Thursday, August 19, 2010

Woke Up Dizzy And Off Balance

actions and mass work of the People's Liberation Army

Am 05. August , in Huanuco Department, gab es einen Kampf zwischen der Einheiten und Einheiten der reaktionären Streitkräfte Volksbefreiungsarmee im Bezirk José Crespo y Castillo in Leoncio Prados Provinz. Ein von den Sargent reaktionären Streitskräfte was shot. Ten days later, on 15 August has informed the reactionary press that, in the northern parts of the province La Mar in the department of Ayacucho, units of the People's Liberation Army in the last days of extensive ground work have carried out - such as a public meeting in a village and leaflets distributed by the Communist Party in several villages . As usual, trying to spread confusion reaction, in which she tells the fictional story that will have the comrades two children "kidnapped".


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