPP that we do with the balance of the application of Maoism are making progress, it is a right that everyone - the seriously its role in the service of cohesion recorded IKB - as a starting point in order to fulfill its mandate. Some comrades have already made some steps, and its opinion. We hope during this conference to see that others will be one for the progress of this process. Of necessity it is a process that occurs within the two-line struggle. The implementation of a Balance means to us something more than the problems and / or positive aspects of everything to understand. Basically it is a question of understanding the law, that is, the complete understanding of the leading causes of everything and where all this. It seems banal, but some comrades do not just see it. There are even parties who believe that one can build a fortress, by drawing a line and the past "behind it" gives. This is an application of concept "that combine two to one". The Better not true fortress, perhaps in the 'best' case, build a sand castle that can not withstand the coming storm. So you shall, in any Case, the basis for future split in the party or its destruction by the surrender. In other words, you sacrifice the future because of an apparent immediate progress. This is a position of right opportunism in relation to the structure. We need to look back in the history of IKB not far - we've all seen what has happened in Nepal - to have an irrefutable proof, whereas this position out. So comrades, in formation as communists, we can provide this kind of atrocities to make our own. The Communists have the most open minds: Why do so many stubborn among us? So persistent in error, so much Resistance to make the leap. The Essence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was to change the soul. If we are to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, then we have to understand it. This includes the fight against revisionism and the application of the one, we have achieved so far to move ahead. If we process the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) can see, there was a time when the Left has gained increasingly clear that the movement has progressed and we were able to make jumps. It was and is in every process at any party or organization. One can not build a solid foundation still make the leap that the proletarian World revolution requires, without the unwavering opinion for the enforcement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and the rejection of revisionism. It is therefore necessary that everyone who is in the progress of IKB, the revisionist position "that combine two to one" rejects.
The current global crisis is part of the general crisis of imperialism. It is a visible expression of his agony. Worldwide, the masses cry out for the organization of the insurgency. The people want a revolution. The imperialists are in panic over the steady growth of the national struggle. In the imperialist countries themselves, the proletariat has begun sleeping in his waking state, and that's important. We are not fooled, however you have much to speak of a mighty people struggle with revolutionary content. What is missing is the role of communist parties, carrying out their task. So what do the "communist parties" in this situation? - We talk about those who claim to be followers of Chairman Mao - to develop their activities, which are managed by a violent parliamentary cretinism. Even those who claim to be totally against such cretinism say they use the "people's war" no new power, "posts of Nepal "and so on. It would be good if they find out what happened to the RCP-USA, as a negative example. They insist on this type of positions - for example, no conflict / no conflict with those who advocate the election of the Democratic Party, "people's war" no new power, "the way of the insurrection" - This leads into a maze with no way out and no related to the poorest masses in their country. The only thing that could make its leadership is to transform itself into something that looks more like a vulgar cult of charlatans as a communist party.
Furthermore, it is necessary to note that much of the imperialist countries and "the situation in Europe" is mentioned, which is what the vast majority of cases, only the situation in Western Europe. What we must not forget is that the base of the world proletarian revolution, the oppressed peoples of the Third World. There the revolutionary situation is more pronounced. There is the people's war in some countries actively operating force. There are the communist parties that perform really a revolution. Here are our shock troops. Anyone who does not understand the process of restoring view of IKB, who may hold the appropriate role of the parties, the people's war, not recognizing the states at best, things unclear. can the rear guard of one does not cite properly, the avant-garde must take the leading role. Everyone knows that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and was also confirmed by our experience with the RIM. One thing it is to place itself at the service of coordination to be a different leadership.
The "peace agreement" aimed precisely to the proletarian world revolution to behead, to destroy the communist parties, leading a people's war. It is the plan of imperialism, so he used his revisionist employees. Our Party has established at the First Congress: "The riesiege strategic region of Asia, a region with high concentration of mass so that if there were in India sufficiently developed communist parties, they would powerfully contribute to the progress of the Revolution" (International line). Today, we see that the communist parties in Asia and especially India have made some very important leaps in its development and they have begun to take up their role in the world revolution. This is a very good thing and has enormous strategic importance to our camp. It is therefore not surprising that there imperialism works hard to achieve his plan: it involved the parties' negotiations, "" talks "or whatever, to divert the revolution. In Nepal, imperialism was successful. The Communists of the world must learn lessons. There are two distinct ways in which the Maoist parties face in people's war the plan of imperialism: one is our case, that of Peru, and the other, the case of Nepal.
In our case - is the Communist Party of Peru a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thoughts Party - rejected the plan of imperialism: the CPP has the "peace negotiations" rejected. Therefore, today we have a party the people's war brings and keeps its course, lead to the conquest of power throughout the country to the democratic revolution to completion, and, once the People's Republic of Peru established without taking further break with the socialist revolution in order with successive cultural revolutions to march until the whole of humanity achieved communism. We meet a long the years of people's war-tested and forged People's Liberation Army (PLA), which was always in position, the tasks entrusted by the Party and defeated the genocidal hordes of Peru's reaction, and the elite forces of imperialism. We have a new power to open people's committees and base areas, the sparkle in the sun as an undeniable proof of the universal validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. We have a front that is increasingly developing into a true Front of National Liberation. That's what the international proletariat and the peoples of the world in Peru. In Nepal there are
a tame party, which is immersed in the pigsty that is the bourgeois parliament. A party who does not hesitate once to have bilateral relations with the Socialist-Fascist Party of China, with the revisionist usurpers who killed the defenders of Chairman Mao and socialism. A revolutionary army, disarmed and under control of the institutions of imperialism and its imprisoned fighters in the sights of the guns of the reactionary army. Count of base areas, unarmed masses who are called by the party to be part of the system of old State. This is what Prachanda and his associates have given us, because they meet the imperialist plan of the peace agreement have accepted.
We have two diametrically opposed alternatives, two experiences in the eyes of the international proletariat. Experiences achieved at the expense of the lives of thousands of communists, revolutionaries and masses. In the first case you have not betray those who have given us their precious blood, which still continue to fight in us. In the second case, one has all and all for betraying the interests of would-be caudillo. These two experiences are very different from the fantastic records of civil people in the imperialist countries.
Those who are able to learn lessons should do so. Do you want that the same thing has happened in Nepal, repeated at other locations? If that's the case, ye reconciled on, you still attempts in the reconciliation of Marxism and revisionism, do you do with "that combine two into one" section. But this will guide you into the next swamp and you will sink to the head. We will march on without you. If you like, that the revolution advances in the world if you are for the triumph of the People's War, which develop powerful, if you really are for the people's war to communism, you have against the new revisionism designed and arrest position to favor the left side, you have the reject a "peace agreement" and every nuance of parliamentary cretinism. It is really the only way to support the communists in Nepal, her party and the rebuilding of people's war path again to take on, even over the heads of the revisionist traitor.
dust in the eyes of the Communists is part of the struggle against imperialism, the world revolution, with a massive campaign of disinformation, lies and gross intrigue. Alldas done with the support from reactionaries and revisionists of all kinds. A Yankee imperialism led by the general counter-offensive, the central goal in recent years to try to remove the Chairman Gonzalo in the minds of the communists in the world to spread the idea of "the defeat of the People's War in Peru". This absurd counter-revolutionary gross lie that can not believe no one who knows a little about the reality of Peru's decision was obviously rampant, both hidden and open, alleged by the Destroyer of RIM. The "investigation" was an essential part of it. Those who deny the role of Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP say that an artificial analysis free from reality and, above all, without a strong class position, very far from the truth and the application of Marxism - to quote a phrase of our leadership.
This is real and concrete, that without the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, without the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thought, and the application to solve new problems in the middle of people's war by the Central Committee of our party would be the people's war through the hellish genocide been the armed forces of reaction and imperialism destroyed. Without adherence to the leadership of the Central Committee and on the basis of the unity of the party, the party would be blown up, and the revisionist and capitulationist rightist line (ROL) had fulfilled its task, the Yankee CIA gave these rats. This is the reality of the CPP, this is the reality of people's war, the reality that exists objectively. If others think differently, it is their problem - they will know that they are wrong, when the reality to them in the face. We will continue to explain things for all who have the interest to learn the truth. Those remain silent, not that achieve the rich experience of people's war and the contributions by the Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP, the international proletariat, we ask: If you really are for the further development of the world proletarian revolution, why do you then converges with the general counter-offensive ?
The Communist Party of Peru is the heroic fighter who ensures the course of people's war - now we are fighting so that a new party is in progress. A new Congress, which will develop on the basis of the First Congress, and not to deny it, the basis will be the basis of the unity of the party which established the First Party Congress was. Its objectives are set: It will approve organizational decisions and pending plans. He will be a strong boost for the people's war, and a further contribution to the experience of the international proletariat.
Internationally we are in a time of redefinition. On the one hand, we are the people who think the theme is very high: Unite under Maoism! On the other side are those that the criterion that two be combined into one "to follow. This is similar to the notorious example of cats by Deng, will earn between Marxism and revisionism no difference. This struggle is not new, it has lasted as long as the IKB exist. But today, if a band that has played an important role, has virtually abandoned, we are in a new phase. It is necessary that each party is in this situation on a page. We will go against the grain on. We expect everyone who is the communism that he will do the same.
We propose to undertake concrete steps in the coordination of the Maoist parties. We have to fight side by side with those who are against the "peace agreement" and the parliamentary cretinism. We want to reach common decisions in order to be fulfilled.
rejects the revisionist position that "two to connect to one" off.
The call of the Central Committee of the CPP that we do with the balance of the application of Maoism are making progress, it is a right that everyone - the seriously its role in the service of cohesion recorded IKB - as a starting point in order to fulfill its mandate. Some comrades have already made some steps, and its opinion. We hope during this conference to see that others will be one for the progress of this process. Of necessity it is a process that occurs within the two-line struggle. The implementation of a Balance means to us something more than the problems and / or positive aspects of everything to understand. Basically it is a question of understanding the law, that is, the complete understanding of the leading causes of everything and where all this. It seems banal, but some comrades do not just see it. There are even parties who believe that one can build a fortress, by drawing a line and the past "behind it" gives. This is an application of concept "that combine two to one". The Better not true fortress, perhaps in the 'best' case, build a sand castle that can not withstand the coming storm. So you shall, in any Case, the basis for future split in the party or its destruction by the surrender. In other words, you sacrifice the future because of an apparent immediate progress. This is a position of right opportunism in relation to the structure. We need to look back in the history of IKB not far - we've all seen what has happened in Nepal - to have an irrefutable proof, whereas this position out. So comrades, in formation as communists, we can provide this kind of atrocities to make our own. The Communists have the most open minds: Why do so many stubborn among us? So persistent in error, so much Resistance to make the leap. The Essence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was to change the soul. If we are to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, then we have to understand it. This includes the fight against revisionism and the application of the one, we have achieved so far to move ahead. If we process the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) can see, there was a time when the Left has gained increasingly clear that the movement has progressed and we were able to make jumps. It was and is in every process at any party or organization. One can not build a solid foundation still make the leap that the proletarian World revolution requires, without the unwavering opinion for the enforcement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and the rejection of revisionism. It is therefore necessary that everyone who is in the progress of IKB, the revisionist position "that combine two to one" rejects.
The current global crisis is part of the general crisis of imperialism. It is a visible expression of his agony. Worldwide, the masses cry out for the organization of the insurgency. The people want a revolution. The imperialists are in panic over the steady growth of the national struggle. In the imperialist countries themselves, the proletariat has begun sleeping in his waking state, and that's important. We are not fooled, however you have much to speak of a mighty people struggle with revolutionary content. What is missing is the role of communist parties, carrying out their task. So what do the "communist parties" in this situation? - We talk about those who claim to be followers of Chairman Mao - to develop their activities, which are managed by a violent parliamentary cretinism. Even those who claim to be totally against such cretinism say they use the "people's war" no new power, "posts of Nepal "and so on. It would be good if they find out what happened to the RCP-USA, as a negative example. They insist on this type of positions - for example, no conflict / no conflict with those who advocate the election of the Democratic Party, "people's war" no new power, "the way of the insurrection" - This leads into a maze with no way out and no related to the poorest masses in their country. The only thing that could make its leadership is to transform itself into something that looks more like a vulgar cult of charlatans as a communist party.
Furthermore, it is necessary to note that much of the imperialist countries and "the situation in Europe" is mentioned, which is what the vast majority of cases, only the situation in Western Europe. What we must not forget is that the base of the world proletarian revolution, the oppressed peoples of the Third World. There the revolutionary situation is more pronounced. There is the people's war in some countries actively operating force. There are the communist parties that perform really a revolution. Here are our shock troops. Anyone who does not understand the process of restoring view of IKB, who may hold the appropriate role of the parties, the people's war, not recognizing the states at best, things unclear. can the rear guard of one does not cite properly, the avant-garde must take the leading role. Everyone knows that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and was also confirmed by our experience with the RIM. One thing it is to place itself at the service of coordination to be a different leadership.
The "peace agreement" plan of imperialism are
The "peace agreement" aimed precisely to the proletarian world revolution to behead, to destroy the communist parties, leading a people's war. It is the plan of imperialism, so he used his revisionist employees. Our Party has established at the First Congress: "The riesiege strategic region of Asia, a region with high concentration of mass so that if there were in India sufficiently developed communist parties, they would powerfully contribute to the progress of the Revolution" (International line). Today, we see that the communist parties in Asia and especially India have made some very important leaps in its development and they have begun to take up their role in the world revolution. This is a very good thing and has enormous strategic importance to our camp. It is therefore not surprising that there imperialism works hard to achieve his plan: it involved the parties' negotiations, "" talks "or whatever, to divert the revolution. In Nepal, imperialism was successful. The Communists of the world must learn lessons. There are two distinct ways in which the Maoist parties face in people's war the plan of imperialism: one is our case, that of Peru, and the other, the case of Nepal.
In our case - is the Communist Party of Peru a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thoughts Party - rejected the plan of imperialism: the CPP has the "peace negotiations" rejected. Therefore, today we have a party the people's war brings and keeps its course, lead to the conquest of power throughout the country to the democratic revolution to completion, and, once the People's Republic of Peru established without taking further break with the socialist revolution in order with successive cultural revolutions to march until the whole of humanity achieved communism. We meet a long the years of people's war-tested and forged People's Liberation Army (PLA), which was always in position, the tasks entrusted by the Party and defeated the genocidal hordes of Peru's reaction, and the elite forces of imperialism. We have a new power to open people's committees and base areas, the sparkle in the sun as an undeniable proof of the universal validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. We have a front that is increasingly developing into a true Front of National Liberation. That's what the international proletariat and the peoples of the world in Peru. In Nepal there are
a tame party, which is immersed in the pigsty that is the bourgeois parliament. A party who does not hesitate once to have bilateral relations with the Socialist-Fascist Party of China, with the revisionist usurpers who killed the defenders of Chairman Mao and socialism. A revolutionary army, disarmed and under control of the institutions of imperialism and its imprisoned fighters in the sights of the guns of the reactionary army. Count of base areas, unarmed masses who are called by the party to be part of the system of old State. This is what Prachanda and his associates have given us, because they meet the imperialist plan of the peace agreement have accepted.
We have two diametrically opposed alternatives, two experiences in the eyes of the international proletariat. Experiences achieved at the expense of the lives of thousands of communists, revolutionaries and masses. In the first case you have not betray those who have given us their precious blood, which still continue to fight in us. In the second case, one has all and all for betraying the interests of would-be caudillo. These two experiences are very different from the fantastic records of civil people in the imperialist countries.
Those who are able to learn lessons should do so. Do you want that the same thing has happened in Nepal, repeated at other locations? If that's the case, ye reconciled on, you still attempts in the reconciliation of Marxism and revisionism, do you do with "that combine two into one" section. But this will guide you into the next swamp and you will sink to the head. We will march on without you. If you like, that the revolution advances in the world if you are for the triumph of the People's War, which develop powerful, if you really are for the people's war to communism, you have against the new revisionism designed and arrest position to favor the left side, you have the reject a "peace agreement" and every nuance of parliamentary cretinism. It is really the only way to support the communists in Nepal, her party and the rebuilding of people's war path again to take on, even over the heads of the revisionist traitor.
Unite under Maoism! throw
dust in the eyes of the Communists is part of the struggle against imperialism, the world revolution, with a massive campaign of disinformation, lies and gross intrigue. Alldas done with the support from reactionaries and revisionists of all kinds. A Yankee imperialism led by the general counter-offensive, the central goal in recent years to try to remove the Chairman Gonzalo in the minds of the communists in the world to spread the idea of "the defeat of the People's War in Peru". This absurd counter-revolutionary gross lie that can not believe no one who knows a little about the reality of Peru's decision was obviously rampant, both hidden and open, alleged by the Destroyer of RIM. The "investigation" was an essential part of it. Those who deny the role of Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP say that an artificial analysis free from reality and, above all, without a strong class position, very far from the truth and the application of Marxism - to quote a phrase of our leadership.
This is real and concrete, that without the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, without the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thought, and the application to solve new problems in the middle of people's war by the Central Committee of our party would be the people's war through the hellish genocide been the armed forces of reaction and imperialism destroyed. Without adherence to the leadership of the Central Committee and on the basis of the unity of the party, the party would be blown up, and the revisionist and capitulationist rightist line (ROL) had fulfilled its task, the Yankee CIA gave these rats. This is the reality of the CPP, this is the reality of people's war, the reality that exists objectively. If others think differently, it is their problem - they will know that they are wrong, when the reality to them in the face. We will continue to explain things for all who have the interest to learn the truth. Those remain silent, not that achieve the rich experience of people's war and the contributions by the Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP, the international proletariat, we ask: If you really are for the further development of the world proletarian revolution, why do you then converges with the general counter-offensive ?
The Communist Party of Peru is the heroic fighter who ensures the course of people's war - now we are fighting so that a new party is in progress. A new Congress, which will develop on the basis of the First Congress, and not to deny it, the basis will be the basis of the unity of the party which established the First Party Congress was. Its objectives are set: It will approve organizational decisions and pending plans. He will be a strong boost for the people's war, and a further contribution to the experience of the international proletariat.
Internationally we are in a time of redefinition. On the one hand, we are the people who think the theme is very high: Unite under Maoism! On the other side are those that the criterion that two be combined into one "to follow. This is similar to the notorious example of cats by Deng, will earn between Marxism and revisionism no difference. This struggle is not new, it has lasted as long as the IKB exist. But today, if a band that has played an important role, has virtually abandoned, we are in a new phase. It is necessary that each party is in this situation on a page. We will go against the grain on. We expect everyone who is the communism that he will do the same.
We propose to undertake concrete steps in the coordination of the Maoist parties. We have to fight side by side with those who are against the "peace agreement" and the parliamentary cretinism. We want to reach common decisions in order to be fulfilled.
SETS BY Maoism!
DOWN WITH revisionism!
AGAINST parliamentary cretinism!
popular movement Peru
December 2010
to the comrades and comrades of the International Conference in Hamburg
Dear friends and comrades,
on behalf of the Office of International Relations of the TKP / ML We welcome Your conference with proletarian enthusiasm. The conference discussed the importance of Maoism and the scientific application and the experience of the international proletariat and those countries which apply the people's war.
We are in a Time in the subjective forces of the communist and revolutionary movement are still weaker and weaker. This does not mean that the situation can not change. All over the world, we see the reactions of the people against the policy of the imperialist-capitalist system and their local lackeys, as well as rebellions and fermentation of mass insurrection and the popular movements. This event is also a possibility that the subjective forces must use worldwide by the social and national liberation struggle to promote and develop, and we see it in India, the Philippines, Turkey, etc..
Efficient discussions on political and ideological level, for The international movement is very important. We hope that this conference will lead an extensive discussion and contribute to this development.
For various reasons we can not attend your conference, we thank you for your invitation and we wish the conference a success.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long Live the Proletarian internationalism!
December 2010
Message from SoL * Socialist Left
To the international Maoist conference
We are pleased to be here and welcome this conference as a step towards the elucidation of urgent issues of the Maoist movement.
As such clarity is important to us the development in Nepal but also shows the recent assassination of Comrade Azad of the Indian state. It is imperative that we not repeat the mistakes made. Too many comrades and comrades had already paid for them with their blood.
Our promise that we are part of the international proletariat, is the foundation of our solidarity with the fighting Communists and Communists around the world. It is the people's warring parties, our special interest, as it was just these parties are the struggles of our class went today most consistently. Today's wars have become popular in the possibility of a similar inspirational power, as once the October Revolution or the Cultural Revolution.
Our contribution to the struggle of the international proletariat is to build a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Germany, the struggle against German imperialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Together we will connect the enemies in the dust, together we will prevail. In this sense:
We are pleased to be here and welcome this conference as a step towards the elucidation of urgent issues of the Maoist movement.
As such clarity is important to us the development in Nepal but also shows the recent assassination of Comrade Azad of the Indian state. It is imperative that we not repeat the mistakes made. Too many comrades and comrades had already paid for them with their blood.
Our promise that we are part of the international proletariat, is the foundation of our solidarity with the fighting Communists and Communists around the world. It is the people's warring parties, our special interest, as it was just these parties are the struggles of our class went today most consistently. Today's wars have become popular in the possibility of a similar inspirational power, as once the October Revolution or the Cultural Revolution.
Our contribution to the struggle of the international proletariat is to build a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Germany, the struggle against German imperialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Together we will connect the enemies in the dust, together we will prevail. In this sense:
Long live proletarian internationalism!
For Communism!
SoL * Socialist Left
December 2010
greeting from " alliance against imperialist aggression "
Hamburger "alliance against imperialist aggression" is a coalition of groups, organizations, political parties and individuals from different countries. Our common ground is the anti-imperialist and internationalist struggle.
We see our work so as part of the international anti-imperialist struggle, which we support one hand with our resources and capacities, on the other hand, here and now want to develop. Our goal is to learn from our different fighting and life experiences, to join forces in solidarity and respect to make plans for an inter-nationalist anti-imperialism.
why we are delighted to be here, in a place of meeting so many people that lead a determined fighting and have experience from so many parts of the world. We express here and now our sympathy and solidarity with the people's wars in the Philippines, India, Turkey and Peru.
We are convinced that it is correct, feasible and necessary created together with many different forces, the anti-imperialist resistance, in this city in this country, in Europe and worldwide and that this conference will be a contribution!
We see our work so as part of the international anti-imperialist struggle, which we support one hand with our resources and capacities, on the other hand, here and now want to develop. Our goal is to learn from our different fighting and life experiences, to join forces in solidarity and respect to make plans for an inter-nationalist anti-imperialism.
why we are delighted to be here, in a place of meeting so many people that lead a determined fighting and have experience from so many parts of the world. We express here and now our sympathy and solidarity with the people's wars in the Philippines, India, Turkey and Peru.
We are convinced that it is correct, feasible and necessary created together with many different forces, the anti-imperialist resistance, in this city in this country, in Europe and worldwide and that this conference will be a contribution!
Hamburg, 4 December 2010
alliance against imperialist aggression
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Remote Fire Place Starter
Atmospheric moments with Saunatroikka from Finland
now outside where snow and ice have to say that the sauna is the perfect location to escape the cold. Who if not the Finns appreciate this. Obvious that you come from the right accessories.
This is also the Saunatroikka of hookah design from Karelia. The Saunatroikka which are made of soapstone small artesian wells. An artesian well is using an interesting physical phenomenon.
This requires a refractory vessel, which can be closed up. In the shutter works to make a one or more tubes, which rise like chimneys. Now heat the liquid. Builds up inside a pressure on and the water passes through the "chimneys " out. The moment where the water comes out, the pressure is equalized. Thus giving rise to successive small fountains, as more and more time is needed until there is enough pressure in the vessel that the water sprays out. This is repeated automatically until either the water is consumed or the heat supply is discontinued.
uses exactly this effect Saunatroikka and its smaller brother of the Saunabriha out. In the manufactured from Karel's soapstone vessel and water as desired aroma sauna is given. This can be water birch, pine needle extract or another perfume. Now the Saunatroikka or Saunabriha is simply placed in the middle of the hot stones of the sauna. It only takes a few minutes and Saunatroikka or Saunabriha start working and pleasant aroma scents begin to spread.
The nice thing is that neither the Saunatroikka still needed for the Saunabriha any electronics. One has no trouble with a lack of updates or service packs. Because it is an ancient very simple physical process which is also still in the 21st überelektronisierten Century is more than worth seeing.
now outside where snow and ice have to say that the sauna is the perfect location to escape the cold. Who if not the Finns appreciate this. Obvious that you come from the right accessories.
This is also the Saunatroikka of hookah design from Karelia. The Saunatroikka which are made of soapstone small artesian wells. An artesian well is using an interesting physical phenomenon.
This requires a refractory vessel, which can be closed up. In the shutter works to make a one or more tubes, which rise like chimneys. Now heat the liquid. Builds up inside a pressure on and the water passes through the "chimneys " out. The moment where the water comes out, the pressure is equalized. Thus giving rise to successive small fountains, as more and more time is needed until there is enough pressure in the vessel that the water sprays out. This is repeated automatically until either the water is consumed or the heat supply is discontinued.
uses exactly this effect Saunatroikka and its smaller brother of the Saunabriha out. In the manufactured from Karel's soapstone vessel and water as desired aroma sauna is given. This can be water birch, pine needle extract or another perfume. Now the Saunatroikka or Saunabriha is simply placed in the middle of the hot stones of the sauna. It only takes a few minutes and Saunatroikka or Saunabriha start working and pleasant aroma scents begin to spread.
The nice thing is that neither the Saunatroikka still needed for the Saunabriha any electronics. One has no trouble with a lack of updates or service packs. Because it is an ancient very simple physical process which is also still in the 21st überelektronisierten Century is more than worth seeing.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Virtual World Like Club Penguin
After 48 hours ...
Last Friday did units of the People's Liberation Army in Tocache, department of San Martín, a ambush against the police - to destroy the economic livelihood of poor farmers - among other . A policeman was killed and another wounded, no casualties among comrades. Last Sunday did the comrades again an ambush against the police in the same place. It was an employee of the the Yankees financed "Proyecto Especial Corah (special project Corah) killed and two policemen were injured. Again there were no casualties among comrades.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Body Waxing In Winnipeg
Lecture Series: People's wars in the world
We all know that having declared the owners of capital and land communism in the world dead. Nevertheless, the anti-communist propaganda is incessant, and every day the mass media spread lies about the revolutions, both in the Soviet Union and in China. The reason for this is that communism is far from being dead and he is a real fighting force. What is fear of the imperialists and their running dogs of all kinds, the progress of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution. In India, Peru, the Philippines and Turkey, Kurdistan and Turkey are making the people's revolutionary war, what is irrefutable evidence for the future. To view it, change how under the banners of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to today's world, the Communists, and they open a bright prospect. To find out about this revolutionary process, we organize a lecture series at the International Center B5 in November.
third November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the people's war in India.
India is more than one country, is practically a continent. There live almost 1,200 million people, the vast Majority of them in a widespread poverty. There are more poor in India together in the 26 poorest countries in Africa. Since leads the Communist Party of India (Maoist), a powerful people's war, which was described by the rulers of the country as "the greatest threat to internal security." The Indian government has launched a massive military operation ("Operation Green Hunt") against the people's war to defeat the Maoists now. In the talk, we will inform about the current state of people's war and its prospects.
10th November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the People's War in Peru.
developed since 1980, the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) a people's war, which destroyed the old Peruvian state piece by piece. The CPP has managed to build a true new power, with people's committees and revolutionary base points areas where a new policy, new economy and new culture is organized. The people's war in Peru has experienced many twists and turns, but the CPP has never left the path of revolution. Today, notes the military intervention of U.S. imperialism in Peru dramatically, so they try to stifle people's revolution in blood. In the talk, we will inform you how this happens imperialist intervention, such as the People's War began as a war of national resistance to develop.
17. November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the people's war in Turkey and kurdistan turkey.
In Germany you do not hear much about the armed struggle of the Maoists in Turkey, which follow the path laid down by the communist leader Ibrahim Kayapakaya. Also many times the actions of the Maoist guerrillas as the actions of the Kurdish liberation movement are presented. The reality shows the Maoist people's war as the only true revolutionary alternative in Turkey and kurdistan turkey. The importance of developing the people's war is clear, if we take into account this development as a powerful revolutionary movement in the area of a bridge between Europe and the "Middle East" is. This will have profound impact on both regions. We will inform how the Maoists are fighting in Turkey and kurdistan turkey to the people's war to develop even more.
24th November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the People's War in the Philippines. hit
For more than four decades, the Communist Party of the Philippines developed a revolutionary war, the deep roots in this country of nearly 90 million people. The Philippines is a former colony of the United States and still an important pillar of their power in East Asia and the Pacific Rim. The U.S. troops are already in Fight against the Maoists in the Philippines and the perspective is a stronger intervention of imperialism, real and concrete.
In response, the Communist Party of the Philippines has approved a plan: To make people's war to a higher level in the next five years, and thus to achieve the strategic balance in order to grow with hundreds of thousands of people of the organized forces under their leadership . We will inform about the background of the fight and how the Maoists in the Philippines to assess their current situation and perspective.
Each talk will be held at the International Center B5, Brigitte Strasse 5, instead of Hamburg-St.Pauli. At each Food and drinks will be sold at reasonable prices. Free admission.
Organizer: Partizan-Hamburg, Hamburg-sınıf teorisi Association of New Democracy, Peru.
third November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the people's war in India.
India is more than one country, is practically a continent. There live almost 1,200 million people, the vast Majority of them in a widespread poverty. There are more poor in India together in the 26 poorest countries in Africa. Since leads the Communist Party of India (Maoist), a powerful people's war, which was described by the rulers of the country as "the greatest threat to internal security." The Indian government has launched a massive military operation ("Operation Green Hunt") against the people's war to defeat the Maoists now. In the talk, we will inform about the current state of people's war and its prospects.
10th November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the People's War in Peru.
developed since 1980, the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) a people's war, which destroyed the old Peruvian state piece by piece. The CPP has managed to build a true new power, with people's committees and revolutionary base points areas where a new policy, new economy and new culture is organized. The people's war in Peru has experienced many twists and turns, but the CPP has never left the path of revolution. Today, notes the military intervention of U.S. imperialism in Peru dramatically, so they try to stifle people's revolution in blood. In the talk, we will inform you how this happens imperialist intervention, such as the People's War began as a war of national resistance to develop.
17. November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the people's war in Turkey and kurdistan turkey.
In Germany you do not hear much about the armed struggle of the Maoists in Turkey, which follow the path laid down by the communist leader Ibrahim Kayapakaya. Also many times the actions of the Maoist guerrillas as the actions of the Kurdish liberation movement are presented. The reality shows the Maoist people's war as the only true revolutionary alternative in Turkey and kurdistan turkey. The importance of developing the people's war is clear, if we take into account this development as a powerful revolutionary movement in the area of a bridge between Europe and the "Middle East" is. This will have profound impact on both regions. We will inform how the Maoists are fighting in Turkey and kurdistan turkey to the people's war to develop even more.
24th November 2010, 19:00 clock: About the People's War in the Philippines. hit
For more than four decades, the Communist Party of the Philippines developed a revolutionary war, the deep roots in this country of nearly 90 million people. The Philippines is a former colony of the United States and still an important pillar of their power in East Asia and the Pacific Rim. The U.S. troops are already in Fight against the Maoists in the Philippines and the perspective is a stronger intervention of imperialism, real and concrete.
In response, the Communist Party of the Philippines has approved a plan: To make people's war to a higher level in the next five years, and thus to achieve the strategic balance in order to grow with hundreds of thousands of people of the organized forces under their leadership . We will inform about the background of the fight and how the Maoists in the Philippines to assess their current situation and perspective.
Each talk will be held at the International Center B5, Brigitte Strasse 5, instead of Hamburg-St.Pauli. At each Food and drinks will be sold at reasonable prices. Free admission.
Organizer: Partizan-Hamburg, Hamburg-sınıf teorisi Association of New Democracy, Peru.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
South Park Streaming Subtitled In English
New Document of the popular movement Peru
Yankees go home!
We urge the public presentation live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!
popular movement Peru
September 2010
Here you can find the document on English and English
Workers of the world, unite!
We condemn the statement by the lackeys García, right tries to manufacture the largest of the Yankee imperialist aggression against our country legally!
On 7 September, the fascist and genocidal land sellers Garcia, as president of Peru, a policy statement issued on CNN, has said in the that the United States may install its forces in Peru, where they so desire. In addition, the President called for harmonized the White House to provide more resources to combat the drug trade in Peru. He said: "In all matters that are human and universal, I make no question of sovereignty and patriotism, that is, if the Americans want to put their troops for training, as they have here, helicopters and satellites and communication systems instructor, is time very affordable. ". Then, the Presidency has given an explanation known in attempts to clarify who has what Garcia said: "Drug trafficking is a crime without borders, could have a serious social consequences and the United States and other nations technical and military cooperation with the country only if they are under the command of Peru."
condemn refuse We, and banish this statement this reactionary lackey of Yankee imperialism, which cries out for direct intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism, which has long been against our country. With the "Auto coup" by Fujimori (April 5, 1992), the Yankee imperialism started by the CIA, his "low intensity war" against the people's war directly to lead the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) results. Direct intervention and aggression, which has been rising since then as a secret war on the pretext of the "war on drugs" with troops, helicopters, satellites, military, etc., as servants of Garcia himself acknowledges in this statement. But then, why he has right now, this political statement in favor of military intervention predicated of Yankee imperialism, despite its later name "work" than to decorate it?
first Because of its imperialist Lord has command should him to say it, for it has increased its intervention in the Andean region, Peru. Because they need permission from the authorities in the country, according to the International Right to carry out their attacks, especially when they kill innocent civilians. Shall consult with the Obama's Ratings Obama: "they shall be a party to the legal authority of the country that underpin the actions of the Yankees Special Forces in the expansion will" (to be increased since the end of last year to 2011 by 60 countries to 75 countries) before the report of the United Nations from the first week of June this year, has made the power of government to carry out such actions in Pakistan in question.
is this shameless statement, since the legal reasoning that needs the Yankee imperialism, to increase its aggression against our country. So, he planned to increase the use of special forces against the people's war of resistance, which leads the CPP against him in Peru. In this way, Garcia is the lackey of the greatest imperialist genocide against our people. As we reported in our previous statement, the government of genocide Obama, offered in July this year, by their State Department offered a reward of $ 5 million for notes you make on the arrest of one that they as leaders of the CPP . denote
The drug trade or drug-terrorism "is a" weapon of imperialism to load moral superiority "that will lead the Yankee policy. But his intervention increases the prosperity of drugs, how in the nine years of imperialist intervention in Afghanistan has seen, where the opium flower as never before. Without that one goes too far in Peru, after decades of application of the "anti-drug treaties," "Help" and imperialist intervention has not melted the drug trade, but it has increased. Where to aim Garcia and all who develop their reactionary since the campaign in which people associate the war as a "drug terrorism" and call? Simple and easy to promote and support the intervention of Yankee imperialism and aggression, with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction. Only with the destruction of imperialism, we can eliminate all of its global ills such as drug trafficking. built with the development of the democratic revolution with the people's war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, the CPP the new, the new power, piece by piece sweeps the party the old State away with all the evils of the old society, such as drug trafficking .
His "clarification" that the Yankee troops "will be under the command of Peru," are just words from the lackey, the wind goes by because everyone knows that in every place the activities of the Special Operations Forces, as from any other military or police force of Yankee imperialism, coordinated with the U.S. ambassador, and under the operational control of four-star regional commander, in turn, by the Central Command, CENTCOM Yankee depends.
second Because of this fascist, genocide and land sales Garcia the need for stronger intervention and aggression to promote the Yankee imperialism, trying with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction to a decisive blow against the CPP before the presidential elections in to give 2011th Because he has failed in its third reactionary task, the destruction of people's war, because his so-called "Plan VRAE" the successes of people's war and the struggle of the masses has failed again, and because he feared, rightly, that the KPP new victories in the implementation of their campaign to boycott their local and regional elections and the general win elections next year.
On 26 August, Garcia said that the police require the support of the armed forces, and that they can participate, because "national defense, the intellectual defense and the defense of public safety." Garcia pointed out that to lose weight if needed "big computer search for the spirits of the crime and scare that require the "support and backing of the armed forces" is. In this way he seeks to manipulate public opinion in order to use the armed forces for internal repression under the pretext of fighting crime extensively. Accordingly, Garcia's government has adopted a series of legislative decrees, including, for the benefit of legal impunity for war crimes, which commit their armed forces and police in the counter-revolutionary war against the people's war and the repression of the protests of the masses. In it, some "critics" as "Law of disguised amnesty" for civil and military condemned genocide, as Garcia himself, his Vice President Gampietri, Montesinos, Fujimori, the "Colina Group" and so on, but they do not, that's mainly for the impunity of the perpetrators of the new genocide. Consequently, the political declaration Garcia - which invites the military intervention of Yankee imperialism - and that of his government adopted and implemented legislative decrees, such as that of "disguised amnesty" and other legal decrees and measures, such as repression (in Ayacucho and elsewhere) the mass leader - workers, farmers and residents of poor neighborhoods, students, pupils, and even the "ronderos" - Go hand to hand to the largest military intervention of Yankee imperialism "to justify legally. It is both part of the production of public opinion, legal documents and other preparations for even greater genocide against our people.
We also condemn that imperialism next to his genocidal plan its policy of "peace agreement" promotes, and that he is a role in the "insurgent movements," as long as they accept the surrender, renounce violence and are within their "democracy "lane. As part of this plan - in the current election, which exists until 2011 - Werbet the enemy's surrender and the insertion of the treacherous rats of the revisionist Rechtopportunistischen line (ROL). Your participation in the elections. Through their service, the response prepared new gross lies against the CPP and its leadership, Chairman Gonzalo. So nobody should be surprised! The Peruvian government and the reaction advertise ROL very much in this whole year by any means: advertising of their march at the University of San Marcos, with extensive coverage in the media about the seizure in the women's prison in Chorrillos, they have the blatant lie of "the marriage of Gonzalo and Miriam set "in order to succeed the chairman to present. You must combine all this with the reward of 5 million dollars from the United States against the leaders of the CPP - they say because of drug trafficking - and the realization of the operation of the helicopter for night use and the repression against the masses in Ayacucho. All this shows that the reaction and imperialism involved before the presidential elections in 2011, the CPP, the Stutz Punk areas and people's committees and the masses who support them and beat.
We condemn the rats of the ROL, which serve, as always, the plan of genocide of imperialism and the Peruvian reaction. The number of revisionists are selling even cheaper and it is up to and after the 2011 elections continue to be - they will sell themselves to the new government of the landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism - because these rats just want to save their revisionist dirty fur. We must therefore increase the campaign to defend the life of the chairman. The leader of the rats, Miriam, and the other rats of the ROL have proposed that the Chairman has already fulfilled its role, that they are a "new group" for this "new stage", they are preparing the conditions for the assassination of President Gonzalo. The rats of the ROL move to the necessity of the old state, they stand behind to destroy the tail of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie in their elections, and in their desperation the people's war.
Finally, we condemn, once again, the largest military intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism and its lackey García and his government, Ministers, Parliament, judiciary, political parties, each and every revisionist, rejecting the intervention and aggression and condemned. We call on all sons and daughters of our people to unite to fight against them.
We call upon all communist parties and revolutionary organizations in the world to promote the anti-imperialist campaign: Yankees go home! We increase
our compromise and welcome and express our subjection, again, to the CPP, the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, its Central Committee: Due to their continuous efforts and success in the reunification of the Peruvian people. Because of their overwhelming majority on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance, the masses decide mobilized to develop the democratic revolution as a national war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, with the holding up of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, with the rejection and the the surrender and the fight against revisionism, the rats of the ROL, with the insistence continues every day with the fight, tough and independent, for the seizure of power in the country, in view of the world proletarian revolution, of which we are more than connected each to the cause of communism, and hit the enemy precisely and powerfully, whoever he is, and more at Yankee imperialism.
We welcome the national liberation struggles that unfold in today's world, as part of the development of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.
condemn refuse We, and banish this statement this reactionary lackey of Yankee imperialism, which cries out for direct intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism, which has long been against our country. With the "Auto coup" by Fujimori (April 5, 1992), the Yankee imperialism started by the CIA, his "low intensity war" against the people's war directly to lead the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) results. Direct intervention and aggression, which has been rising since then as a secret war on the pretext of the "war on drugs" with troops, helicopters, satellites, military, etc., as servants of Garcia himself acknowledges in this statement. But then, why he has right now, this political statement in favor of military intervention predicated of Yankee imperialism, despite its later name "work" than to decorate it?
first Because of its imperialist Lord has command should him to say it, for it has increased its intervention in the Andean region, Peru. Because they need permission from the authorities in the country, according to the International Right to carry out their attacks, especially when they kill innocent civilians. Shall consult with the Obama's Ratings Obama: "they shall be a party to the legal authority of the country that underpin the actions of the Yankees Special Forces in the expansion will" (to be increased since the end of last year to 2011 by 60 countries to 75 countries) before the report of the United Nations from the first week of June this year, has made the power of government to carry out such actions in Pakistan in question.
is this shameless statement, since the legal reasoning that needs the Yankee imperialism, to increase its aggression against our country. So, he planned to increase the use of special forces against the people's war of resistance, which leads the CPP against him in Peru. In this way, Garcia is the lackey of the greatest imperialist genocide against our people. As we reported in our previous statement, the government of genocide Obama, offered in July this year, by their State Department offered a reward of $ 5 million for notes you make on the arrest of one that they as leaders of the CPP . denote
The drug trade or drug-terrorism "is a" weapon of imperialism to load moral superiority "that will lead the Yankee policy. But his intervention increases the prosperity of drugs, how in the nine years of imperialist intervention in Afghanistan has seen, where the opium flower as never before. Without that one goes too far in Peru, after decades of application of the "anti-drug treaties," "Help" and imperialist intervention has not melted the drug trade, but it has increased. Where to aim Garcia and all who develop their reactionary since the campaign in which people associate the war as a "drug terrorism" and call? Simple and easy to promote and support the intervention of Yankee imperialism and aggression, with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction. Only with the destruction of imperialism, we can eliminate all of its global ills such as drug trafficking. built with the development of the democratic revolution with the people's war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, the CPP the new, the new power, piece by piece sweeps the party the old State away with all the evils of the old society, such as drug trafficking .
His "clarification" that the Yankee troops "will be under the command of Peru," are just words from the lackey, the wind goes by because everyone knows that in every place the activities of the Special Operations Forces, as from any other military or police force of Yankee imperialism, coordinated with the U.S. ambassador, and under the operational control of four-star regional commander, in turn, by the Central Command, CENTCOM Yankee depends.
second Because of this fascist, genocide and land sales Garcia the need for stronger intervention and aggression to promote the Yankee imperialism, trying with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction to a decisive blow against the CPP before the presidential elections in to give 2011th Because he has failed in its third reactionary task, the destruction of people's war, because his so-called "Plan VRAE" the successes of people's war and the struggle of the masses has failed again, and because he feared, rightly, that the KPP new victories in the implementation of their campaign to boycott their local and regional elections and the general win elections next year.
On 26 August, Garcia said that the police require the support of the armed forces, and that they can participate, because "national defense, the intellectual defense and the defense of public safety." Garcia pointed out that to lose weight if needed "big computer search for the spirits of the crime and scare that require the "support and backing of the armed forces" is. In this way he seeks to manipulate public opinion in order to use the armed forces for internal repression under the pretext of fighting crime extensively. Accordingly, Garcia's government has adopted a series of legislative decrees, including, for the benefit of legal impunity for war crimes, which commit their armed forces and police in the counter-revolutionary war against the people's war and the repression of the protests of the masses. In it, some "critics" as "Law of disguised amnesty" for civil and military condemned genocide, as Garcia himself, his Vice President Gampietri, Montesinos, Fujimori, the "Colina Group" and so on, but they do not, that's mainly for the impunity of the perpetrators of the new genocide. Consequently, the political declaration Garcia - which invites the military intervention of Yankee imperialism - and that of his government adopted and implemented legislative decrees, such as that of "disguised amnesty" and other legal decrees and measures, such as repression (in Ayacucho and elsewhere) the mass leader - workers, farmers and residents of poor neighborhoods, students, pupils, and even the "ronderos" - Go hand to hand to the largest military intervention of Yankee imperialism "to justify legally. It is both part of the production of public opinion, legal documents and other preparations for even greater genocide against our people.
We also condemn that imperialism next to his genocidal plan its policy of "peace agreement" promotes, and that he is a role in the "insurgent movements," as long as they accept the surrender, renounce violence and are within their "democracy "lane. As part of this plan - in the current election, which exists until 2011 - Werbet the enemy's surrender and the insertion of the treacherous rats of the revisionist Rechtopportunistischen line (ROL). Your participation in the elections. Through their service, the response prepared new gross lies against the CPP and its leadership, Chairman Gonzalo. So nobody should be surprised! The Peruvian government and the reaction advertise ROL very much in this whole year by any means: advertising of their march at the University of San Marcos, with extensive coverage in the media about the seizure in the women's prison in Chorrillos, they have the blatant lie of "the marriage of Gonzalo and Miriam set "in order to succeed the chairman to present. You must combine all this with the reward of 5 million dollars from the United States against the leaders of the CPP - they say because of drug trafficking - and the realization of the operation of the helicopter for night use and the repression against the masses in Ayacucho. All this shows that the reaction and imperialism involved before the presidential elections in 2011, the CPP, the Stutz Punk areas and people's committees and the masses who support them and beat.
We condemn the rats of the ROL, which serve, as always, the plan of genocide of imperialism and the Peruvian reaction. The number of revisionists are selling even cheaper and it is up to and after the 2011 elections continue to be - they will sell themselves to the new government of the landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism - because these rats just want to save their revisionist dirty fur. We must therefore increase the campaign to defend the life of the chairman. The leader of the rats, Miriam, and the other rats of the ROL have proposed that the Chairman has already fulfilled its role, that they are a "new group" for this "new stage", they are preparing the conditions for the assassination of President Gonzalo. The rats of the ROL move to the necessity of the old state, they stand behind to destroy the tail of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie in their elections, and in their desperation the people's war.
Finally, we condemn, once again, the largest military intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism and its lackey García and his government, Ministers, Parliament, judiciary, political parties, each and every revisionist, rejecting the intervention and aggression and condemned. We call on all sons and daughters of our people to unite to fight against them.
We call upon all communist parties and revolutionary organizations in the world to promote the anti-imperialist campaign: Yankees go home! We increase
our compromise and welcome and express our subjection, again, to the CPP, the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, its Central Committee: Due to their continuous efforts and success in the reunification of the Peruvian people. Because of their overwhelming majority on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance, the masses decide mobilized to develop the democratic revolution as a national war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, with the holding up of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, with the rejection and the the surrender and the fight against revisionism, the rats of the ROL, with the insistence continues every day with the fight, tough and independent, for the seizure of power in the country, in view of the world proletarian revolution, of which we are more than connected each to the cause of communism, and hit the enemy precisely and powerfully, whoever he is, and more at Yankee imperialism.
We welcome the national liberation struggles that unfold in today's world, as part of the development of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.
Yankees go home!
We urge the public presentation live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!
popular movement Peru
September 2010
Here you can find the document on English and English
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Cubefield At Fun Brain
ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruch'n Cyta Vols
On Friday, 1 October heated ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruch'n Moderator Alexander Weber, a musical with his guests really. To the recording welcomes Alex Weber the original Zillertal and the two groups and the STS-Stubai Summit Zillertaler wind.
Click Revue
On Friday, 1 October heated ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruch'n Moderator Alexander Weber, a musical with his guests really. To the recording welcomes Alex Weber the original Zillertal and the two groups and the STS-Stubai Summit Zillertaler wind.
Click Revue
Monday, September 27, 2010
How Do You Catch Heatran In Pokemon Indigo
MUSIHIT with the MS Majesty Louis
That was the Musihit Mediterranean cruises on the MS Majesty Lois of 18 to 24 September 2010. + + + Route: Genoa - Marseilles - Port Mahon / Menorca - Tunis - Valletta / Malta - Trapani, Sicily - Genoa. + + + Have with a special musical program for all Port passengers booked on the ACR travel. + + + Also on Port were Alexandra Lexer, Oliver Haid, Andreas Gaballier, Graziano, Fidele Mölltaler and Goldried quintet. Photo Gallery # c1525
That was the Musihit Mediterranean cruises on the MS Majesty Lois of 18 to 24 September 2010. + + + Route: Genoa - Marseilles - Port Mahon / Menorca - Tunis - Valletta / Malta - Trapani, Sicily - Genoa. + + + Have with a special musical program for all Port passengers booked on the ACR travel. + + + Also on Port were Alexandra Lexer, Oliver Haid, Andreas Gaballier, Graziano, Fidele Mölltaler and Goldried quintet. Photo Gallery # c1525
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Cervical Position Blog
Friday, September 17, 2010
Joey Ramone With Conan O Brien
speech of the "alliance against anti-imperialist aggression" in the rally against the Yankee military bases in Colombia (German)
an end to U.S. intervention in Colombia!
run all over the world, the U.S. wars of aggression under the guise of "war on terror ". In countries such as Iraq and Somalia are the alleged "terrorists" Islamists. In Latin America, the alleged "terrorists" as "narco-terrorists" and are referred to the "war on terror" as part of the "war on drugs." Under this pretext, the United States intervene in countries such as Peru and Colombia. The United Nations has said that this is indeed the countries with the highest production of coca leaf. But in reality, the U.S. military intervention is justified, as everywhere in their
imperialist interests. So it is an unjust aggression, and must be decided by all progressive Forces to be rejected.
Colombia is the Latin American country in which the the most open U.S. military intervention. With an agreement between the governments of the United States and Colombia, on 30 Signed October 2009, the U.S. armed forces took over direct control of seven military bases. The most important of these bases is located in Palanquero. Formerly it was a base of the Colombian Army, which is now developed into a hub for the U.S. intervention in Latin America. There are there mainly C-17 aircraft are stationed. These are heavy transport planes for long distances. Which means they are in the intervention in other countries and not to the fight against "narco-terrorism" in Colombia, as you would have us believe (see studies by Diego Otero, former Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy). Another aspect of the North American intervention is the direct fight against the armed groups FARC and ELN with troops and helicopter gunships.
Colombia is at this moment target of a sinister imperialist aggression, on the one hand is against the Colombian people themselves and to transform the other hand the country to a U.S. outpost for the aggression in Latin America. The Colombian ruling class does not care about the country's sovereignty to defend. It is closely connected with the U.S. imperialism and is one of his unquestioning minions. The new president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, is a scion of the upper middle class, educated in leading universities of the imperialists. In his time as defense minister under the big drug dealers and ex-President Uribe he shed the blood of thousands of workers, peasants and students. The election in the approved less than a third of eligible voters for Santos, is now celebrated as a "victory" with 69.9% (of the valid votes). A cynical mockery. The majority of people in Colombia has not yet something of the President to the State he represents. Instead, they want a completely new society without oppression and exploitation.
Anyone who knows the situation in Colombia, knows that the ruling classes and the state and its armed forces (including the "paramilitaries") are the biggest drug dealer. Werdaran should still doubts, the recent statements by Rafael Garcia, former head of the DAS data processing view (directly subordinated to the President's secret police). It describes how the drug trade is organized. The same applies for instance to Peru, where it was discovered that one even the president's plane to transport drugs used. In the propaganda war of the CIA, however, the "subversive" movements FARC and ELN in Colombia are accused of "Narco-terrorism." The same applies to the PCP in Peru, then take a people's war. This is the intervention to be justified. This propaganda is all the more absurd when you know that the U.S. itself is the biggest drug dealer in the world in terms of their intelligence and that the drugs they used for the purpose of suppressing the population. Many of the poor see no way out other than the drugs and fall ill or die from it rather than to rebel against the established order. Also take advantage of the U.S., the drug for other regimes such as Iran or Russia destabilizing. If the U.S. were really interested in fighting drug trafficking, they would fight the demand for drugs in their own country, which required a change in their social system, rather than other states with war cover.
It is also important to have the sinister business of spying and harassment by the secret police to inform abroad (see reports from RCN-TV). This Colombian GESTAPO intends any opposition activity against the regime, even by citizens of other countries to register and to undermine. It should all be discredited, which in one way or another for the rights use of the Colombian people. With blackmail, pressure, and pure terror to be brought to silence those who dare to raise his voice in protest. It is necessary that all who want to defend the right of the oppressed to revolt, support the victims of this sinister activities effectively.
For the reasons described above, we express our total rejection of U.S. intervention in Colombia and other Latin American countries and the world.
Yankee go home!
end to the lie of "narco-terrorism"!
Rebellion is justified!
alliance against anti-imperialist Aggression
an end to U.S. intervention in Colombia!
run all over the world, the U.S. wars of aggression under the guise of "war on terror ". In countries such as Iraq and Somalia are the alleged "terrorists" Islamists. In Latin America, the alleged "terrorists" as "narco-terrorists" and are referred to the "war on terror" as part of the "war on drugs." Under this pretext, the United States intervene in countries such as Peru and Colombia. The United Nations has said that this is indeed the countries with the highest production of coca leaf. But in reality, the U.S. military intervention is justified, as everywhere in their
imperialist interests. So it is an unjust aggression, and must be decided by all progressive Forces to be rejected.
Colombia is the Latin American country in which the the most open U.S. military intervention. With an agreement between the governments of the United States and Colombia, on 30 Signed October 2009, the U.S. armed forces took over direct control of seven military bases. The most important of these bases is located in Palanquero. Formerly it was a base of the Colombian Army, which is now developed into a hub for the U.S. intervention in Latin America. There are there mainly C-17 aircraft are stationed. These are heavy transport planes for long distances. Which means they are in the intervention in other countries and not to the fight against "narco-terrorism" in Colombia, as you would have us believe (see studies by Diego Otero, former Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy). Another aspect of the North American intervention is the direct fight against the armed groups FARC and ELN with troops and helicopter gunships.
Colombia is at this moment target of a sinister imperialist aggression, on the one hand is against the Colombian people themselves and to transform the other hand the country to a U.S. outpost for the aggression in Latin America. The Colombian ruling class does not care about the country's sovereignty to defend. It is closely connected with the U.S. imperialism and is one of his unquestioning minions. The new president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, is a scion of the upper middle class, educated in leading universities of the imperialists. In his time as defense minister under the big drug dealers and ex-President Uribe he shed the blood of thousands of workers, peasants and students. The election in the approved less than a third of eligible voters for Santos, is now celebrated as a "victory" with 69.9% (of the valid votes). A cynical mockery. The majority of people in Colombia has not yet something of the President to the State he represents. Instead, they want a completely new society without oppression and exploitation.
Anyone who knows the situation in Colombia, knows that the ruling classes and the state and its armed forces (including the "paramilitaries") are the biggest drug dealer. Werdaran should still doubts, the recent statements by Rafael Garcia, former head of the DAS data processing view (directly subordinated to the President's secret police). It describes how the drug trade is organized. The same applies for instance to Peru, where it was discovered that one even the president's plane to transport drugs used. In the propaganda war of the CIA, however, the "subversive" movements FARC and ELN in Colombia are accused of "Narco-terrorism." The same applies to the PCP in Peru, then take a people's war. This is the intervention to be justified. This propaganda is all the more absurd when you know that the U.S. itself is the biggest drug dealer in the world in terms of their intelligence and that the drugs they used for the purpose of suppressing the population. Many of the poor see no way out other than the drugs and fall ill or die from it rather than to rebel against the established order. Also take advantage of the U.S., the drug for other regimes such as Iran or Russia destabilizing. If the U.S. were really interested in fighting drug trafficking, they would fight the demand for drugs in their own country, which required a change in their social system, rather than other states with war cover.
It is also important to have the sinister business of spying and harassment by the secret police to inform abroad (see reports from RCN-TV). This Colombian GESTAPO intends any opposition activity against the regime, even by citizens of other countries to register and to undermine. It should all be discredited, which in one way or another for the rights use of the Colombian people. With blackmail, pressure, and pure terror to be brought to silence those who dare to raise his voice in protest. It is necessary that all who want to defend the right of the oppressed to revolt, support the victims of this sinister activities effectively.
For the reasons described above, we express our total rejection of U.S. intervention in Colombia and other Latin American countries and the world.
Yankee go home!
end to the lie of "narco-terrorism"!
Rebellion is justified!
alliance against anti-imperialist Aggression
Words Of Advice For Someone Who Stressed
speech of VND in the rally against the Yankee military bases Colombia (German)
in an interview that was broadcast last Tuesday by the CNN in English, has the President of the old Peruvian state, Alan García Pérez, publicly called for a stronger military intervention of the United States in Peru. He said that "he would not respect sovereignty and patriotism", which could prevent a stronger military presence in the United States in the country. The pretext is once again the supposed "war on drugs-terrorism" and he claimed that the problem is the presence of Mexican drug cartels in Peru. This claim comes the same time as the statements of Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State, which insured that the Mexican cartels, the rebel forces in South America are very similar. This is a part of the strategy of the so-called "war of low intensity" of U.S. imperialism: first arrange that their unquestioning lackey Garcia publicly for greater interference calls - and then use the case of Mexico, at this intervention against the public opinion in the U.S. to justify itself and the rest of the world. Here is the scam of "drug-terrorism" as used as the swindle of the "Saddam's weapons of mass destruction" Use for the attack on Iraq and its occupation to this day.
This is all done to distract from the main goal of the North American military intervention in Peru: The fight against the Communist Party of Peru (CPP) led people's war. The CPP is in fact far from defeated, and instead take on its way, piece by piece, the power in the country. To this end, the United States has several military bases in Peru - fight directly to the military units of the DEA, as well as special units of the U.S. armed forces against the run of the CPP People's Liberation Army (PLA) - among others, in Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga . Israeli Mercenaries under the command of the Zionist General Ziv B. hired at the armed forces of the old Peruvian state to train in counter-insurgency. All organized by the CIA and its Peruvian servant.
The disinformation campaign on the "Sendero Luminoso has turned into a drug cartel" and the $ 5 million bounty exposed were the leaders of the Central Committee of the CPP, because he was a drug smuggler, are just another part of this plan . But in reality, the CPP has absolutely nothing to do with drug smuggling. What does the CPP, is the mobilization, politicization, organizing and arming the masses, especially the rural poor, through the policies of the People's War. The KPP guide the construction of people's committees and revolutionary base points exercise areas in which the masses themselves for power in a dictatorship, together with the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. Those who are really involved in the whole drug trade, the military and politicians of the old Peruvian state, as well as its bureaucracy and its officials from the president himself to the lowest local level. And we never forget that the biggest "cartel" to the world the CIA. It is this that since 2 World War and especially since the 60s of last century, the world's organized drug trafficking.
in Peru take the fight to the people. According to the reactionary so-called "defenders of the people" in August this year, 246 social conflicts were registered. In all parts of the country there are spontaneous strikes and work stoppages, demonstrations and violent clashes between the masses and the repressive institutions of the old state. At the same time, the reactionaries in the middle of campaigning for regional elections on 3 October. And what you can see it is that the revisionists and opportunists do not manage to deflect the anger of the people on the road to elections. At the same time, the actions of the PLA nest in their heads, as undeniable facts. Actions like the attack on a military base in Vizcatan 23 August with more than 30 war-grenades, the actions of the armed agitation and propaganda in Antilla, in Apurimac department on 1 September and the destruction of a military spy in the District of Huachocolpa, Huancavelica on 6 to name only 3 actions in recent weeks - September. Obviously these are not actions of "Mexican cartels" are but the military actions of the PLA within people's war. So it was no accident that the regime of Alan Garcia has adopted this month, among other things, the decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097th The first allowed to use the reactionary forces in every part of the country to suppress all what is vaguely described as "hostile group." That is, not only against the PLA, but also against any social protest. And with the second decree of impunity is precisely this paved the way Garcia, against whom a case is pending because of the mass murder in the prison on 19 June 1986. Similarly to the impunity for other murderers is made possible as the Colina group, and even the ex-president Fujimori.
The enemy is just before insoluble problems, how well the statement of the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras of 6 September can confirm. After his statements are the areas in which the most important revolutionary Base points are areas, in the year 2021 "normalized" to be. This shows that the response to target its wishful thinking of the irrefutable reality must be because of people's war to maintain its course. Against this background we can understand the statements of Alan Garcia as we better understand why the intervention of the United States is increasing in Peru. And the logical consequence of this is that the people's war is increasingly becoming a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression.
The military bases in Colombia to be used in this sense, a large strategic significance for the United States to wage its war in Peru. In fact, so are the bases in Colombia not only an aggression against Colombia, and an intensified intervention in the war there, but they are directed against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say:
end to the intervention of the Yankees in Latin America!
Yankee go home!
Association of New Democracy
September 2010
This is all done to distract from the main goal of the North American military intervention in Peru: The fight against the Communist Party of Peru (CPP) led people's war. The CPP is in fact far from defeated, and instead take on its way, piece by piece, the power in the country. To this end, the United States has several military bases in Peru - fight directly to the military units of the DEA, as well as special units of the U.S. armed forces against the run of the CPP People's Liberation Army (PLA) - among others, in Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga . Israeli Mercenaries under the command of the Zionist General Ziv B. hired at the armed forces of the old Peruvian state to train in counter-insurgency. All organized by the CIA and its Peruvian servant.
The disinformation campaign on the "Sendero Luminoso has turned into a drug cartel" and the $ 5 million bounty exposed were the leaders of the Central Committee of the CPP, because he was a drug smuggler, are just another part of this plan . But in reality, the CPP has absolutely nothing to do with drug smuggling. What does the CPP, is the mobilization, politicization, organizing and arming the masses, especially the rural poor, through the policies of the People's War. The KPP guide the construction of people's committees and revolutionary base points exercise areas in which the masses themselves for power in a dictatorship, together with the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. Those who are really involved in the whole drug trade, the military and politicians of the old Peruvian state, as well as its bureaucracy and its officials from the president himself to the lowest local level. And we never forget that the biggest "cartel" to the world the CIA. It is this that since 2 World War and especially since the 60s of last century, the world's organized drug trafficking.
in Peru take the fight to the people. According to the reactionary so-called "defenders of the people" in August this year, 246 social conflicts were registered. In all parts of the country there are spontaneous strikes and work stoppages, demonstrations and violent clashes between the masses and the repressive institutions of the old state. At the same time, the reactionaries in the middle of campaigning for regional elections on 3 October. And what you can see it is that the revisionists and opportunists do not manage to deflect the anger of the people on the road to elections. At the same time, the actions of the PLA nest in their heads, as undeniable facts. Actions like the attack on a military base in Vizcatan 23 August with more than 30 war-grenades, the actions of the armed agitation and propaganda in Antilla, in Apurimac department on 1 September and the destruction of a military spy in the District of Huachocolpa, Huancavelica on 6 to name only 3 actions in recent weeks - September. Obviously these are not actions of "Mexican cartels" are but the military actions of the PLA within people's war. So it was no accident that the regime of Alan Garcia has adopted this month, among other things, the decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097th The first allowed to use the reactionary forces in every part of the country to suppress all what is vaguely described as "hostile group." That is, not only against the PLA, but also against any social protest. And with the second decree of impunity is precisely this paved the way Garcia, against whom a case is pending because of the mass murder in the prison on 19 June 1986. Similarly to the impunity for other murderers is made possible as the Colina group, and even the ex-president Fujimori.
The enemy is just before insoluble problems, how well the statement of the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras of 6 September can confirm. After his statements are the areas in which the most important revolutionary Base points are areas, in the year 2021 "normalized" to be. This shows that the response to target its wishful thinking of the irrefutable reality must be because of people's war to maintain its course. Against this background we can understand the statements of Alan Garcia as we better understand why the intervention of the United States is increasing in Peru. And the logical consequence of this is that the people's war is increasingly becoming a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression.
The military bases in Colombia to be used in this sense, a large strategic significance for the United States to wage its war in Peru. In fact, so are the bases in Colombia not only an aggression against Colombia, and an intensified intervention in the war there, but they are directed against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say:
end to the intervention of the Yankees in Latin America!
Yankee go home!
Association of New Democracy
September 2010
En una entrevista
Where's Cervix Just Before Period
speech of VND in the rally against the Yankee military bases in Colombia (Spanish)
transmitida el martes pasado por la CNN en español, el presidente del viejo Estado peruano, Alan García Pérez, ha hecho una petición greater public intervention of the U.S. military in Peru. Has argued that "would not make patriotism a matter of sovereignty and" that somehow prevents most U.S. military presence in the country. The excuse - as is usual - is the "fight against narco-terrorism" and, he says, the problem is the presence of Mexican drug cartels in Peru, this statement coincides with statements a day after Hillary Clinton, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the U.S., where claims that Mexican cartels are very similar to the insurgent forces in South America. That's part of the strategy low intensity warfare developed by the U.S. imperialism: first, make your lackey unconditional Garcia made a public appeal for greater intervention and then use the case of Mexico to justify to the public in the same U.S. and the rest of the world. All supported by the hoax on "narco-terrorism", like how they used the lie about "weapons of mass destruction Saddam to justify the war of aggression against Iraq and occupation of it until today.
All this to deflect attention from the central point is that U.S. military intervention in Peru with its main objective: to combat People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), which far from being defeated is building brick by brick the conquest of power throughout the country. For this purpose, the U.S. already have several bases in Peru - including those of Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga - and both militarized units of the DEA as the same Special Forces of the U.S. Armed Forces are fighting directly against the Army People's Liberation led by the PCP. And Israeli mercenaries have been commissioned under the command of General Zionist Ziv B., training of the armed forces of the old Peruvian state for war against subversives. All organized by the CIA and its servants Peruvians.
is therefore part of this plan, the massive disinformation campaign on that "Shining Path has become a drug cartel" and the reward of U.S. $ 5 million set by the head of someone who claims to be the head of the Central Committee PCP - for allegedly being "drug dealer." But the real and concrete is that the PCP has nothing to do with drug trafficking, which the PCP is to mobilize, politicize, organize and arm the masses, especially the rural poor, with people's war. The PCP directs the construction of People's Committees and revolutionary base where the masses themselves exercise power in a joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. That if you are involved with everything in the drug trade, are the military and police forces of the old Peruvian state, just as its bureaucracy and officials from the president himself and his party until the last local level. And never forget that the "sign" the world's largest is the CIA, they are from the second world war, and a higher level since the early 60 of the last century, organized drug trafficking worldwide.
In Peru, increase people's struggles, as reactionary authority "Ombudsman" was recorded 246 social conflict in August this year; all over the country there are strikes, demonstrations, violent clashes between the masses and the repressive forces of the old state. At the same time the reaction is in full campaign for regional elections scheduled for October 3 and what it can see is that the revisionists and opportunists can not channel popular anger at the way electioneering. In this action are made by crushing the mind as undeniable materials. Actions as an attack on a military base on 23 August Vizcatán, which was launched more than 30 grenades of war, the actions of armed propaganda and agitation Antilla, department of Apurimac, the first of September, and the annihilation of an army spy Huachocolpa district, Huancavelica, September 6 - just to mention three actions in recent weeks - of course they are not actions of "Mexican cartels' but the PLA are military actions in the War. So it is not by chance that the regime of Alan Garcia this month tax, among others, Legislative Decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097 -, with the first, authorizes the use of the reactionary armed forces to suppress, in any part of the Spain, which vaguely defined as "hate group", ie not only against the EPL but against any social protest, and the second opens the door to impunity the same Garcia (who has a pending case for genocide in the prisons of June 19, 1986) and other murderers as the Colina group and even the Fujimori. They, then, can not solve problems, so the statements by the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras, September 6, which states that only since 2021 are areas where the major Bases revolutionary support will be "normalized" to demonstrate how they have to adjust your dreams to reality irrefutable black people's war is still on track.
is so we can better understand the statements of Alan Garcia, is so we can understand Why is increasing the U.S. intervention in Peru, and the logical consequence of this is that the increasingly popular war unfolds as a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression. Military bases in Colombia in this regard will also serve as a strategic foothold for the U.S. to develop its war in Peru. In particular, such a basis that constitutes not only an attack on Colombia and greater intervention in its internal war but against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say: Down
U.S. intervention in Latin America!
¡Yanqui go home!
Asociación de Nueva Democracia
Septiembre 2010
All this to deflect attention from the central point is that U.S. military intervention in Peru with its main objective: to combat People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), which far from being defeated is building brick by brick the conquest of power throughout the country. For this purpose, the U.S. already have several bases in Peru - including those of Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga - and both militarized units of the DEA as the same Special Forces of the U.S. Armed Forces are fighting directly against the Army People's Liberation led by the PCP. And Israeli mercenaries have been commissioned under the command of General Zionist Ziv B., training of the armed forces of the old Peruvian state for war against subversives. All organized by the CIA and its servants Peruvians.
is therefore part of this plan, the massive disinformation campaign on that "Shining Path has become a drug cartel" and the reward of U.S. $ 5 million set by the head of someone who claims to be the head of the Central Committee PCP - for allegedly being "drug dealer." But the real and concrete is that the PCP has nothing to do with drug trafficking, which the PCP is to mobilize, politicize, organize and arm the masses, especially the rural poor, with people's war. The PCP directs the construction of People's Committees and revolutionary base where the masses themselves exercise power in a joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. That if you are involved with everything in the drug trade, are the military and police forces of the old Peruvian state, just as its bureaucracy and officials from the president himself and his party until the last local level. And never forget that the "sign" the world's largest is the CIA, they are from the second world war, and a higher level since the early 60 of the last century, organized drug trafficking worldwide.
In Peru, increase people's struggles, as reactionary authority "Ombudsman" was recorded 246 social conflict in August this year; all over the country there are strikes, demonstrations, violent clashes between the masses and the repressive forces of the old state. At the same time the reaction is in full campaign for regional elections scheduled for October 3 and what it can see is that the revisionists and opportunists can not channel popular anger at the way electioneering. In this action are made by crushing the mind as undeniable materials. Actions as an attack on a military base on 23 August Vizcatán, which was launched more than 30 grenades of war, the actions of armed propaganda and agitation Antilla, department of Apurimac, the first of September, and the annihilation of an army spy Huachocolpa district, Huancavelica, September 6 - just to mention three actions in recent weeks - of course they are not actions of "Mexican cartels' but the PLA are military actions in the War. So it is not by chance that the regime of Alan Garcia this month tax, among others, Legislative Decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097 -, with the first, authorizes the use of the reactionary armed forces to suppress, in any part of the Spain, which vaguely defined as "hate group", ie not only against the EPL but against any social protest, and the second opens the door to impunity the same Garcia (who has a pending case for genocide in the prisons of June 19, 1986) and other murderers as the Colina group and even the Fujimori. They, then, can not solve problems, so the statements by the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras, September 6, which states that only since 2021 are areas where the major Bases revolutionary support will be "normalized" to demonstrate how they have to adjust your dreams to reality irrefutable black people's war is still on track.
is so we can better understand the statements of Alan Garcia, is so we can understand Why is increasing the U.S. intervention in Peru, and the logical consequence of this is that the increasingly popular war unfolds as a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression. Military bases in Colombia in this regard will also serve as a strategic foothold for the U.S. to develop its war in Peru. In particular, such a basis that constitutes not only an attack on Colombia and greater intervention in its internal war but against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say: Down
U.S. intervention in Latin America!
¡Yanqui go home!
Asociación de Nueva Democracia
Septiembre 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Risk Of Herpes Escort
know where it tastes best. The bakery Ruetz team spoiled the 4.Brotbackfest with bakery treats and much more viles mehr.Lustige animal motifs and was in the children's back-office gebacken.ORF Radio Tirol reported live from the bakery Ruetz Arlberg. Photo Gallery
know where it tastes best. The bakery Ruetz team spoiled the 4.Brotbackfest with bakery treats and much more viles mehr.Lustige animal motifs and was in the children's back-office gebacken.ORF Radio Tirol reported live from the bakery Ruetz Arlberg. Photo Gallery
Long Sparkler Birthday Candles
ORF Radio Tirol on the chalet
On Sunday, 12 September 2010 found an ORF breakfast at the chalet in St. Anton a. A. statt.Durch this Livsendung led Brunch Moderator Harry Prünster.Musikalische guests Wildschönauer and Rieder, summit-striker. The chalet team made free tours through the alpine flowers and herbs, and invited to tastings of herbal products. >> Click To Review>>
On Sunday, 12 September 2010 found an ORF breakfast at the chalet in St. Anton a. A. statt.Durch this Livsendung led Brunch Moderator Harry Prünster.Musikalische guests Wildschönauer and Rieder, summit-striker. The chalet team made free tours through the alpine flowers and herbs, and invited to tastings of herbal products. >> Click To Review>>
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Left Middle Fingertip Is Swollen
200 years brewery Stark Mountain with ORF brunch
Stark Mountain & Castle 700 years 200 years brewery Stark Mountain: This had to be celebrated with a big party program for children and adults. ORF Radio Tirol and a brunch on 5 September, this time moderated by Moderator Alexander Weber. The Hattinger Buam, Freddy Pfister band Lavantaler and the Zillertal enthusiastic while the guests! Click Revue
Stark Mountain & Castle 700 years 200 years brewery Stark Mountain: This had to be celebrated with a big party program for children and adults. ORF Radio Tirol and a brunch on 5 September, this time moderated by Moderator Alexander Weber. The Hattinger Buam, Freddy Pfister band Lavantaler and the Zillertal enthusiastic while the guests! Click Revue
Friday, September 10, 2010
Noma Electric Thermostat Instructions
Grand Prix winner at the Fall Festival
For the 5th Time required the Zillertal costume world back a lot of guest stars. And for 4.Mal with a record of the ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn with presenter Alexander Weber. It was the newly crowned Grand Prix winner Belsy & Florian Fesler, for all Oberkrainer Saso Avsenik friends with his Oberkrainer, as are the Alps and the Alps rebel striker could inspire the audience.
>> Click To Review>>
For the 5th Time required the Zillertal costume world back a lot of guest stars. And for 4.Mal with a record of the ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn with presenter Alexander Weber. It was the newly crowned Grand Prix winner Belsy & Florian Fesler, for all Oberkrainer Saso Avsenik friends with his Oberkrainer, as are the Alps and the Alps rebel striker could inspire the audience.
>> Click To Review>>
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Kates Playground Real Images
Goldried quintet 30'ger Party
From 3 - 5 Sept. 2010 celebrated the gold Ried - Quintet in Matreier Tauern Center its 30th anniversary. In the gallery, the photos of the start of a great musician 30'ger Party, been there, Ingo Rotter, the merry Mölltaler, Viera sheet Oberkrainer Power, the Hegl, Ensemble Osttirol and Anika Plattler Purgstall from LA and of course the gold Ried - Quintet. tirol click congratulates the anniversaries again warmly .>> go to Photo Review>>
From 3 - 5 Sept. 2010 celebrated the gold Ried - Quintet in Matreier Tauern Center its 30th anniversary. In the gallery, the photos of the start of a great musician 30'ger Party, been there, Ingo Rotter, the merry Mölltaler, Viera sheet Oberkrainer Power, the Hegl, Ensemble Osttirol and Anika Plattler Purgstall from LA and of course the gold Ried - Quintet. tirol click congratulates the anniversaries again warmly .>> go to Photo Review>>
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Leaking Pee In Panties
About the People's Liberation Army
On 20 August, reported the Peruvian reactionary press, that a unit of the People's Liberation Army in the village Pulpería has seen in the province of Huanta, department of Ayacucho . According to the "del Frente Policial VRAE (police of indulging VRAEs) the zone by the Communist Party of Peru is controlled.
On 20 August, reported the Peruvian reactionary press, that a unit of the People's Liberation Army in the village Pulpería has seen in the province of Huanta, department of Ayacucho . According to the "del Frente Policial VRAE (police of indulging VRAEs) the zone by the Communist Party of Peru is controlled.
Audio For Ibm Thinkcentre 8215
editorial in the No. 34 Red Sun (French). New
friends have sent us the translated in French editorial in the magazine Red Sun (Sol Rojo ).
This issue of the journal, El Sol Rojo No. 34, is dedicated to the international campaign that is taking place under the aegis of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) through the party apparatus, the Movement People of Peru (MPP).
The campaign began on 17 April this year with the International Conference in Stockholm and continued with the International Conference in Madrid. The campaign was conducted with a strong ideological and political foundation for the party and supported by the development of the People's War in Peru.
The campaign is the propaganda of the People's War in Peru led by the PCP in applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo and thought by means of which the party finds solutions to all the new problems that arise on the path of revolution, how to stay the course and how to defend and develop the new power, the main objective of Maoism. It is the party who runs this campaign and who supports the war People and the MPP.
The beginning of the campaign and its development has crushed any attempt to isolate it, to sabotage or to empty mainly around all those who call themselves "Maoist" people's war but not without new powers. This proves that PCP supports the world revolution, but it can also rely on its own strength, crushing all who seek to impose their own vision of Maoism. It also shows that politics conducted by the Party in the country is valid everywhere.
The campaign also serves to strengthen our presence abroad, to support and impose Maoism and crush all new revisionism, fighting parliamentary cretinism, a stakeholder in the imperialist plan of "peace agreements" in addition to their genocide for a sellout of the people.
This international campaign is specific in that it consolidates, and the Party, the bases in " service of the jump that requires global revolution."
All parties and all organizations of the international communist movement, and within those who belong to the MRI were also informed that PCP "request the convening of a Conference of the Enlarged MRI with the participation of all members with the agenda of our position on the following:
1 .- Review of the implementation of Maoism. The fundamentals of Maoism and the Great Cultural Revolution.
2 .- Experience of the international proletariat, mostly of those who develop the People's War.
3 .- The fight against revisionism today.
It's clear and firm position of our part in the international communist movement because the systematic application of Maoism is a need for the communist world, and we apply it since the triumph of the Chinese Revolution, keeping in mind the position of PCP that has defined the new Maoism as third and ultimate stage of Marxism. Being a Marxist today is being a Maoist. "
We realized through messages and greetings received after the convening of the Stockholm and Madrid, political parties and organizations from different countries responded to the call. Despite some differences in form, they are trying to validate the position of PCP and the agenda he proposes. We're providing our readers in this issue of Sol Rojo.
With the development of the People's War in Peru, the PCP is at the service of world revolution in upholding the universal validity of Maoism. To that end, Maoism can take the lead in the world revolution.
As we teach the President Gonzalo, the Communists are the components of a single class in the world, they are an integral part of the international proletariat that swarms with the same class interests and with destiny is inextricably linked. Therefore we must take the lead of proletarian internationalism. A specific revolution must always be considered related to the world revolution, especially as we grow in the new era that began with the October Revolution, and specifically in 1917, it is glorious revolution and marking a milestone in history.
We Communists have to contribute to the world revolution by developing people's war. As President Gonzalo has reiterated on various occasions, it exists in the PNP and has been a real Mariátegui tradition of concern for proletarian internationalism. Because if we do not believe in communism, we can not be communists. Communism has no place in a single country, it will take place throughout the entire world or will occur anywhere. The historical trend is that it will happen. This, no doubt we will.
Our popular war has shattered the big lie of the reaction which claimed that the war was defeated. We fought, crushed and topped with a powerful counterrevolution genocide, we crossed rivers of blood for more than 30 years, and all these years of development of the People's War in Peru have shown the world that this war is victorious and invincible, it brings the best and that She knew, by the heroism it provides, it forges and maintains the living, find new fans because its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, as thought by Gonzalo in Peru, is motivated and driven by solid convictions. Only men firmly believe can change the world. This is not bigotry, they are backed by a passionate belief and an unquenchable desire. It is also proof that we can say that the powerful ideology that we serve worldwide, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, can guide and lead the world revolution. People's War confirms that ideology has not been defeated as claimed and dreamed of imperialism, revisionism and world reaction. Despite all the campaigns counterrevolutionaries general, our ideology still exists and grows in strength.
People's War in Peru, like all the others who are running or in preparation, shows that our ideology, Maoism is now embodied in the international proletariat and among the peoples of the world Communist Parties in generating a new kind.
The experience of People's War in Peru is a testament to the worldwide application of the fundamentals of Maoism, the conquest and defense of the new power. It is on this basis that the party supports the debate on the application to crush the Maoist revisionism and fight parliamentary cretinism. And this debate is a need for the international communist movement, and within it, for the revolutionary movement International (MRI). The party is trying to promote participation in the discussion of revolutionary organizations and the Communist parties of different countries. The plan - start the debate - with the points cited in the political agenda in document CC PCP at the international conference in Stockholm will materialize this year and will continue next year.
The national and international situation is favorable for progress in this fight. It must be assumed that the organization must follow the ideological and political issue and it depends on the fluidity of people's war, and all this also has a positive influence and direct throughout the international communist movement (ICM). During the capture of President Gonzalo in 1992, the trend line of the party mourned the loss of the president, then recovered and was nurtured by the CIA in 1993 before restructuring and to promote "peace agreements", always handled by SIN-CIA. From 1999 to 2000, "Feliciano (LOD), the c. Avakian and the CIA approached with interest people's war in Nepal, thereby contributing to its conversion to capitulationism. It is at this moment that the MRI is in crisis. Today they bear the brunt of the backlash problems in Peru and Nepal, and they can not take a position as they would have done. Others want to survive and they are trying to obtain information on PCP, they want to know what our situation.
In 2010, the People's War kept the course, the LOD running for office, she uncovers a grotesque manner. C. The
Avakian and the RCP-USA and the others can not continue, because there's nothing they can benefit and seek other means. For this reason, the c. Avakian suggested that MCI is subject to its famous "synthesis", ie among other union with the revisionists of all kinds.
It is for this reason that the international campaign of the PNP is just as well as a specific campaign in the countryside to Maoism, to impose as a single command and guide the world revolution. Is the appropriate time for a bold move to Peru and abroad. The national and international situation is favorable for such an advanced, the winds are favorable. The new revisionists abroad and the rats of the LOD in Peru will change arguments for their participation in elections or to sink into the cretinism parliamentarian.
All this shows that the new revisionists rush, trying to accommodate the situation in Peru, Nepal and elsewhere. It was instead the role of Maoists from around the world show that in Nepal, there has not been abandoned. It is rather a false application of Maoism. For this to be an example to the Maoists, not to get bogged down in the same way, we must refocus on the fundamentals of Maoism that are gaining power and his defense by the people's war.
So also the task of the Maoists to seek to revolve around people's wars that thrive in the world. That is what is the current international campaign of the PNP. This commitment will show the world that the new revisionists astray on the way out of date for elections and the Maoists of the world to initiate and develop people's wars.
We are not in the strategic withdrawal of world revolution as suggested by the LOD. We must be clear: the response wanted to use the isolation of Chairman Gonzalo to believe he was behind the theory of "strategic retreat" in Peru and the world, claiming also that it was he who held the fundamental choice this fall and it was the role of c. Avakian to endorse the committee and the MRI was responsible for launching propaganda. Thus the reaction to swallow the lie to the Communist Party of Nepal to renounce all violence revolutionary. The reaction
dreamed popular stop wars and now they want to publicize the new revisionism in the electoral process. Whatever kind of party that participates in elections as long as it defends its constitution but not their old state form.
By maintaining heading, sinking with the LOD support and assistance of the media reaction, but some see this as a reactionary outrage. They feel wounded, while giving their approval to the final LOD saying "they submit to the old democratic order." Their great lie, namely the use of President Gonzalo to believe that he theorizes that "the downturn" has failed, and also failed the new revisionism, the deactivation is Corima in the demonstration. We must unmask
all those who served this sinister imperialist plan and work to unite the communist revolutionaries of the world. All Communists are experienced, evidence supporting the history of MCI. There are letters from PCCH directed against the revisionist CPSU which have caused great controversy. There is also a film by Costa Gavras, The Confession (1970) with Yves Montand, which tells the story of a Czech Communist leader, against which the revisionists have built a propaganda show, a big lie based on the statements of inmate will confess against his own convictions. Seeing this film, even at that time, President Gonzalo had warned us: the revisionists are doing the same thing with us. Because we are Communists and members of the international party, we have experience and we are not surprised by their assemblies and their lies that speak of "surrender" and applying policies already outdated and have failed. But if, even in Peru and despite a very hard communists persisted in developing people's war is that they have shown they are fighting for communism. Also, communists and revolutionaries around the world have to fight for their units by developing people's wars.
For all the Sol Rojo salutes the brilliant success of this international campaign of the PNP, which develops through the MPP, which is currently placing its bases "serve to storm the world revolution demands. "
The journal editorial Sol Rojo
June 2010
We welcome the brilliant success of the international campaign of the Communist Party of Peru with the theme: apply Maoism and revisionism crush! Combat parliamentary cretinism!
This issue of the journal, El Sol Rojo No. 34, is dedicated to the international campaign that is taking place under the aegis of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) through the party apparatus, the Movement People of Peru (MPP).
The campaign began on 17 April this year with the International Conference in Stockholm and continued with the International Conference in Madrid. The campaign was conducted with a strong ideological and political foundation for the party and supported by the development of the People's War in Peru.
The campaign is the propaganda of the People's War in Peru led by the PCP in applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo and thought by means of which the party finds solutions to all the new problems that arise on the path of revolution, how to stay the course and how to defend and develop the new power, the main objective of Maoism. It is the party who runs this campaign and who supports the war People and the MPP.
The beginning of the campaign and its development has crushed any attempt to isolate it, to sabotage or to empty mainly around all those who call themselves "Maoist" people's war but not without new powers. This proves that PCP supports the world revolution, but it can also rely on its own strength, crushing all who seek to impose their own vision of Maoism. It also shows that politics conducted by the Party in the country is valid everywhere.
The campaign also serves to strengthen our presence abroad, to support and impose Maoism and crush all new revisionism, fighting parliamentary cretinism, a stakeholder in the imperialist plan of "peace agreements" in addition to their genocide for a sellout of the people.
This international campaign is specific in that it consolidates, and the Party, the bases in " service of the jump that requires global revolution."
All parties and all organizations of the international communist movement, and within those who belong to the MRI were also informed that PCP "request the convening of a Conference of the Enlarged MRI with the participation of all members with the agenda of our position on the following:
1 .- Review of the implementation of Maoism. The fundamentals of Maoism and the Great Cultural Revolution.
2 .- Experience of the international proletariat, mostly of those who develop the People's War.
3 .- The fight against revisionism today.
It's clear and firm position of our part in the international communist movement because the systematic application of Maoism is a need for the communist world, and we apply it since the triumph of the Chinese Revolution, keeping in mind the position of PCP that has defined the new Maoism as third and ultimate stage of Marxism. Being a Marxist today is being a Maoist. "
We realized through messages and greetings received after the convening of the Stockholm and Madrid, political parties and organizations from different countries responded to the call. Despite some differences in form, they are trying to validate the position of PCP and the agenda he proposes. We're providing our readers in this issue of Sol Rojo.
This campaign is developing within the campaign to impose Maoism as a single command and guide the world revolution .
With the development of the People's War in Peru, the PCP is at the service of world revolution in upholding the universal validity of Maoism. To that end, Maoism can take the lead in the world revolution.
As we teach the President Gonzalo, the Communists are the components of a single class in the world, they are an integral part of the international proletariat that swarms with the same class interests and with destiny is inextricably linked. Therefore we must take the lead of proletarian internationalism. A specific revolution must always be considered related to the world revolution, especially as we grow in the new era that began with the October Revolution, and specifically in 1917, it is glorious revolution and marking a milestone in history.
We Communists have to contribute to the world revolution by developing people's war. As President Gonzalo has reiterated on various occasions, it exists in the PNP and has been a real Mariátegui tradition of concern for proletarian internationalism. Because if we do not believe in communism, we can not be communists. Communism has no place in a single country, it will take place throughout the entire world or will occur anywhere. The historical trend is that it will happen. This, no doubt we will.
Our popular war has shattered the big lie of the reaction which claimed that the war was defeated. We fought, crushed and topped with a powerful counterrevolution genocide, we crossed rivers of blood for more than 30 years, and all these years of development of the People's War in Peru have shown the world that this war is victorious and invincible, it brings the best and that She knew, by the heroism it provides, it forges and maintains the living, find new fans because its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, as thought by Gonzalo in Peru, is motivated and driven by solid convictions. Only men firmly believe can change the world. This is not bigotry, they are backed by a passionate belief and an unquenchable desire. It is also proof that we can say that the powerful ideology that we serve worldwide, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, can guide and lead the world revolution. People's War confirms that ideology has not been defeated as claimed and dreamed of imperialism, revisionism and world reaction. Despite all the campaigns counterrevolutionaries general, our ideology still exists and grows in strength.
People's War in Peru, like all the others who are running or in preparation, shows that our ideology, Maoism is now embodied in the international proletariat and among the peoples of the world Communist Parties in generating a new kind.
The experience of People's War in Peru is a testament to the worldwide application of the fundamentals of Maoism, the conquest and defense of the new power. It is on this basis that the party supports the debate on the application to crush the Maoist revisionism and fight parliamentary cretinism. And this debate is a need for the international communist movement, and within it, for the revolutionary movement International (MRI). The party is trying to promote participation in the discussion of revolutionary organizations and the Communist parties of different countries. The plan - start the debate - with the points cited in the political agenda in document CC PCP at the international conference in Stockholm will materialize this year and will continue next year.
The national and international situation is favorable for progress in this fight. It must be assumed that the organization must follow the ideological and political issue and it depends on the fluidity of people's war, and all this also has a positive influence and direct throughout the international communist movement (ICM). During the capture of President Gonzalo in 1992, the trend line of the party mourned the loss of the president, then recovered and was nurtured by the CIA in 1993 before restructuring and to promote "peace agreements", always handled by SIN-CIA. From 1999 to 2000, "Feliciano (LOD), the c. Avakian and the CIA approached with interest people's war in Nepal, thereby contributing to its conversion to capitulationism. It is at this moment that the MRI is in crisis. Today they bear the brunt of the backlash problems in Peru and Nepal, and they can not take a position as they would have done. Others want to survive and they are trying to obtain information on PCP, they want to know what our situation.
In 2010, the People's War kept the course, the LOD running for office, she uncovers a grotesque manner. C. The
Avakian and the RCP-USA and the others can not continue, because there's nothing they can benefit and seek other means. For this reason, the c. Avakian suggested that MCI is subject to its famous "synthesis", ie among other union with the revisionists of all kinds.
It is for this reason that the international campaign of the PNP is just as well as a specific campaign in the countryside to Maoism, to impose as a single command and guide the world revolution. Is the appropriate time for a bold move to Peru and abroad. The national and international situation is favorable for such an advanced, the winds are favorable. The new revisionists abroad and the rats of the LOD in Peru will change arguments for their participation in elections or to sink into the cretinism parliamentarian.
All this shows that the new revisionists rush, trying to accommodate the situation in Peru, Nepal and elsewhere. It was instead the role of Maoists from around the world show that in Nepal, there has not been abandoned. It is rather a false application of Maoism. For this to be an example to the Maoists, not to get bogged down in the same way, we must refocus on the fundamentals of Maoism that are gaining power and his defense by the people's war.
So also the task of the Maoists to seek to revolve around people's wars that thrive in the world. That is what is the current international campaign of the PNP. This commitment will show the world that the new revisionists astray on the way out of date for elections and the Maoists of the world to initiate and develop people's wars.
We are not in the strategic withdrawal of world revolution as suggested by the LOD. We must be clear: the response wanted to use the isolation of Chairman Gonzalo to believe he was behind the theory of "strategic retreat" in Peru and the world, claiming also that it was he who held the fundamental choice this fall and it was the role of c. Avakian to endorse the committee and the MRI was responsible for launching propaganda. Thus the reaction to swallow the lie to the Communist Party of Nepal to renounce all violence revolutionary. The reaction
dreamed popular stop wars and now they want to publicize the new revisionism in the electoral process. Whatever kind of party that participates in elections as long as it defends its constitution but not their old state form.
By maintaining heading, sinking with the LOD support and assistance of the media reaction, but some see this as a reactionary outrage. They feel wounded, while giving their approval to the final LOD saying "they submit to the old democratic order." Their great lie, namely the use of President Gonzalo to believe that he theorizes that "the downturn" has failed, and also failed the new revisionism, the deactivation is Corima in the demonstration. We must unmask
all those who served this sinister imperialist plan and work to unite the communist revolutionaries of the world. All Communists are experienced, evidence supporting the history of MCI. There are letters from PCCH directed against the revisionist CPSU which have caused great controversy. There is also a film by Costa Gavras, The Confession (1970) with Yves Montand, which tells the story of a Czech Communist leader, against which the revisionists have built a propaganda show, a big lie based on the statements of inmate will confess against his own convictions. Seeing this film, even at that time, President Gonzalo had warned us: the revisionists are doing the same thing with us. Because we are Communists and members of the international party, we have experience and we are not surprised by their assemblies and their lies that speak of "surrender" and applying policies already outdated and have failed. But if, even in Peru and despite a very hard communists persisted in developing people's war is that they have shown they are fighting for communism. Also, communists and revolutionaries around the world have to fight for their units by developing people's wars.
For all the Sol Rojo salutes the brilliant success of this international campaign of the PNP, which develops through the MPP, which is currently placing its bases "serve to storm the world revolution demands. "
The journal editorial Sol Rojo
June 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Is It Legal To Declaw A Cat In Ontario
"We will tell our children once full of pride that we the Grand Prix have won,"
Belsy and Florian Fesl for Germany won the jubilee edition of the Grand Prix of Folk Music. Her song "I'm glad Tues", composed of the Alps Trio musicians Chris Purton and Mario Wolf, reached in Austria and South Tyrol in each case the highest score.
Although uncommon, but they are still there, the honest folk music among the stars, those that are not made by great talent shows and artificially drilled into the limelight. The smart Südtiroler success Belsy singer and the darkening Bayer Florian Fesl are artists with a heart. Interpreters who could look into the eyes - not only on stage. The two are also a pair. First time the two young stars pass settled with their GP post-"I picked Tues like 'insight into their private happiness.
Both can already successful experience at the Grand Prix point of folk music: the native Indian Belsy won in 2003, the 3rd Place at Europe's largest folk music competition, in 2004 she won the outstanding 2nd Place and finally secured in 2006 (a duet with Rudy Giovannini) for the coveted trophy. At least since the summer of 2008 include Florian Fesl to the fixed sizes in the popular show business. In addition to his successful participation in the Grand Prix of Folk Music, 2009, the Bayer primarily through its ten-time participation in the summer hit parade of ARD Show "Every Sunday" and his hit "Summer without end, "the darling of the heart.
The cross-border love between Tyrol and Bavaria could lead to a sustainable success story of this new generation of folk music ...
"We will tell our children once full of pride that we the Grand Prix have won,"
Belsy and Florian Fesl for Germany won the jubilee edition of the Grand Prix of Folk Music. Her song "I'm glad Tues", composed of the Alps Trio musicians Chris Purton and Mario Wolf, reached in Austria and South Tyrol in each case the highest score.
Although uncommon, but they are still there, the honest folk music among the stars, those that are not made by great talent shows and artificially drilled into the limelight. The smart Südtiroler success Belsy singer and the darkening Bayer Florian Fesl are artists with a heart. Interpreters who could look into the eyes - not only on stage. The two are also a pair. First time the two young stars pass settled with their GP post-"I picked Tues like 'insight into their private happiness.
Both can already successful experience at the Grand Prix point of folk music: the native Indian Belsy won in 2003, the 3rd Place at Europe's largest folk music competition, in 2004 she won the outstanding 2nd Place and finally secured in 2006 (a duet with Rudy Giovannini) for the coveted trophy. At least since the summer of 2008 include Florian Fesl to the fixed sizes in the popular show business. In addition to his successful participation in the Grand Prix of Folk Music, 2009, the Bayer primarily through its ten-time participation in the summer hit parade of ARD Show "Every Sunday" and his hit "Summer without end, "the darling of the heart.
The cross-border love between Tyrol and Bavaria could lead to a sustainable success story of this new generation of folk music ...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Can Wine Turn Stool Black
emcee Harry Prünster
Since 1970, Harry Prünster than ORF radio host many entertainment-operate. In 1991 he won the "Gaudimax" tournament of the Bavarian television depends on his job as a teacher at the nail and starts his TV career. Attention camera! * Austria * Oh you my Advent to springtime, ORF television brunch and "Night liabste Hütt'n" are some of his most successful programs. Prünster Harry is a gifted teller of jokes, enthusiastic singer and musician, humorous moderator dialect diversity. Since October 2008, Harry again hosted three times a month, the ORF Radio Tirol bite to eat.
Since 1970, Harry Prünster than ORF radio host many entertainment-operate. In 1991 he won the "Gaudimax" tournament of the Bavarian television depends on his job as a teacher at the nail and starts his TV career. Attention camera! * Austria * Oh you my Advent to springtime, ORF television brunch and "Night liabste Hütt'n" are some of his most successful programs. Prünster Harry is a gifted teller of jokes, enthusiastic singer and musician, humorous moderator dialect diversity. Since October 2008, Harry again hosted three times a month, the ORF Radio Tirol bite to eat.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Woke Up Dizzy And Off Balance
actions and mass work of the People's Liberation Army
Am 05. August , in Huanuco Department, gab es einen Kampf zwischen der Einheiten und Einheiten der reaktionären Streitkräfte Volksbefreiungsarmee im Bezirk José Crespo y Castillo in Leoncio Prados Provinz. Ein von den Sargent reaktionären Streitskräfte was shot. Ten days later, on 15 August has informed the reactionary press that, in the northern parts of the province La Mar in the department of Ayacucho, units of the People's Liberation Army in the last days of extensive ground work have carried out - such as a public meeting in a village and leaflets distributed by the Communist Party in several villages . As usual, trying to spread confusion reaction, in which she tells the fictional story that will have the comrades two children "kidnapped".
Sunday, August 15, 2010
How Many Calories Is In Pop Secret Homestyle
New CD "Golden Mountain" by the home country quintet
perfect combination of home country 25 years and 40 years Alps Echo quintet, and the presentation of a new CD by the home country quintet. Both celebrate the anniversaries in the Pöham Musicians Festival from Friday 20th August until Sunday 22 August 2010 with a lot of well-known artists. preview and order form and hard program!
perfect combination of home country 25 years and 40 years Alps Echo quintet, and the presentation of a new CD by the home country quintet. Both celebrate the anniversaries in the Pöham Musicians Festival from Friday 20th August until Sunday 22 August 2010 with a lot of well-known artists. preview and order form and hard program!
Is My Panasonic Sapt160
ORF Radio Tirol Radio Tirol Mountain Farm Day 2010
ORF Radio Tirol Mountain Farm Day 2010 took place this year in one of the largest and most beautiful alpine pastures of the Tyrol. The Schatzbergalm is located in a magnificent area for walking and can be reached by train from the Treasure Mountain Auffach from easy. The ORF Radio Tirol folk music presenters Martina Moser, Franz Posch and Peter Kostner presented from early on in the usual manner a bearish folk music program. The inn Schatzbergalm, Gipföhit, the rural youth Wildschönau, the farmers and the Simmental Association Thierbach and social Sprengel Wildschönau Tyrol and dished to Wildschönauer specialties. Could not miss, of course, Broda donuts, cheese and the Wildschönau Wildschönau medicine, "the Krautinger! Photo Gallery
ORF Radio Tirol Mountain Farm Day 2010 took place this year in one of the largest and most beautiful alpine pastures of the Tyrol. The Schatzbergalm is located in a magnificent area for walking and can be reached by train from the Treasure Mountain Auffach from easy. The ORF Radio Tirol folk music presenters Martina Moser, Franz Posch and Peter Kostner presented from early on in the usual manner a bearish folk music program. The inn Schatzbergalm, Gipföhit, the rural youth Wildschönau, the farmers and the Simmental Association Thierbach and social Sprengel Wildschönau Tyrol and dished to Wildschönauer specialties. Could not miss, of course, Broda donuts, cheese and the Wildschönau Wildschönau medicine, "the Krautinger! Photo Gallery
Saturday, August 14, 2010
High Cervix3 Days Before Period Dur
CORF Musiktruchn Hochkitzbühel
On 8 August 2010 in the mountain restaurant Hochkitzbühel a recording took place of the popular ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn. Alexander Weber was able to find interview partners Josef Burger (Kitzbühler lifts) welcome back renowned musical guests: The Ensemble Osttirol, Auner Alps and the spectacle Klob 'nstoana Musicians were mitdabei. The ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn is sent every Wednesday 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Click Revue # c1408 # c1408
On 8 August 2010 in the mountain restaurant Hochkitzbühel a recording took place of the popular ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn. Alexander Weber was able to find interview partners Josef Burger (Kitzbühler lifts) welcome back renowned musical guests: The Ensemble Osttirol, Auner Alps and the spectacle Klob 'nstoana Musicians were mitdabei. The ORF Radio Tirol Musiktruchn is sent every Wednesday 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Click Revue # c1408 # c1408
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Corona Ca Distribution Centers
pre-opera ning Innsbruck
On 7 August before the opening of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, it was all around the State Theatre is an inspired feast of baroque love of life for people in the city. After a colorful game and solid afternoon opened the Trumpet Consort Innsbruck the musical evening. In a cozy lounge atmosphere with lukulischen pleasures then could the sound of Vivaldi's opera will be listened to, or be connected with a musical experience walking the labyrinth.
Photo Gallery
On 7 August before the opening of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, it was all around the State Theatre is an inspired feast of baroque love of life for people in the city. After a colorful game and solid afternoon opened the Trumpet Consort Innsbruck the musical evening. In a cozy lounge atmosphere with lukulischen pleasures then could the sound of Vivaldi's opera will be listened to, or be connected with a musical experience walking the labyrinth.
Photo Gallery
Monday, August 2, 2010
Scalloped Potatoes And Campbells Soup
propaganda campaigns of the People's Liberation Army
units of the People's Liberation Army on 21 July propaganda campaigns near the city of Huamanga, capital of Ayacucho performed. They have hung red flags with the hammer and sickle in Alpachaca (not be confused with the lake of the same name). The action has caused a lot of attention in the reactionary local press because the heavily armed guerrilla units move freely from one major city to the immediate neighborhood, although - as in the case of Huamanga - an important military base of combat units of the reactionary army and the Army of the United States.
units of the People's Liberation Army on 21 July propaganda campaigns near the city of Huamanga, capital of Ayacucho performed. They have hung red flags with the hammer and sickle in Alpachaca (not be confused with the lake of the same name). The action has caused a lot of attention in the reactionary local press because the heavily armed guerrilla units move freely from one major city to the immediate neighborhood, although - as in the case of Huamanga - an important military base of combat units of the reactionary army and the Army of the United States.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Why Do U Have To Have A Period
document of the popular movement Peru (German)
popular movement Peru
July 2010
See the document on English .
Workers of the world, unite!
We condemn the new reactionary gross lies of the CIA - with the cooperation of the rats of the revisionist and kapitulationistischen ROL - against the Communist Party of Peru (CPP).
The new reactionary blatant lie tried a divided KPP present it to the public: a fraction which is for "business" and another for a "real democracy". opposes war and the people in Peru and in the world - to legalize the rightist line (ROL) as a "Maoist Communist Party, which is subject to the old system and included in the old country - in Nepal (This year's elections will serve as a test). For reactionary goal of "amnesty for all perpetrators of genocide from Garcia, Gampietri, Fujimori, etc. To serve the implementation of the plan of the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo. For changing horses in the reaction with a new government in 2011.
1 .- The new reactionary blatant lie is part of the plan of the greatest direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war .- The plan of the new reactionary gross lie began its implementation since the beginning of September last year, and developed through campaigns, the regional and municipal elections next October, include the first part. In particular, with regard to larger practices and the "pardon and recruitment" by the miserable rats of the revisionist and kapitulationistischen ROL. The military component of this plan is developed with campaigns of encirclement and annihilation against the Stutz point areas and the new power, with more genocide and more direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war - through its "low intensity war", which by the CIA and the support of their genocidal Zionist lackeys of Israel out -. The same thing, "legitimize" the defense with his "democracy" is trying, and the "narco-terrorism" fight.
In this context, we condemn: that the government of genocidal Obama, by officials at their embassy in Lima, the Peruvian press has informed (see newspapers of Lima, on 09 this month) that the Yankee government "for up to five million Dollar Information offers, leading to the arrest of the chief leaders of "Sendero Luminoso", "that" part of the program of anti-drug is a reward that is adopted by the Congress of the United States in 1986. And "how information is managed for the reward?". "According to well informed sources from the National Police, the police will serve the information and the informant, but the assessment and the decision to grant or denial will lead into the hands of U.S. officials in Peru, working directly with the police. " It is clear that the "agreement" of "drugs" is one of the bases of the direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war in Peru. That under this pretext, the CIA - the coverage of the Yankees DEA and NAS use - leads the National Police of Peru. That prior to the inability of the armed forces and police to fight the people's war, imperialism, the need to increase its presence with more quota and own media. He tried his "program hide of reward and legitimize. With its gross lie of "drug terrorism", the government of genocidal Obama to justify his intervention before the people of the United States and the peoples of the world, and to isolate the resistance of people's war against Yankee imperialism him as "drug terrorism" showing.
second The central idea of the reactionary gross lie is to destroy the people's war .- The main idea of the imperialists, reactionaries and revisionists is the people's war in Peru and elsewhere, he develops, destroy, and to avoid the start of those already in the pipeline are. This is what connects them all. In their civic design, they can not imagine that the rebel exploited classes in order to oppose his system. They preach the total submission to cover up, at best, and their false democracy, allow discrepancies in the maintenance of the exploitative order. develop
While the imperialist powers and superpowers their inter-imperialist disputes - like the imperialist wars of aggression, in which they commit massive genocide against the oppressed countries, especially the yankee imperialist superpower, the only hegemonic - realize, and they promote their "peace agreement" and the Participation in elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Nepal, Peru and elsewhere to end the armed resistance of the peoples and to avoid the main trend in the world: the revolution. In India, the reactionary government in accordance with the plans of the Yankees' negotiations "in order to hide their greatest genocide and seeking the division of the revolutionary scene. While the Indian reactionaries in the press for "negotiations" agitate, they develop even more as genocide the killing of Comrade Asad - in the hands of his reactionary arrest - shows. The imperialist Plan, track the development of large new wave of proletarian to distract the world revolution, seeking that Maoism is not to lead them with people's war.
third This reactionary blatant lie about the October elections this year, linked as a test of the general elections in 2011 .- This blatant lie of the reaction promotes the participation of the rats of the ROL in these regional and local elections. Therefore be given to these traitors a lot of attention, with the use of all available media and different ways to manipulate public opinion in their psychological warfare, as part of its "low intensity war".
The reaction under the leadership of the CIA studied in this election to make capitulators of ROL in the old State significant, because of their "movement" Pro pardon and fundamental rights. " In this way they try to "legalize", but say the reactionaries that they should first ask for forgiveness. Strictly reasons is that the capitulators apologize to the revolutionary violence in the public and thus present before the world, as in Nepal. These elections are used to test what they will reveal the second part - the period after the elections until the general elections and change of government of the old landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, because the reaction needs new horses.
wrap course, from this gross lie amid reactionary collusion and struggle. Julio Cotler said that these elections are part of the "Montesinismus. As a revisionist, he is, know that the old revisionists revisionists would lose by this new space. This also applies to the reactionary media, because all agree to bring the new gross lie against the CPP, but they show their differences on the implementation, and everyone is looking to put their conditions in order to draw their own benefit.
4 .- The reaction seeks pardon for all Volker murderer .- The reaction studied pardon for all, including for the "ethno-caceristas" and Volker murderer. Therefore, on the list of ROL with the rat Walter Humala for the region Ayacucho. But of course! No pardon for the Chairman Gonzalo! Thus, the new gross lie is designed (see below the quote of the ROL).
See the statements of the lawyer Carlos Rivera of the NGO "Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL) [Institute of Legal Defense] - in" You want to destroy trial on human rights abuses "- in the newspaper" La República of Lima, on 10 July 2010: La República
.- "It was formalized the transfer of powers to the to adopt code of military justice and the Police use of force, but also on standards for military personnel who are accused by human rights violations. What do you think? Carlos Rivera .- "That the executive branch a kind of final solution, works in cases of violation of human rights, which seems to be in the substance. It was not a part of the mission of the delegation and we have organized some kind of contraband in order to insert the problem. The Republic .- How are they doing it? Carlos Rivera .- "The last campaign of Rey [Defense] was not an outbreak, but a coordinated campaign by the executive branch to cover the cases of violation of human rights to do because the end of government spending. They probably want to create legal mechanisms for the President and Vice President of the Republic, because they have a case pending in El Fronton, because although they have not mentioned, they fear that the law enforcement, this situation can be reversed. Finally, they aim to make significant improvements to achieve the release of Alberto Fujimori.
We know that these NGOs of Human Rights of imperialism created in order to serve his tactic of using both hands. Apparently defending imperialism, reaction and revisionism of human rights in general - as if they would be about the classes. But basically, they only defend their right and freedom to suppress the peoples and nations through blood and fire. Even more today when imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, human rights used to prescribe rules to justify its intervention in any part of the world and all to submit to its hegemony. The same NGO, the IDL, to which belongs this lawyer, has welcomed the "economic rehabilitation" and manipulated by Fujimori numbers to point to the decline of the "violation of human rights" in the early 90s. So he has total dedication to the Yankee imperialism and its "low intensity war" of welcome. But we do not see them as a block, but we must condemn them, separate apart to see its contradictions, as in this case, for use in the service of the revolution and for the condemnation of the genocide policy of counter-revolution. Especially in this case, the condemnation of the plan of the reaction of a pardon for all genocide is - this will expose the services of ROL to the plans of the CIA.
5th - The pardon is to surrender to the malicious achieve with "leadership in a new era in democracy" .- The arrest and full Isolation of Chairman Gonzalo is completely managed by the CIA and the Peruvian response Yankee. The policy of cooperation with some of the "dissident prisoners" (or Colabora expensive of the Nazis in France and in the occupied countries during World War II) = capitulators is not new. Therefore, in the massacres of prisoners kill the murderous reaction of the consistent revolutionaries and protects the traitors.
In Ireland, a massacre in October 1974 against the prisoners, the IRA murdered the British imperialism, the leaders who wanted to continue the armed struggle, and made sure that nothing happens to the traitor Gerry Adams, the future Head of Sinn Fein, was that of "peace agreement" - which has negotiated surrender. In Peru, in the genocide of the war prisoners of the Shining moat of Castro Castro prison in May 1992, the genocidal government of Fujimori-Montesinos more than 30 leaders of the CPP has murdered, but she has given express orders that one of the rat Osman Morote protection, which would become one of the heads of the CIA become ROL.
Today, this new kapitulationistische revisionists - by their masters, the CIA and the fascist, genocidal government and land sales by Garcia-Gampietri moves - say in the service the imperialist plan: "By comparison of 17 years of infamous and illegal life in prison, and absolute denial of their fundamental rights, with immutable ideological conviction broke the Chairman Gonzalo, the absolute and life-long isolation from the military prison at the naval base of El Callao back to the party to achieve and the masses with its legal by Comrade Miriam collected writings strategy in the book "De Puno y Letra" ["From our own handwriting."] "And they go, where they confessed where their praise of" Judas " aims, so they want the President Gonzalo in a "harmless icon" transform and the plan used to kill him, "we need to stress: The moving-communist stance, the best showing in the strategy of defense, he has applied in the mega lawsuit against him. And the absolute unselfishness for himself, because he has focused in the freedom of all war and political prisoners in the country. And the complete rejection of his absolute silence during the process. "
If the defendant himself admits, is his fault bewissen so, according to the legal principle that exactly the case depends on what have written these traitors from their own handwriting: clear, on the one hand they say that Chairman Gonzalo and the written by Miriam Book "break the isolation," and, on the other hand, they celebrate his silence. As we have said before, in this quote is clearly the service of the rats of the ROL to the plan of imperialism, which we condemn - with the quote by a lawyer of IDL to the service of Yankee imperialism (see the quote from statement by the lawyer IDL) -. According to the plan of the CIA will come out all, but not the Chairman Gonzalo, and thus he can not condemn it: He does not talk, and make sure that he has not the slightest chance!. Therefore, as part of the new gross lies, they advertise a "marriage," the chairman of the rat Miriam, however, say that the authorities "Only empowered that they, through a proxy. There is a new oral trials of the Chairman of the cases that have not been the subject of another process, with the exception of the "mega trial". But in the most scandalous, the law breaking of the Navy = CIA led judges decided that they should not be executed because he had been convicted in another process (see the message in the Peruvian press on 10th this month). Everything to present not the chairman; everything so that he can not comment. No matter how, no matter how they hurt their own legal system, with the subtraction of a "criminal" by the action of justice itself that is a crime that is punished by criminal law. But it is not necessary for the enemy and a matter of national security that the President remains isolated and unable to speak. And that is exactly what the reaction of the rats of the ROL have offered since 1993. It is therefore necessary to request a public presentation in live and that he can express themselves.
6 - We condemn the plan of the CIA-ROL to assassinate the President Gonzalo .- What is alleged in this nonsense of the ROL is, is that "Chairman Gonzalo has fulfilled its role, and that she always will be present, " etc, etc. and that it "corresponds to now form a new faction and leadership within this fourth stage.". It is with Miriam or other rat, it is a problem of the revisionists.
The goal of a pardon is to be had, and a "communist party" with the participation in elections, in the fourth stage, with the guidance of new leadership and then eventually they tell us that the President had committed suicide or some other version to cover up his murder. Lo, who killed as Chinese revisionists Comrade Chiang Ching. They will do it if they have exploited the detention policy with complete isolation of Chairman Gonzalo to the maximum. The rats of the ROL say that the chairman has told them to participate in the elections, but also there is no document, approved by its so-called "national leadership". Thus, the ROL has in this new reactionary blatant lie, which is led by the CIA with the help of the Zionist genocide of Israel, himself unmasked as to what they have said up to 2005.
It is very clear that the plan is the participation in the elections to make capitulators in the old state important to be withdrawn upon the revolutionary violence, with new leadership - which they say they will have - on its fourth stage. Also serves The plan to clean the civilian and military mass murderers, this is to Sold to the devil, like Faust. At the same time serves for the replacement of the old authorities of the genocidal state. And so they seek to destroy people's war in Peru and to the - to act - with the communist parties to international level that are just before the start of people's war. Accordingly, it is of great importance to further the debate on the application of principles of Maoism, which we intend in the international Communist movement and, within it, in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful Thought!
We urge the public presentation in the live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!
1 .- The new reactionary blatant lie is part of the plan of the greatest direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war .- The plan of the new reactionary gross lie began its implementation since the beginning of September last year, and developed through campaigns, the regional and municipal elections next October, include the first part. In particular, with regard to larger practices and the "pardon and recruitment" by the miserable rats of the revisionist and kapitulationistischen ROL. The military component of this plan is developed with campaigns of encirclement and annihilation against the Stutz point areas and the new power, with more genocide and more direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war - through its "low intensity war", which by the CIA and the support of their genocidal Zionist lackeys of Israel out -. The same thing, "legitimize" the defense with his "democracy" is trying, and the "narco-terrorism" fight.
In this context, we condemn: that the government of genocidal Obama, by officials at their embassy in Lima, the Peruvian press has informed (see newspapers of Lima, on 09 this month) that the Yankee government "for up to five million Dollar Information offers, leading to the arrest of the chief leaders of "Sendero Luminoso", "that" part of the program of anti-drug is a reward that is adopted by the Congress of the United States in 1986. And "how information is managed for the reward?". "According to well informed sources from the National Police, the police will serve the information and the informant, but the assessment and the decision to grant or denial will lead into the hands of U.S. officials in Peru, working directly with the police. " It is clear that the "agreement" of "drugs" is one of the bases of the direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war in Peru. That under this pretext, the CIA - the coverage of the Yankees DEA and NAS use - leads the National Police of Peru. That prior to the inability of the armed forces and police to fight the people's war, imperialism, the need to increase its presence with more quota and own media. He tried his "program hide of reward and legitimize. With its gross lie of "drug terrorism", the government of genocidal Obama to justify his intervention before the people of the United States and the peoples of the world, and to isolate the resistance of people's war against Yankee imperialism him as "drug terrorism" showing.
second The central idea of the reactionary gross lie is to destroy the people's war .- The main idea of the imperialists, reactionaries and revisionists is the people's war in Peru and elsewhere, he develops, destroy, and to avoid the start of those already in the pipeline are. This is what connects them all. In their civic design, they can not imagine that the rebel exploited classes in order to oppose his system. They preach the total submission to cover up, at best, and their false democracy, allow discrepancies in the maintenance of the exploitative order. develop
While the imperialist powers and superpowers their inter-imperialist disputes - like the imperialist wars of aggression, in which they commit massive genocide against the oppressed countries, especially the yankee imperialist superpower, the only hegemonic - realize, and they promote their "peace agreement" and the Participation in elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Nepal, Peru and elsewhere to end the armed resistance of the peoples and to avoid the main trend in the world: the revolution. In India, the reactionary government in accordance with the plans of the Yankees' negotiations "in order to hide their greatest genocide and seeking the division of the revolutionary scene. While the Indian reactionaries in the press for "negotiations" agitate, they develop even more as genocide the killing of Comrade Asad - in the hands of his reactionary arrest - shows. The imperialist Plan, track the development of large new wave of proletarian to distract the world revolution, seeking that Maoism is not to lead them with people's war.
third This reactionary blatant lie about the October elections this year, linked as a test of the general elections in 2011 .- This blatant lie of the reaction promotes the participation of the rats of the ROL in these regional and local elections. Therefore be given to these traitors a lot of attention, with the use of all available media and different ways to manipulate public opinion in their psychological warfare, as part of its "low intensity war".
The reaction under the leadership of the CIA studied in this election to make capitulators of ROL in the old State significant, because of their "movement" Pro pardon and fundamental rights. " In this way they try to "legalize", but say the reactionaries that they should first ask for forgiveness. Strictly reasons is that the capitulators apologize to the revolutionary violence in the public and thus present before the world, as in Nepal. These elections are used to test what they will reveal the second part - the period after the elections until the general elections and change of government of the old landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, because the reaction needs new horses.
wrap course, from this gross lie amid reactionary collusion and struggle. Julio Cotler said that these elections are part of the "Montesinismus. As a revisionist, he is, know that the old revisionists revisionists would lose by this new space. This also applies to the reactionary media, because all agree to bring the new gross lie against the CPP, but they show their differences on the implementation, and everyone is looking to put their conditions in order to draw their own benefit.
4 .- The reaction seeks pardon for all Volker murderer .- The reaction studied pardon for all, including for the "ethno-caceristas" and Volker murderer. Therefore, on the list of ROL with the rat Walter Humala for the region Ayacucho. But of course! No pardon for the Chairman Gonzalo! Thus, the new gross lie is designed (see below the quote of the ROL).
See the statements of the lawyer Carlos Rivera of the NGO "Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL) [Institute of Legal Defense] - in" You want to destroy trial on human rights abuses "- in the newspaper" La República of Lima, on 10 July 2010: La República
.- "It was formalized the transfer of powers to the to adopt code of military justice and the Police use of force, but also on standards for military personnel who are accused by human rights violations. What do you think? Carlos Rivera .- "That the executive branch a kind of final solution, works in cases of violation of human rights, which seems to be in the substance. It was not a part of the mission of the delegation and we have organized some kind of contraband in order to insert the problem. The Republic .- How are they doing it? Carlos Rivera .- "The last campaign of Rey [Defense] was not an outbreak, but a coordinated campaign by the executive branch to cover the cases of violation of human rights to do because the end of government spending. They probably want to create legal mechanisms for the President and Vice President of the Republic, because they have a case pending in El Fronton, because although they have not mentioned, they fear that the law enforcement, this situation can be reversed. Finally, they aim to make significant improvements to achieve the release of Alberto Fujimori.
We know that these NGOs of Human Rights of imperialism created in order to serve his tactic of using both hands. Apparently defending imperialism, reaction and revisionism of human rights in general - as if they would be about the classes. But basically, they only defend their right and freedom to suppress the peoples and nations through blood and fire. Even more today when imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, human rights used to prescribe rules to justify its intervention in any part of the world and all to submit to its hegemony. The same NGO, the IDL, to which belongs this lawyer, has welcomed the "economic rehabilitation" and manipulated by Fujimori numbers to point to the decline of the "violation of human rights" in the early 90s. So he has total dedication to the Yankee imperialism and its "low intensity war" of welcome. But we do not see them as a block, but we must condemn them, separate apart to see its contradictions, as in this case, for use in the service of the revolution and for the condemnation of the genocide policy of counter-revolution. Especially in this case, the condemnation of the plan of the reaction of a pardon for all genocide is - this will expose the services of ROL to the plans of the CIA.
5th - The pardon is to surrender to the malicious achieve with "leadership in a new era in democracy" .- The arrest and full Isolation of Chairman Gonzalo is completely managed by the CIA and the Peruvian response Yankee. The policy of cooperation with some of the "dissident prisoners" (or Colabora expensive of the Nazis in France and in the occupied countries during World War II) = capitulators is not new. Therefore, in the massacres of prisoners kill the murderous reaction of the consistent revolutionaries and protects the traitors.
In Ireland, a massacre in October 1974 against the prisoners, the IRA murdered the British imperialism, the leaders who wanted to continue the armed struggle, and made sure that nothing happens to the traitor Gerry Adams, the future Head of Sinn Fein, was that of "peace agreement" - which has negotiated surrender. In Peru, in the genocide of the war prisoners of the Shining moat of Castro Castro prison in May 1992, the genocidal government of Fujimori-Montesinos more than 30 leaders of the CPP has murdered, but she has given express orders that one of the rat Osman Morote protection, which would become one of the heads of the CIA become ROL.
Today, this new kapitulationistische revisionists - by their masters, the CIA and the fascist, genocidal government and land sales by Garcia-Gampietri moves - say in the service the imperialist plan: "By comparison of 17 years of infamous and illegal life in prison, and absolute denial of their fundamental rights, with immutable ideological conviction broke the Chairman Gonzalo, the absolute and life-long isolation from the military prison at the naval base of El Callao back to the party to achieve and the masses with its legal by Comrade Miriam collected writings strategy in the book "De Puno y Letra" ["From our own handwriting."] "And they go, where they confessed where their praise of" Judas " aims, so they want the President Gonzalo in a "harmless icon" transform and the plan used to kill him, "we need to stress: The moving-communist stance, the best showing in the strategy of defense, he has applied in the mega lawsuit against him. And the absolute unselfishness for himself, because he has focused in the freedom of all war and political prisoners in the country. And the complete rejection of his absolute silence during the process. "
If the defendant himself admits, is his fault bewissen so, according to the legal principle that exactly the case depends on what have written these traitors from their own handwriting: clear, on the one hand they say that Chairman Gonzalo and the written by Miriam Book "break the isolation," and, on the other hand, they celebrate his silence. As we have said before, in this quote is clearly the service of the rats of the ROL to the plan of imperialism, which we condemn - with the quote by a lawyer of IDL to the service of Yankee imperialism (see the quote from statement by the lawyer IDL) -. According to the plan of the CIA will come out all, but not the Chairman Gonzalo, and thus he can not condemn it: He does not talk, and make sure that he has not the slightest chance!. Therefore, as part of the new gross lies, they advertise a "marriage," the chairman of the rat Miriam, however, say that the authorities "Only empowered that they, through a proxy. There is a new oral trials of the Chairman of the cases that have not been the subject of another process, with the exception of the "mega trial". But in the most scandalous, the law breaking of the Navy = CIA led judges decided that they should not be executed because he had been convicted in another process (see the message in the Peruvian press on 10th this month). Everything to present not the chairman; everything so that he can not comment. No matter how, no matter how they hurt their own legal system, with the subtraction of a "criminal" by the action of justice itself that is a crime that is punished by criminal law. But it is not necessary for the enemy and a matter of national security that the President remains isolated and unable to speak. And that is exactly what the reaction of the rats of the ROL have offered since 1993. It is therefore necessary to request a public presentation in live and that he can express themselves.
6 - We condemn the plan of the CIA-ROL to assassinate the President Gonzalo .- What is alleged in this nonsense of the ROL is, is that "Chairman Gonzalo has fulfilled its role, and that she always will be present, " etc, etc. and that it "corresponds to now form a new faction and leadership within this fourth stage.". It is with Miriam or other rat, it is a problem of the revisionists.
The goal of a pardon is to be had, and a "communist party" with the participation in elections, in the fourth stage, with the guidance of new leadership and then eventually they tell us that the President had committed suicide or some other version to cover up his murder. Lo, who killed as Chinese revisionists Comrade Chiang Ching. They will do it if they have exploited the detention policy with complete isolation of Chairman Gonzalo to the maximum. The rats of the ROL say that the chairman has told them to participate in the elections, but also there is no document, approved by its so-called "national leadership". Thus, the ROL has in this new reactionary blatant lie, which is led by the CIA with the help of the Zionist genocide of Israel, himself unmasked as to what they have said up to 2005.
It is very clear that the plan is the participation in the elections to make capitulators in the old state important to be withdrawn upon the revolutionary violence, with new leadership - which they say they will have - on its fourth stage. Also serves The plan to clean the civilian and military mass murderers, this is to Sold to the devil, like Faust. At the same time serves for the replacement of the old authorities of the genocidal state. And so they seek to destroy people's war in Peru and to the - to act - with the communist parties to international level that are just before the start of people's war. Accordingly, it is of great importance to further the debate on the application of principles of Maoism, which we intend in the international Communist movement and, within it, in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful Thought!
We urge the public presentation in the live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!
popular movement Peru
July 2010
See the document on English .
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