Workers of the world, unite!
We condemn the statement by the lackeys García, right tries to manufacture the largest of the Yankee imperialist aggression against our country legally!
On 7 September, the fascist and genocidal land sellers Garcia, as president of Peru, a policy statement issued on CNN, has said in the that the United States may install its forces in Peru, where they so desire. In addition, the President called for harmonized the White House to provide more resources to combat the drug trade in Peru. He said: "In all matters that are human and universal, I make no question of sovereignty and patriotism, that is, if the Americans want to put their troops for training, as they have here, helicopters and satellites and communication systems instructor, is time very affordable. ". Then, the Presidency has given an explanation known in attempts to clarify who has what Garcia said: "Drug trafficking is a crime without borders, could have a serious social consequences and the United States and other nations technical and military cooperation with the country only if they are under the command of Peru."
condemn refuse We, and banish this statement this reactionary lackey of Yankee imperialism, which cries out for direct intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism, which has long been against our country. With the "Auto coup" by Fujimori (April 5, 1992), the Yankee imperialism started by the CIA, his "low intensity war" against the people's war directly to lead the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) results. Direct intervention and aggression, which has been rising since then as a secret war on the pretext of the "war on drugs" with troops, helicopters, satellites, military, etc., as servants of Garcia himself acknowledges in this statement. But then, why he has right now, this political statement in favor of military intervention predicated of Yankee imperialism, despite its later name "work" than to decorate it?
first Because of its imperialist Lord has command should him to say it, for it has increased its intervention in the Andean region, Peru. Because they need permission from the authorities in the country, according to the International Right to carry out their attacks, especially when they kill innocent civilians. Shall consult with the Obama's Ratings Obama: "they shall be a party to the legal authority of the country that underpin the actions of the Yankees Special Forces in the expansion will" (to be increased since the end of last year to 2011 by 60 countries to 75 countries) before the report of the United Nations from the first week of June this year, has made the power of government to carry out such actions in Pakistan in question.
is this shameless statement, since the legal reasoning that needs the Yankee imperialism, to increase its aggression against our country. So, he planned to increase the use of special forces against the people's war of resistance, which leads the CPP against him in Peru. In this way, Garcia is the lackey of the greatest imperialist genocide against our people. As we reported in our previous statement, the government of genocide Obama, offered in July this year, by their State Department offered a reward of $ 5 million for notes you make on the arrest of one that they as leaders of the CPP . denote
The drug trade or drug-terrorism "is a" weapon of imperialism to load moral superiority "that will lead the Yankee policy. But his intervention increases the prosperity of drugs, how in the nine years of imperialist intervention in Afghanistan has seen, where the opium flower as never before. Without that one goes too far in Peru, after decades of application of the "anti-drug treaties," "Help" and imperialist intervention has not melted the drug trade, but it has increased. Where to aim Garcia and all who develop their reactionary since the campaign in which people associate the war as a "drug terrorism" and call? Simple and easy to promote and support the intervention of Yankee imperialism and aggression, with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction. Only with the destruction of imperialism, we can eliminate all of its global ills such as drug trafficking. built with the development of the democratic revolution with the people's war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, the CPP the new, the new power, piece by piece sweeps the party the old State away with all the evils of the old society, such as drug trafficking .
His "clarification" that the Yankee troops "will be under the command of Peru," are just words from the lackey, the wind goes by because everyone knows that in every place the activities of the Special Operations Forces, as from any other military or police force of Yankee imperialism, coordinated with the U.S. ambassador, and under the operational control of four-star regional commander, in turn, by the Central Command, CENTCOM Yankee depends.
second Because of this fascist, genocide and land sales Garcia the need for stronger intervention and aggression to promote the Yankee imperialism, trying with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction to a decisive blow against the CPP before the presidential elections in to give 2011th Because he has failed in its third reactionary task, the destruction of people's war, because his so-called "Plan VRAE" the successes of people's war and the struggle of the masses has failed again, and because he feared, rightly, that the KPP new victories in the implementation of their campaign to boycott their local and regional elections and the general win elections next year.
On 26 August, Garcia said that the police require the support of the armed forces, and that they can participate, because "national defense, the intellectual defense and the defense of public safety." Garcia pointed out that to lose weight if needed "big computer search for the spirits of the crime and scare that require the "support and backing of the armed forces" is. In this way he seeks to manipulate public opinion in order to use the armed forces for internal repression under the pretext of fighting crime extensively. Accordingly, Garcia's government has adopted a series of legislative decrees, including, for the benefit of legal impunity for war crimes, which commit their armed forces and police in the counter-revolutionary war against the people's war and the repression of the protests of the masses. In it, some "critics" as "Law of disguised amnesty" for civil and military condemned genocide, as Garcia himself, his Vice President Gampietri, Montesinos, Fujimori, the "Colina Group" and so on, but they do not, that's mainly for the impunity of the perpetrators of the new genocide. Consequently, the political declaration Garcia - which invites the military intervention of Yankee imperialism - and that of his government adopted and implemented legislative decrees, such as that of "disguised amnesty" and other legal decrees and measures, such as repression (in Ayacucho and elsewhere) the mass leader - workers, farmers and residents of poor neighborhoods, students, pupils, and even the "ronderos" - Go hand to hand to the largest military intervention of Yankee imperialism "to justify legally. It is both part of the production of public opinion, legal documents and other preparations for even greater genocide against our people.
We also condemn that imperialism next to his genocidal plan its policy of "peace agreement" promotes, and that he is a role in the "insurgent movements," as long as they accept the surrender, renounce violence and are within their "democracy "lane. As part of this plan - in the current election, which exists until 2011 - Werbet the enemy's surrender and the insertion of the treacherous rats of the revisionist Rechtopportunistischen line (ROL). Your participation in the elections. Through their service, the response prepared new gross lies against the CPP and its leadership, Chairman Gonzalo. So nobody should be surprised! The Peruvian government and the reaction advertise ROL very much in this whole year by any means: advertising of their march at the University of San Marcos, with extensive coverage in the media about the seizure in the women's prison in Chorrillos, they have the blatant lie of "the marriage of Gonzalo and Miriam set "in order to succeed the chairman to present. You must combine all this with the reward of 5 million dollars from the United States against the leaders of the CPP - they say because of drug trafficking - and the realization of the operation of the helicopter for night use and the repression against the masses in Ayacucho. All this shows that the reaction and imperialism involved before the presidential elections in 2011, the CPP, the Stutz Punk areas and people's committees and the masses who support them and beat.
We condemn the rats of the ROL, which serve, as always, the plan of genocide of imperialism and the Peruvian reaction. The number of revisionists are selling even cheaper and it is up to and after the 2011 elections continue to be - they will sell themselves to the new government of the landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism - because these rats just want to save their revisionist dirty fur. We must therefore increase the campaign to defend the life of the chairman. The leader of the rats, Miriam, and the other rats of the ROL have proposed that the Chairman has already fulfilled its role, that they are a "new group" for this "new stage", they are preparing the conditions for the assassination of President Gonzalo. The rats of the ROL move to the necessity of the old state, they stand behind to destroy the tail of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie in their elections, and in their desperation the people's war.
Finally, we condemn, once again, the largest military intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism and its lackey García and his government, Ministers, Parliament, judiciary, political parties, each and every revisionist, rejecting the intervention and aggression and condemned. We call on all sons and daughters of our people to unite to fight against them.
We call upon all communist parties and revolutionary organizations in the world to promote the anti-imperialist campaign: Yankees go home! We increase
our compromise and welcome and express our subjection, again, to the CPP, the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, its Central Committee: Due to their continuous efforts and success in the reunification of the Peruvian people. Because of their overwhelming majority on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance, the masses decide mobilized to develop the democratic revolution as a national war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, with the holding up of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, with the rejection and the the surrender and the fight against revisionism, the rats of the ROL, with the insistence continues every day with the fight, tough and independent, for the seizure of power in the country, in view of the world proletarian revolution, of which we are more than connected each to the cause of communism, and hit the enemy precisely and powerfully, whoever he is, and more at Yankee imperialism.
We welcome the national liberation struggles that unfold in today's world, as part of the development of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.
condemn refuse We, and banish this statement this reactionary lackey of Yankee imperialism, which cries out for direct intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism, which has long been against our country. With the "Auto coup" by Fujimori (April 5, 1992), the Yankee imperialism started by the CIA, his "low intensity war" against the people's war directly to lead the Communist Party of Peru (KPP) results. Direct intervention and aggression, which has been rising since then as a secret war on the pretext of the "war on drugs" with troops, helicopters, satellites, military, etc., as servants of Garcia himself acknowledges in this statement. But then, why he has right now, this political statement in favor of military intervention predicated of Yankee imperialism, despite its later name "work" than to decorate it?
first Because of its imperialist Lord has command should him to say it, for it has increased its intervention in the Andean region, Peru. Because they need permission from the authorities in the country, according to the International Right to carry out their attacks, especially when they kill innocent civilians. Shall consult with the Obama's Ratings Obama: "they shall be a party to the legal authority of the country that underpin the actions of the Yankees Special Forces in the expansion will" (to be increased since the end of last year to 2011 by 60 countries to 75 countries) before the report of the United Nations from the first week of June this year, has made the power of government to carry out such actions in Pakistan in question.
is this shameless statement, since the legal reasoning that needs the Yankee imperialism, to increase its aggression against our country. So, he planned to increase the use of special forces against the people's war of resistance, which leads the CPP against him in Peru. In this way, Garcia is the lackey of the greatest imperialist genocide against our people. As we reported in our previous statement, the government of genocide Obama, offered in July this year, by their State Department offered a reward of $ 5 million for notes you make on the arrest of one that they as leaders of the CPP . denote
The drug trade or drug-terrorism "is a" weapon of imperialism to load moral superiority "that will lead the Yankee policy. But his intervention increases the prosperity of drugs, how in the nine years of imperialist intervention in Afghanistan has seen, where the opium flower as never before. Without that one goes too far in Peru, after decades of application of the "anti-drug treaties," "Help" and imperialist intervention has not melted the drug trade, but it has increased. Where to aim Garcia and all who develop their reactionary since the campaign in which people associate the war as a "drug terrorism" and call? Simple and easy to promote and support the intervention of Yankee imperialism and aggression, with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction. Only with the destruction of imperialism, we can eliminate all of its global ills such as drug trafficking. built with the development of the democratic revolution with the people's war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, the CPP the new, the new power, piece by piece sweeps the party the old State away with all the evils of the old society, such as drug trafficking .
His "clarification" that the Yankee troops "will be under the command of Peru," are just words from the lackey, the wind goes by because everyone knows that in every place the activities of the Special Operations Forces, as from any other military or police force of Yankee imperialism, coordinated with the U.S. ambassador, and under the operational control of four-star regional commander, in turn, by the Central Command, CENTCOM Yankee depends.
second Because of this fascist, genocide and land sales Garcia the need for stronger intervention and aggression to promote the Yankee imperialism, trying with the serving and defending the interests of their Lord, and the Peruvian reaction to a decisive blow against the CPP before the presidential elections in to give 2011th Because he has failed in its third reactionary task, the destruction of people's war, because his so-called "Plan VRAE" the successes of people's war and the struggle of the masses has failed again, and because he feared, rightly, that the KPP new victories in the implementation of their campaign to boycott their local and regional elections and the general win elections next year.
On 26 August, Garcia said that the police require the support of the armed forces, and that they can participate, because "national defense, the intellectual defense and the defense of public safety." Garcia pointed out that to lose weight if needed "big computer search for the spirits of the crime and scare that require the "support and backing of the armed forces" is. In this way he seeks to manipulate public opinion in order to use the armed forces for internal repression under the pretext of fighting crime extensively. Accordingly, Garcia's government has adopted a series of legislative decrees, including, for the benefit of legal impunity for war crimes, which commit their armed forces and police in the counter-revolutionary war against the people's war and the repression of the protests of the masses. In it, some "critics" as "Law of disguised amnesty" for civil and military condemned genocide, as Garcia himself, his Vice President Gampietri, Montesinos, Fujimori, the "Colina Group" and so on, but they do not, that's mainly for the impunity of the perpetrators of the new genocide. Consequently, the political declaration Garcia - which invites the military intervention of Yankee imperialism - and that of his government adopted and implemented legislative decrees, such as that of "disguised amnesty" and other legal decrees and measures, such as repression (in Ayacucho and elsewhere) the mass leader - workers, farmers and residents of poor neighborhoods, students, pupils, and even the "ronderos" - Go hand to hand to the largest military intervention of Yankee imperialism "to justify legally. It is both part of the production of public opinion, legal documents and other preparations for even greater genocide against our people.
We also condemn that imperialism next to his genocidal plan its policy of "peace agreement" promotes, and that he is a role in the "insurgent movements," as long as they accept the surrender, renounce violence and are within their "democracy "lane. As part of this plan - in the current election, which exists until 2011 - Werbet the enemy's surrender and the insertion of the treacherous rats of the revisionist Rechtopportunistischen line (ROL). Your participation in the elections. Through their service, the response prepared new gross lies against the CPP and its leadership, Chairman Gonzalo. So nobody should be surprised! The Peruvian government and the reaction advertise ROL very much in this whole year by any means: advertising of their march at the University of San Marcos, with extensive coverage in the media about the seizure in the women's prison in Chorrillos, they have the blatant lie of "the marriage of Gonzalo and Miriam set "in order to succeed the chairman to present. You must combine all this with the reward of 5 million dollars from the United States against the leaders of the CPP - they say because of drug trafficking - and the realization of the operation of the helicopter for night use and the repression against the masses in Ayacucho. All this shows that the reaction and imperialism involved before the presidential elections in 2011, the CPP, the Stutz Punk areas and people's committees and the masses who support them and beat.
We condemn the rats of the ROL, which serve, as always, the plan of genocide of imperialism and the Peruvian reaction. The number of revisionists are selling even cheaper and it is up to and after the 2011 elections continue to be - they will sell themselves to the new government of the landlord-bureaucratic State in the service of imperialism - because these rats just want to save their revisionist dirty fur. We must therefore increase the campaign to defend the life of the chairman. The leader of the rats, Miriam, and the other rats of the ROL have proposed that the Chairman has already fulfilled its role, that they are a "new group" for this "new stage", they are preparing the conditions for the assassination of President Gonzalo. The rats of the ROL move to the necessity of the old state, they stand behind to destroy the tail of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie in their elections, and in their desperation the people's war.
Finally, we condemn, once again, the largest military intervention and aggression of Yankee imperialism and its lackey García and his government, Ministers, Parliament, judiciary, political parties, each and every revisionist, rejecting the intervention and aggression and condemned. We call on all sons and daughters of our people to unite to fight against them.
We call upon all communist parties and revolutionary organizations in the world to promote the anti-imperialist campaign: Yankees go home! We increase
our compromise and welcome and express our subjection, again, to the CPP, the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, its Central Committee: Due to their continuous efforts and success in the reunification of the Peruvian people. Because of their overwhelming majority on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance, the masses decide mobilized to develop the democratic revolution as a national war of resistance against Yankee imperialism, with the holding up of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, with the rejection and the the surrender and the fight against revisionism, the rats of the ROL, with the insistence continues every day with the fight, tough and independent, for the seizure of power in the country, in view of the world proletarian revolution, of which we are more than connected each to the cause of communism, and hit the enemy precisely and powerfully, whoever he is, and more at Yankee imperialism.
We welcome the national liberation struggles that unfold in today's world, as part of the development of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.
Yankees go home!
We urge the public presentation live Chairman Gonzalo and that it can make it!
popular movement Peru
September 2010
Here you can find the document on English and English
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