Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Laminating Costs Chicago

19th June: The day of the revolutionary prisoners

"Nothing in the world will disappear by itself, the exploitation and oppression will disappear only through the power of the class" .
- Chairman Gonzalo

Workers of the world, unite!

day of Heroism 2010:
reinforced class solidarity with the revolutionary war and political prisoners in Peru!

On 19 June 1986 committed the Peruvian state-then as now, under the fascist regime of Alan Garcia Perez, during a prison uprising a horrible genocide in three prisons in Lima: El Fronton, Lurigancho and El Callao. The nearly 300 murder victims were communists, revolutionaries and for the most part members of the Communist Peru's Party (CPP). With the heroic resistance put the Comrades a monument in the history of the world proletarian revolution. They made 19 DAY OF June, for heroism. Our comrades have held up under the most trying conditions and circumstances, the red flag with the hammer and sickle. They defended the morality of the class and the principles of the Party and people's war, without fear of having the consequences.

Every revolutionary process-especially when it has reached the highest level and has developed into a protracted people's war-requires an equally cruel as inevitable fee to be paid in blood and imprisonment must. It's an inevitable Part of the fight to destroy this old and rotten system of nterdrückung and exploitation, to then live in a society without class distinctions, and without the border between rich and poor. It is a fight for communism. Thus, it is a fact that every party and organization-
when system is diametrically opposed to the imperialist-always have to deal with the loss of some of their comrades. If the comrades were able to survive the applied force of government, they will then receive the
status of political prisoners.

Peru People's War found its beginning in 1980 - since the beginning subject to the direction and leadership of the CPP. The imperialists and their reactionary and revisionist lackeys try the people's war as "terrorism" and the members of the CPP as "terrorists" show. In this way, public opinion in Peru and also at international level are influenced, in order to slow the development of revolutionary struggle and achieve its isolation. During the fascist regime of the struggling people as "terrorists", they commit the most heinous crimes such as genocide, torture, rape and disappearance of persons, etc. As an alleged reason for the direct involvement of U.S. forces in Peru, the "drug terrorism" placed. In addition, "anti-terror adviser" is (mercenaries) are used in Israel and a militarized state implemented corporation (in this case is adapted it is fascism, which has the task of fighting a people's war). The people's war led by the CPP is characterized by the fact that the people fighting for their own class interests and the oppression of state and government. It is a fair and justified struggle because the people and brings together all the forces together to improve conditions in the country einsteht.

Some comrades of the CPP are as political prisoners in the dungeons of the reaction. They are there because for them the Peruvian Revolution who fought and still fight and help to ensure that developed as part of this revolution and in the service of the proletarian world revolution. Even in prison shank does not end the struggle of comrades. Instead, they turn this prison into sleek trench by overcoming the inhumane conditions in prisons and continue to fight for the victory of people's war. They are not "terrorists", but revolutionary fighter and therefore deserve our vigorous support for their struggle.

began in 1993, Yankee imperialism - through the CIA and the Peruvian Agency "SIN" (Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional, this is the Peruvian secret service) - a counter-revolutionary campaign in which the lies spread by the surrender of Chairman Gonzalo, and the resulting peace agreement with the reaction. For this uncanny work of the enemy has counted with the help of traitors kapitulationistischen in prisons, as well as old revisionists and infiltrated. In preparation for this lie, 120 comrades in the Canto Grande prison by the reactionary armed forces killed in May 1992. This gruesome attack was nevertheless careful to ensure that the Kapitulatoren - who worked then at this gross lie - nothing could happen. This traitor of the Peruvian Revolution acted weird to its prior physical condition and have a lot of confusion about the current situation created in the prisons. Those who preach the "peace agreement", the "political solution" and the participation in the election farce of the old state is not part of KPP-no matter what these people have done in the past. The war and political prisoners of the CPP are those who remain in the principles of the Party and people's war and thus show the heroism that can only be a people's war under the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo's ideas are generated.

We must redouble our efforts to combat to support our comrades in the glowing trenches. It is necessary for us to mobilize to defeat the immense repression in Peru meets those brave people who dare to our imprisoned comrades to defend. It requires us to mobilize international for this purpose and to demonstrate solidarity with our class. The defenders of the people's fighters have to be mobilized in the world for the same purpose. Therefore, it is important to multiply the support of the slogan of the CPP: We demand a public presentation speech of the Chairman Gonzalo in live broadcasts!

The People's War in Peru is the torch of the world proletarian revolution. We call on everyone to support him and strengthened.

We demand a public presentation with a speech by the Chairman Gonzalo in live broadcasts!
We are increasing the class solidarity with political prisoners in Peru!
glory to the fallen heroes, long live the revolution!

popular movement Peru
June 2010


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