Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Kiss By Joby Talbot Piano Sheet

Another section of the interview of our leadership

EL DIARIO: And now for something: In the documents of the PCP to be referred to as the head of the party and leader of the revolution. What does it and what they think of the revisionist theory of the personality cult?

CHAIRMAN GONZALO: Here we should remind us of Lenin's thesis on the relationship between mass, classes, parties and leaders. We believe that the revolution, the party, the classes bring a group of leaders. So it was in every revolution. Consider, for example, the October Revolution, - as we have Lenin, Stalin, Swerdlow and some more, a small group, similar to the Chinese revolution, where Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the comrades Kang Sheng, Chiang Ching, Chang Chung-Chao were among others. In every revolution there is, consequently, in our. We can be no exception, here is not that there is no rule without exception, but this is about laws. Each process thus has leaders, but among them stands out as one or the other leaders at the top, depending on the specific circumstances, not all leaders have the same format. Marx Marx, Lenin, Lenin and Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao, each of them is unique and no one is equal.

In our party, in our revolution, our people's war, the proletariat has also created a leadership group that is referred to by Engels, the result of a historical necessity and historical contingencies. There is a need for the emergence of a leadership group and a supreme leader, but who will it be decided by the coincidence that all of the specific conditions at a particular place at a particular time. Is formed out in our case a guide. She was recognized for the first time on the expanded National Party Conference of 1979 formally. But the matter involves a fundamental, undeniable fact. Each guide is based to a line, no matter what level of development reached them. That the one who speaks to you today, has become the leader of the party and revolution, as the party decisions are, has to do with the need and the historic chance and obviously with the Gonzalo thought. No one knows, has planned the revolution and the party with one, but if it decides is the only thing left to do, accept the responsibility.

We follow the thesis of Lenin, which is true and accurate, and the cult of personality, however, is a position of revisionism. Already Lenin warned against the denial of the leaders and raised the same time stressed the need for the masses, the party and to educate the Revolution their own cadres, a leadership group and a supreme leader. There is a difference that must be mentioned. The leading cadres of the party are agents for a particular area of responsibility. The position of the leadership group and the party head the other hand, is based on a recognized authority in the party, acquired in a long struggle in which they have worked well and proved in theory and practice that they are able, on our way towards our class ideals of the vanguard to take and to lead us towards progress and victory.

Khrushchev raised the allegation of the personality cult in order to fight Stalin. But as we all know, that was just a pretext to fight the dictatorship of the proletariat. Gorbachev now brings back the charge out of the personality cult, as the revisionists Liu Shao-chi and Teng Hsiao-Ping did. Consequently, it is a revisionist theory that is directed against the dictatorship of the proletariat and against the leadership of the revolution, and aims to make it controlled. In our case, the goal is to deprive the people's war, his leadership. We do not have any dictatorship of the proletariat, but first a new power, which works to the standards of the new democracy or joint dictatorship of the workers, peasants and progressive forces. Therefore, the aims of the allegation Personality cult in our case, mainly aims to make the people's war leadership. The reaction and their lackeys know very well why they do this, because it is not easy for a leadership group and a top leader of the revolution produce. And a people's war like the one in our country, needs leaders and a leader, someone who represents the movement and quotes, and a group of leaders, capable to guide them steadfastly. All in all, the theory of the personality cult of a revisionist theory that has nothing to do with our understanding of leadership, based on Leninism.


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