Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Software Virtualization Solution

day of heroism in 2010

¡Proletarios de todos los países, unios!

Día de Heroicidad 2010:
¡Elevar la solidaridad class with political prisoners and prisoners of war revolutionaries in Peru!

The June 19, 1986, the old Peruvian state - this time headed by the fascist regime of Alan Garcia Perez, just like now - conducted an infamous genocide in three prisons: the pediment, Lurigancho and Callao, where nearly three hundred Communist revolutionaries and masses of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) were killed. Comrades and colleagues released a heroic resistance and a stamp in the history of the world proletarian revolution, forever marking June 19 as the DAY OF HEROISM. Showed that knew how to fight to maintain to stop the red flag with hammer and sickle under any circumstance, whatever it takes to defend the moral of the class and the Party's principles and people's war.

Every revolutionary process than if it rises to its highest level, protracted people's war, requires a fee, a fee of blood and even the reaction takes prisoners. It's an inevitable part of the struggle to transform this old and rotten system of oppression and exploitation, we live under, a society without rich or poor, is an inevitable part in the struggle for Communism. Hence, every party and organization, if indeed it is diametrically opposed to the imperialist system, will inevitably face the fact that many comrades and friends fall into the hands of reaction, and if they survive, are in a condition of political prisoners or prisoners of war.

People's War in Peru, the PCP leads since its inception in 1980, has been branded as "terrorist" by the imperialists and their reactionary and revisionist, thus trying to confuse public opinion both in the same country and internationally, to isolate the revolutionary struggle and rein in its development - that, while they who commit heinous crimes of genocide, torture, rape, disappearances, etc. Now use the absurd tale of "narco-terrorism" to justify the increasing direct involvement of the Armed Forces of the United States in Peru, the hiring of "anti-terrorism advisers" (mercenaries) Israel and the implementation of a militarized corporatization of the field (that is, fascism adapted to fight a war popular). Everyone should be clear: the people's war led by the PCP is a fair and accurate control released by the masses in terms of their own class interests.

political prisoners and prisoners of war of the PCP found in the dungeons of the reaction to fight for the Peruvian revolution taking place as part and service to the world proletarian revolution. His struggle does not end when you become in prison, on the contrary these dungeons become shining trenches of combat where, surpassing subhuman conditions, continue to struggle for the triumph of people's war. They are not "terrorists" are revolutionary fighters and deserve our strong support for their struggle.

In Peru, U.S. imperialism, through the CIA and INS Peruvian agency, since 1993, has spread the lie counter the "capitulation" of President Gonzalo, calling for a so-called "peace agreement" with the reaction. In this paper claim have used some capituladotes in prisons and old revisionists and infiltrators. Even preparation for the hoax, in May 1992, the reactionary armed forces killed 120 peers in the Canto Grande prison, and took great care to ensure that those who then would be heads capituladotes not nothing happens to them. These traitors to the Peruvian revolution have trafficked ominously with its previous condition, and have generated much confusion about the current situation in prisons. Who preaches "peace agreement", "political solution" and participation in the electoral farce of the old state, they have nothing to do with the PCP, as things have been done in the past. Political prisoners and prisoners of war PCP are those who persist in the principles of the Party and the People's War, showing the heroism that only war can cause people to be guided by the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought.

need to redouble our efforts to support the struggle of our comrades and friends in the Shining Trenches of Combat. Must be mobilized to overcome the immense repression in Peru falls on those brave souls who dare to defend our prisoners. It is necessary to mobilize internationally to this end and to get our class solidarity with them. We need to mobilize advocates of the popular fighters in the world for the same purpose. In It is important to multiply the support of the common slogan: We demand a public presentation in Live Chairman Gonzalo and to be allowed to rule!

People's War in Peru is the lamp of the world proletarian revolution, call to support those that keep it aloft.

demand the public presentation in Live Chairman Gonzalo and to be allowed to rule! We raise
class solidarity with political prisoners and prisoners of war in Peru!
Glory to the fallen heroes, viva la revolution!

Movimiento Popular Peru
Junio de 2010


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