Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Had An Erection At My Physical

document of the CPP of this year

Workers of the world, unite!


To the Communists, to the international proletariat and the oppressed masses of the world.

"... while Marxism-Leninism recognition has reached its universal validity, Maoism is not fully recognized as the third stage, for, while some simply deny its status as such, others will accept it only as "Mao Zedong Thought". And, in fact, in both cases - with the obvious differences that exist between the two - the general development of Marxism by the Chairman Mao Zedong is denied. The unknowable nature of his "ism" - by Maoism - is the denial of universal validity and therefore, the denial as a third, new and higher stage of the ideology of the international proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, the defense we uphold, and apply ... "

" ... The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in historical perspective, the most significant development of Marxism-Leninism by the Chairman Mao, the resolution of all endured important issue is the continuation of the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, "represents a new level, deeper and broader, in the development of the socialist revolution in our country ...."".

"... The Communist Party of Peru, led by Chairman Gonzalo by the group, which has facilitated the reconstruction has to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism taken in 1966 to himself; in 1979, the slogan: Keep high, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought, in 1981! to Maoism, and, in 1982, as part of Maoism and higher development the ideology of the international proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism .... ".

Basic documents
Communist Party of Peru (CPP)

With communist greetings, we greet each of you, members of the communist parties and revolutionary organizations fighting against imperialism and revisionism.
The goal of this event has the objective of Serve to prepare the jump, which requires the world revolution, the CPP says it a while ago that it is necessary to conduct an Extended Meeting of the Revolutionary International Movement (RIM) with the participation of all members and treat from our position on the following matters :

1st-evaluate the application of Maoism. The essence of Maoism and the Cultural Revolution.
2.-The experience of the international proletariat, especially those that develop people's war.
3.-The fight against revisionism of today.

This is our firm and decisive position as a faction within the International Communist Movement.

It is a Need for the communists of the world, to systematize the application of Maoism, and we know how to make, from the victory of the Chinese Revolution, under the consideration of the position of the CPP, which has defined the Maoism as a new, third and higher stage of Marxism, and that to be a Marxist today, it is to be Maoist.

comrades, there are four decades of hard struggle to enforce Maoism. This task must serve to embody Maoism laid, and concrete in the beginning of more people by the Communist Party-led wars. The Corim (Committee of the RIM) can not be wegreden from their responsibilities, there have been milestones since the triumph of the Revolution, that the proletariat must assimilate for later use. Thus, there are also some problems on the ideological and political line that the RIM does not know to submit them properly, and it has - no set position in the fight against revisionism of today - the right time. There is a lack of understanding on the issue of power and, in some cases, even resistance to it.

The essence of Maoism is the power, the power under the leadership of the proletariat in the democratic revolution, the power for the dictatorship of the proletariat in the socialist and cultural revolutions, and which - based power may, by - by the people's war accepted and defended the Communist Party-led force. For us, this is crucial, is its avoidance can not progress to the people's war, without a body and this is not a Maoist people's war and the revolution - see the situation in Nepal. This is a major problem to be treated extensively in the RIM. And you should have a fixed position.

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a milestone in the development of the dictatorship of the proletariat to the fixing of the proletariat in power. The brilliant leadership of Chairman Mao from the two-line struggle in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and how facing the fight of restoration and con restoration, the role of the militias (the Sea of armed masses) armed us ideologically and politically in order to face the new problems that the world revolution, and here in Peru. From how to make a - build-militarized Communist Party for the maintenance of the war to develop the ongoing people's war to communism, with a sea of armed masses and so the revolution is not on the right track. And how to combat these new revisionists, see its essence and perspective, working with their new masters.

About the partisan experience, the CPP with the application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, with the application of the principles of concentric structure of the three instruments the revolution, with the militarization of the party, with the application of the principle of leadership and the leaders of the revolution, and that the revolution will not be out of the prisons. The adherence and the risk of principles allow us to continue the party and the party prescribed course. We have turned the usurpation of the Regional Committee by the rightist line (ROL), who wanted to make a tackle, but we have to answer a resounding and fight them as traitors who they are, their role is to be swept away. Nothing has served her the wrong assembly (written by Merino Bartel) Peace letters, videos (in person by Montesinos processed) and to control TV stations, prison transfers (to prisons), with Morote, Cox, Maria Pantoja were Miriam agreed, known as self-criticism of Nancy Roldan, Julio, etc., with libretto by the SIN (Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional - National Intelligence). We are in the forged, that the war does not stop for a minute, it's that easy and that you let the flag of the Revolution fall under any circumstances, the matter is, the principles still apply . The leadership is isolated since his arrest until today, there is no public and live presentation, but only letters, videos, Books and everything is centered in the statements of capitulators.

Nowadays, with the statement of Yankee imperialism is the reaction of "new laws of repentance" to the enemy says, "the former" has fulfilled its role and they must be updated. The Israeli response has hired a consultant, the CIA has not passed. The MOSSAD says: For the insurgency, they need helicopters for night services with more firepower. You apply for more budget to Congress. You have changed the roles of prosecutors in the emergency zone, so that the police are doing now, they now have new legislation - the so-called "impunity" - In which the police are authorized to shoot without responsibility. Now they say they fight terrorism, drug (as in Afghanistan, the opium - in Colombia and Peru, the cocaine). With the focus on the construction of new power, the fluidity of people's war and the implementation of the joint dictatorship in the People's Committee allows that we face a detour successful, despite the arrest of the leadership and much of the:

About the People's War leader. With the application of the principle that the remaining communists are committed to continue and remain in the course of the revolution. The principle that the party command should the gun, with the integration the militia in the army, has allowed us, the army and to lead neuzugruppieren absolute, so we have to prevent the taking advantage of ROL. We think it is unacceptable that in the revolution in Nepal, the revolutionary army was demobilized and handed their weapons, under the "leadership" of the United Nations. The party must be within the army that supports the new power. Without a revolutionary army and the people not the revolution in Nepal will end in genocide.

The fight against the current revisionism

The experience of the international proletariat shows that the revisionists and the counter-revolutionary coups within of the Central Committee will be given. See: Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Communist Party (CCP), Communist Party of Peru (KPP), the former Communist Party of Nepal (M), in moments happened in the jumps or withdrawals to be before the loss or arrest leaderships of the Soviet Communist Party, CCP, CPP. to suppress First with the revision of the ideological and political line in order to later open to deny everything, with the raising of red flags of Communism and pictures of Chairman Mao and, in our case, Chairman Gonzalo, around the left side and arrest, to to stop the revolution.

Revisionism refers to new circumstances and says: "... after the arrest of the Chairman Gonzalo and the historic central leadership has given the CPP's strategic turn, in which they had to develop new strategies, new general policy, new tactics, new construction work, new mass work, etc. , a new line, which had to prevail in the struggle against the previous line. " We ask: when did they do it? They have coordinated with the puppet Fujimori and he has presented to the world, so it was - he planned it, he can distribute the leaflets from helicopters in Ayacucho, Huallaga, universities, etc.. Was there a Regional Committee or a created organization of the CPP? what? It was the CIA from the SIN- out reactionary forces. Now they plan to participate in the presidential elections in 2011 in order to renew itself, and the ROL in Nepal? The same. What Corim said before the surrender? Before this new "choice militant revisionists? It has only investigated, heard at last! Despite the arrest of our leadership and the bulk of the leadership and despite the infiltration of the reaction in our party, the fight against supported by the CIA ROL gives us a great lesson for new challenges to take to make a review of the implementation of Maoism, and that it serves more people to start wars.
The call of the Central Committee and the whole party in the public presentation of live Chairman Gonzalo's request. There is a demand of the communists and we show that the miserable, the isolation of the leadership have committed to assume that the party has found its sanctions already in Fujimori, Garcia, Gampetri to the lawyers who have been saying for 1993: "... the President does not want our services ... he says that clash with his order of peace agreements ...". Accomplices who now call themselves his plea and defenders, they are "candidates for elections" became. We did not forget about it and say it to they remember what they said. Each thing in its time.

LONG LIVE THE Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought COMMUNIST PARTY OF PERU!

Central Committee - Communist Party of Peru
April 2010


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