Tuesday, July 20, 2010

European Wrapping Papers

33 years Zillertaler original music in perfect quality!

The Orig Zillertaler there now for 33 years! In this occupation, the group started 13 years ago and there were a number of CDs produced. , 1984, to today's busy leaders Rudi Ebster. Over time there have always been small changes in the formation, but the musical direction remained loyal to the group. Still crazy, spirited and harmonious sounds in perfect quality. Your name recognition she gained through her many TV and radio operations at home - and abroad. One of the highlights was the successful participation at the Grand Prix of Folk Music. You can live the Orig Zillertaler as good as anywhere to do: Austria, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, etc .... Here they delight in addition to musical perfection by their extraordinary show program. (Eg fire trumpets, Hellcats of the Zillertal, Marylin Monroe, etc.) also as an opening act by Hansi Hinterseer convinced the 4 Zillertaler the audience. On his TV show "Sincerely, Hansi Hinterseer" they were also often been a guest. Her repertoire consists of hearty folk music, romantic pop tunes as well as songs from the international field. Another trademark of the formation, among other things their lead singer Roland, with his beautiful voice touches the hearts of all women. All friends and fans of the "Original Zillertaler" may be about the new album "Mander it severally times" look. This is a musical highlight, mixed with elements of folk music and traditional music, which comes up with friends of popular music enjoyment. portrait


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