transmitida el martes pasado por la CNN en español, el presidente del viejo Estado peruano, Alan García Pérez, ha hecho una petición greater public intervention of the U.S. military in Peru. Has argued that "would not make patriotism a matter of sovereignty and" that somehow prevents most U.S. military presence in the country. The excuse - as is usual - is the "fight against narco-terrorism" and, he says, the problem is the presence of Mexican drug cartels in Peru, this statement coincides with statements a day after Hillary Clinton, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the U.S., where claims that Mexican cartels are very similar to the insurgent forces in South America. That's part of the strategy low intensity warfare developed by the U.S. imperialism: first, make your lackey unconditional Garcia made a public appeal for greater intervention and then use the case of Mexico to justify to the public in the same U.S. and the rest of the world. All supported by the hoax on "narco-terrorism", like how they used the lie about "weapons of mass destruction Saddam to justify the war of aggression against Iraq and occupation of it until today.
All this to deflect attention from the central point is that U.S. military intervention in Peru with its main objective: to combat People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), which far from being defeated is building brick by brick the conquest of power throughout the country. For this purpose, the U.S. already have several bases in Peru - including those of Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga - and both militarized units of the DEA as the same Special Forces of the U.S. Armed Forces are fighting directly against the Army People's Liberation led by the PCP. And Israeli mercenaries have been commissioned under the command of General Zionist Ziv B., training of the armed forces of the old Peruvian state for war against subversives. All organized by the CIA and its servants Peruvians.
is therefore part of this plan, the massive disinformation campaign on that "Shining Path has become a drug cartel" and the reward of U.S. $ 5 million set by the head of someone who claims to be the head of the Central Committee PCP - for allegedly being "drug dealer." But the real and concrete is that the PCP has nothing to do with drug trafficking, which the PCP is to mobilize, politicize, organize and arm the masses, especially the rural poor, with people's war. The PCP directs the construction of People's Committees and revolutionary base where the masses themselves exercise power in a joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. That if you are involved with everything in the drug trade, are the military and police forces of the old Peruvian state, just as its bureaucracy and officials from the president himself and his party until the last local level. And never forget that the "sign" the world's largest is the CIA, they are from the second world war, and a higher level since the early 60 of the last century, organized drug trafficking worldwide.
In Peru, increase people's struggles, as reactionary authority "Ombudsman" was recorded 246 social conflict in August this year; all over the country there are strikes, demonstrations, violent clashes between the masses and the repressive forces of the old state. At the same time the reaction is in full campaign for regional elections scheduled for October 3 and what it can see is that the revisionists and opportunists can not channel popular anger at the way electioneering. In this action are made by crushing the mind as undeniable materials. Actions as an attack on a military base on 23 August Vizcatán, which was launched more than 30 grenades of war, the actions of armed propaganda and agitation Antilla, department of Apurimac, the first of September, and the annihilation of an army spy Huachocolpa district, Huancavelica, September 6 - just to mention three actions in recent weeks - of course they are not actions of "Mexican cartels' but the PLA are military actions in the War. So it is not by chance that the regime of Alan Garcia this month tax, among others, Legislative Decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097 -, with the first, authorizes the use of the reactionary armed forces to suppress, in any part of the Spain, which vaguely defined as "hate group", ie not only against the EPL but against any social protest, and the second opens the door to impunity the same Garcia (who has a pending case for genocide in the prisons of June 19, 1986) and other murderers as the Colina group and even the Fujimori. They, then, can not solve problems, so the statements by the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras, September 6, which states that only since 2021 are areas where the major Bases revolutionary support will be "normalized" to demonstrate how they have to adjust your dreams to reality irrefutable black people's war is still on track.
is so we can better understand the statements of Alan Garcia, is so we can understand Why is increasing the U.S. intervention in Peru, and the logical consequence of this is that the increasingly popular war unfolds as a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression. Military bases in Colombia in this regard will also serve as a strategic foothold for the U.S. to develop its war in Peru. In particular, such a basis that constitutes not only an attack on Colombia and greater intervention in its internal war but against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say: Down
U.S. intervention in Latin America!
¡Yanqui go home!
Asociación de Nueva Democracia
Septiembre 2010
All this to deflect attention from the central point is that U.S. military intervention in Peru with its main objective: to combat People's War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), which far from being defeated is building brick by brick the conquest of power throughout the country. For this purpose, the U.S. already have several bases in Peru - including those of Pucallpa, Mazamari, Iquitos and Huamanga - and both militarized units of the DEA as the same Special Forces of the U.S. Armed Forces are fighting directly against the Army People's Liberation led by the PCP. And Israeli mercenaries have been commissioned under the command of General Zionist Ziv B., training of the armed forces of the old Peruvian state for war against subversives. All organized by the CIA and its servants Peruvians.
is therefore part of this plan, the massive disinformation campaign on that "Shining Path has become a drug cartel" and the reward of U.S. $ 5 million set by the head of someone who claims to be the head of the Central Committee PCP - for allegedly being "drug dealer." But the real and concrete is that the PCP has nothing to do with drug trafficking, which the PCP is to mobilize, politicize, organize and arm the masses, especially the rural poor, with people's war. The PCP directs the construction of People's Committees and revolutionary base where the masses themselves exercise power in a joint dictatorship of the revolutionary classes under the leadership of the proletariat. That if you are involved with everything in the drug trade, are the military and police forces of the old Peruvian state, just as its bureaucracy and officials from the president himself and his party until the last local level. And never forget that the "sign" the world's largest is the CIA, they are from the second world war, and a higher level since the early 60 of the last century, organized drug trafficking worldwide.
In Peru, increase people's struggles, as reactionary authority "Ombudsman" was recorded 246 social conflict in August this year; all over the country there are strikes, demonstrations, violent clashes between the masses and the repressive forces of the old state. At the same time the reaction is in full campaign for regional elections scheduled for October 3 and what it can see is that the revisionists and opportunists can not channel popular anger at the way electioneering. In this action are made by crushing the mind as undeniable materials. Actions as an attack on a military base on 23 August Vizcatán, which was launched more than 30 grenades of war, the actions of armed propaganda and agitation Antilla, department of Apurimac, the first of September, and the annihilation of an army spy Huachocolpa district, Huancavelica, September 6 - just to mention three actions in recent weeks - of course they are not actions of "Mexican cartels' but the PLA are military actions in the War. So it is not by chance that the regime of Alan Garcia this month tax, among others, Legislative Decrees No. 1095 and No. 1097 -, with the first, authorizes the use of the reactionary armed forces to suppress, in any part of the Spain, which vaguely defined as "hate group", ie not only against the EPL but against any social protest, and the second opens the door to impunity the same Garcia (who has a pending case for genocide in the prisons of June 19, 1986) and other murderers as the Colina group and even the Fujimori. They, then, can not solve problems, so the statements by the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, General Francisco Contreras, September 6, which states that only since 2021 are areas where the major Bases revolutionary support will be "normalized" to demonstrate how they have to adjust your dreams to reality irrefutable black people's war is still on track.
is so we can better understand the statements of Alan Garcia, is so we can understand Why is increasing the U.S. intervention in Peru, and the logical consequence of this is that the increasingly popular war unfolds as a war of national resistance against imperialist aggression. Military bases in Colombia in this regard will also serve as a strategic foothold for the U.S. to develop its war in Peru. In particular, such a basis that constitutes not only an attack on Colombia and greater intervention in its internal war but against all the revolutionary struggles in the South American continent.
why we say: Down
U.S. intervention in Latin America!
¡Yanqui go home!
Asociación de Nueva Democracia
Septiembre 2010
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