Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why Do U Have To Have A Period

document of the popular movement Peru (German)

Workers of the world, unite!

We condemn the new reactionary gross lies of the CIA - with the cooperation of the rats of the revisionist and kapitulationistischen ROL - against the Communist Party of Peru (CPP).

The new reactionary blatant lie tried a divided KPP present it to the public: a fraction which is for "business" and another for a "real democracy". opposes war and the people in Peru and in the world - to legalize the rightist line (ROL) as a "Maoist Communist Party, which is subject to the old system and included in the old country - in Nepal (This year's elections will serve as a test). For reactionary goal of "amnesty for all perpetrators of genocide from Garcia, Gampietri, Fujimori, etc. To serve the implementation of the plan of the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo. For changing horses in the reaction with a new government in 2011.

1 .- The new reactionary blatant lie is part of the plan of the greatest direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war .- The plan of the new reactionary gross lie began its implementation since the beginning of September last year, and developed through campaigns, the regional and municipal elections next October, include the first part. In particular, with regard to larger practices and the "pardon and recruitment" by the miserable rats of the revisionist and kapitulationistischen ROL. The military component of this plan is developed with campaigns of encirclement and annihilation against the Stutz point areas and the new power, with more genocide and more direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war - through its "low intensity war", which by the CIA and the support of their genocidal Zionist lackeys of Israel out -. The same thing, "legitimize" the defense with his "democracy" is trying, and the "narco-terrorism" fight.

In this context, we condemn: that the government of genocidal Obama, by officials at their embassy in Lima, the Peruvian press has informed (see newspapers of Lima, on 09 this month) that the Yankee government "for up to five million Dollar Information offers, leading to the arrest of the chief leaders of "Sendero Luminoso", "that" part of the program of anti-drug is a reward that is adopted by the Congress of the United States in 1986. And "how information is managed for the reward?". "According to well informed sources from the National Police, the police will serve the information and the informant, but the assessment and the decision to grant or denial will lead into the hands of U.S. officials in Peru, working directly with the police. " It is clear that the "agreement" of "drugs" is one of the bases of the direct intervention of Yankee imperialism against the people's war in Peru. That under this pretext, the CIA - the coverage of the Yankees DEA and NAS use - leads the National Police of Peru. That prior to the inability of the armed forces and police to fight the people's war, imperialism, the need to increase its presence with more quota and own media. He tried his "program hide of reward and legitimize. With its gross lie of "drug terrorism", the government of genocidal Obama to justify his intervention before the people of the United States and the peoples of the world, and to isolate the resistance of people's war against Yankee imperialism him as "drug terrorism" showing.

second The central idea of the reactionary gross lie is to destroy the people's war .- The main idea of the imperialists, reactionaries and revisionists is the people's war in Peru and elsewhere, he develops, destroy, and to avoid the start of those already in the pipeline are. This is what connects them all. In their civic design, they can not imagine that the rebel exploited classes in order to oppose his system. They preach the total submission to cover up, at best, and their false democracy, allow discrepancies in the maintenance of the exploitative order. develop

While the imperialist powers and superpowers their inter-imperialist disputes - like the imperialist wars of aggression, in which they commit massive genocide against the oppressed countries, especially the yankee imperialist superpower, the only hegemonic - realize, and they promote their "peace agreement" and the Participation in elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Nepal, Peru and elsewhere to end the armed resistance of the peoples and to avoid the main trend in the world: the revolution. In India, the reactionary government in accordance with the plans of the Yankees' negotiations "in order to hide their greatest genocide and seeking the division of the revolutionary scene. While the Indian reactionaries in the press for "negotiations" agitate, they develop even more as genocide the killing of Comrade Asad - in the hands of his reactionary arrest - shows. The imperialist Plan, track the development of large new wave of proletarian to distract the world revolution, seeking that Maoism is not to lead them with people's war.

third This reactionary blatant lie about the October elections this year, linked as a test of the general elections in 2011 .- This blatant lie of the reaction promotes the participation of the rats of the ROL in these regional and local elections. Therefore be given to these traitors a lot of attention, with the use of all available media and different ways to manipulate public opinion in their psychological warfare, as part of its "low intensity war".

The reaction under the leadership of the CIA studied in this election to make capitulators of ROL in the old State significant, because of their "movement" Pro pardon and fundamental rights. " In this way they try to "legalize", but say the reactionaries that they should first ask for forgiveness. Strictly reasons is that the capitulators apologize to the revolutionary violence in the public and thus present before the world, as in Nepal. These elections are used to test what they will reveal the second part - the period after the elections until the general elections and change of government of the old landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, because the reaction needs new horses.

wrap course, from this gross lie amid reactionary collusion and struggle. Julio Cotler said that these elections are part of the "Montesinismus. As a revisionist, he is, know that the old revisionists revisionists would lose by this new space. This also applies to the reactionary media, because all agree to bring the new gross lie against the CPP, but they show their differences on the implementation, and everyone is looking to put their conditions in order to draw their own benefit.

4 .- The reaction seeks pardon for all Volker murderer .- The reaction studied pardon for all, including for the "ethno-caceristas" and Volker murderer. Therefore, on the list of ROL with the rat Walter Humala for the region Ayacucho. But of course! No pardon for the Chairman Gonzalo! Thus, the new gross lie is designed (see below the quote of the ROL).

See the statements of the lawyer Carlos Rivera of the NGO "Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL) [Institute of Legal Defense] - in" You want to destroy trial on human rights abuses "- in the newspaper" La República of Lima, on 10 July 2010: La República

.- "It was formalized the transfer of powers to the to adopt code of military justice and the Police use of force, but also on standards for military personnel who are accused by human rights violations. What do you think? Carlos Rivera .- "That the executive branch a kind of final solution, works in cases of violation of human rights, which seems to be in the substance. It was not a part of the mission of the delegation and we have organized some kind of contraband in order to insert the problem. The Republic .- How are they doing it? Carlos Rivera .- "The last campaign of Rey [Defense] was not an outbreak, but a coordinated campaign by the executive branch to cover the cases of violation of human rights to do because the end of government spending. They probably want to create legal mechanisms for the President and Vice President of the Republic, because they have a case pending in El Fronton, because although they have not mentioned, they fear that the law enforcement, this situation can be reversed. Finally, they aim to make significant improvements to achieve the release of Alberto Fujimori.

We know that these NGOs of Human Rights of imperialism created in order to serve his tactic of using both hands. Apparently defending imperialism, reaction and revisionism of human rights in general - as if they would be about the classes. But basically, they only defend their right and freedom to suppress the peoples and nations through blood and fire. Even more today when imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, human rights used to prescribe rules to justify its intervention in any part of the world and all to submit to its hegemony. The same NGO, the IDL, to which belongs this lawyer, has welcomed the "economic rehabilitation" and manipulated by Fujimori numbers to point to the decline of the "violation of human rights" in the early 90s. So he has total dedication to the Yankee imperialism and its "low intensity war" of welcome. But we do not see them as a block, but we must condemn them, separate apart to see its contradictions, as in this case, for use in the service of the revolution and for the condemnation of the genocide policy of counter-revolution. Especially in this case, the condemnation of the plan of the reaction of a pardon for all genocide is - this will expose the services of ROL to the plans of the CIA.

5th - The pardon is to surrender to the malicious achieve with "leadership in a new era in democracy" .- The arrest and full Isolation of Chairman Gonzalo is completely managed by the CIA and the Peruvian response Yankee. The policy of cooperation with some of the "dissident prisoners" (or Colabora expensive of the Nazis in France and in the occupied countries during World War II) = capitulators is not new. Therefore, in the massacres of prisoners kill the murderous reaction of the consistent revolutionaries and protects the traitors.

In Ireland, a massacre in October 1974 against the prisoners, the IRA murdered the British imperialism, the leaders who wanted to continue the armed struggle, and made sure that nothing happens to the traitor Gerry Adams, the future Head of Sinn Fein, was that of "peace agreement" - which has negotiated surrender. In Peru, in the genocide of the war prisoners of the Shining moat of Castro Castro prison in May 1992, the genocidal government of Fujimori-Montesinos more than 30 leaders of the CPP has murdered, but she has given express orders that one of the rat Osman Morote protection, which would become one of the heads of the CIA become ROL.

Today, this new kapitulationistische revisionists - by their masters, the CIA and the fascist, genocidal government and land sales by Garcia-Gampietri moves - say in the service the imperialist plan: "By comparison of 17 years of infamous and illegal life in prison, and absolute denial of their fundamental rights, with immutable ideological conviction broke the Chairman Gonzalo, the absolute and life-long isolation from the military prison at the naval base of El Callao back to the party to achieve and the masses with its legal by Comrade Miriam collected writings strategy in the book "De Puno y Letra" ["From our own handwriting."] "And they go, where they confessed where their praise of" Judas " aims, so they want the President Gonzalo in a "harmless icon" transform and the plan used to kill him, "we need to stress: The moving-communist stance, the best showing in the strategy of defense, he has applied in the mega lawsuit against him. And the absolute unselfishness for himself, because he has focused in the freedom of all war and political prisoners in the country. And the complete rejection of his absolute silence during the process. "

If the defendant himself admits, is his fault bewissen so, according to the legal principle that exactly the case depends on what have written these traitors from their own handwriting: clear, on the one hand they say that Chairman Gonzalo and the written by Miriam Book "break the isolation," and, on the other hand, they celebrate his silence. As we have said before, in this quote is clearly the service of the rats of the ROL to the plan of imperialism, which we condemn - with the quote by a lawyer of IDL to the service of Yankee imperialism (see the quote from statement by the lawyer IDL) -. According to the plan of the CIA will come out all, but not the Chairman Gonzalo, and thus he can not condemn it: He does not talk, and make sure that he has not the slightest chance!. Therefore, as part of the new gross lies, they advertise a "marriage," the chairman of the rat Miriam, however, say that the authorities "Only empowered that they, through a proxy. There is a new oral trials of the Chairman of the cases that have not been the subject of another process, with the exception of the "mega trial". But in the most scandalous, the law breaking of the Navy = CIA led judges decided that they should not be executed because he had been convicted in another process (see the message in the Peruvian press on 10th this month). Everything to present not the chairman; everything so that he can not comment. No matter how, no matter how they hurt their own legal system, with the subtraction of a "criminal" by the action of justice itself that is a crime that is punished by criminal law. But it is not necessary for the enemy and a matter of national security that the President remains isolated and unable to speak. And that is exactly what the reaction of the rats of the ROL have offered since 1993. It is therefore necessary to request a public presentation in live and that he can express themselves.

6 - We condemn the plan of the CIA-ROL to assassinate the President Gonzalo .- What is alleged in this nonsense of the ROL is, is that "Chairman Gonzalo has fulfilled its role, and that she always will be present, " etc, etc. and that it "corresponds to now form a new faction and leadership within this fourth stage.". It is with Miriam or other rat, it is a problem of the revisionists.

The goal of a pardon is to be had, and a "communist party" with the participation in elections, in the fourth stage, with the guidance of new leadership and then eventually they tell us that the President had committed suicide or some other version to cover up his murder. Lo, who killed as Chinese revisionists Comrade Chiang Ching. They will do it if they have exploited the detention policy with complete isolation of Chairman Gonzalo to the maximum. The rats of the ROL say that the chairman has told them to participate in the elections, but also there is no document, approved by its so-called "national leadership". Thus, the ROL has in this new reactionary blatant lie, which is led by the CIA with the help of the Zionist genocide of Israel, himself unmasked as to what they have said up to 2005.

It is very clear that the plan is the participation in the elections to make capitulators in the old state important to be withdrawn upon the revolutionary violence, with new leadership - which they say they will have - on its fourth stage. Also serves The plan to clean the civilian and military mass murderers, this is to Sold to the devil, like Faust. At the same time serves for the replacement of the old authorities of the genocidal state. And so they seek to destroy people's war in Peru and to the - to act - with the communist parties to international level that are just before the start of people's war. Accordingly, it is of great importance to further the debate on the application of principles of Maoism, which we intend in the international Communist movement and, within it, in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful Thought!
We urge the public presentation in the live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!

popular movement Peru
July 2010

See the document on English .


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