publish, we herewith two speeches by "collective support of the people's war in Peru," " Committee of People's Struggle" MANOLO BELLO " and " Galician Committee for the Support of people's war in India " for the conference in Hamburg in December.
message of "collective support of the People's War in Peru"
The "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, greet with great enthusiasm and a sincere revolutionary Wusch insurmountable for a success, the Conference of Hamburg.
Maoism in Peru has found its correct application by Gonzalo thoughts with which it is able to conduct the people's war for the new-democratic revolution and the destruction of the old State.
Today's conference represents the conclusion of several international events that the people's movement in Peru ideological struggle against revisionism, parliamentary cretinism and as for the correct application of Maoism has organized the third stage of Marxism-Leninism.
The internationalist solidarity, which we express as communists for the people's war in Peru and the struggles of oppressed peoples is reflected in the development of a revolutionary path in the imperialist countries to beat the enemy inside.
The Chairman Gonzalo, in his interview 1988 compared with those revolutionary parties and organizations of the "Old Europe" that have in practice revisionism fighting in which they attacked the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie and its interests in weapons, full solidarity and support expressed.
Today more than ever, the revisionism a difficult to devastating enemy because he does not always show his true colors: he represents the enemy within the working class and the proletariat.
In Italy, the revisionism began using the resistance struggle of the partisans against Nazi fascism, the Italian Communist Party as a way of social peace process started. He has betrayed the proletariat and the masses about the fact that it is possible to get through the parliamentary cretinism of socialism and, therefore, to continue the armed struggle was not necessary.
In the current times of crisis in the advanced capitalist System organizes the working class in resistance struggles and struggles to defend its own social and human rights for their survival, right here trying revisionism struggles to channel then allow what the institutions, and attempts to deprive these battles every revolutionary political perspective .
For a correct application of Maoism - any force in their own country - it is necessary, all the contradictions within the people and the concrete reality in which we are analyzing.
their defense and resistance struggles must be in the offensive struggles for the proletarian revolution to communism . Convert
as "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, we stand side by side with the struggles of proletarian immigrants to demand in the last few months a number of demands for their rights: the right to stay / residence permit against the lie of amnesty by the Italian government, better pay and conditions and rights bodies against the over-exploitation, which they themselves are on the sites, in factories and industrial sectors subject to the supermarkets, for the residential, education and health legislation.
Our participation in these struggles, we strive for a political perspective for the unity of the Italian and immigrant proletarians to bring against the same enemy, the imperialist bourgeoisie and the state which they supported. Even amidst these mobilizations, we spread the importance of people's war in Peru, as the most advanced experience of the world proletarian revolution, crushed for the isolation and gross lies, which have produced the reaction and the bourgeois left on the CPP and the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo .
Nowadays, given the complete undermining of the capitalist system, do the bosses that the working class pay for their crisis. The women are the ones who pay for these very serious consequences: lower wages than men, sexual Coercion, which is due to the barbarism of the Company, no state protection for child care and the most vulnerable in the family, widespread extortion at the work sites.
Maoism, if we take the experience of the popular women's movement in Peru represents an important example for the empowerment of women, in which there is no isolation of women in family and domestic sphere, and makes the women comrades an active and important element in the revolutionary pathway. The same it was in Nepal before they had decided the peace agreement with the old state, because during the people's war, women have responsible positions in the party and the revolutionary army occupied. In India, in which there are several militant revolutionary comrades who are willing to give their lives for communism, which give companions an important contribution to the liberation of a country from oppression. Today, in India as well as in Peru, there are many liberated zones and base points areas to fight in the women with the party against discrimination, and they open the way for the new state - as in the Philippines, where many comrades commanders channels in the first rows in the guerrillas and in the party.
We must now ask how we fight against oppression in the imperialist countries . Organize The enemies to fight are the special feature of the bourgeoisie, the Vatican and all religious obscurantism. The builders, the workers and all who fight against imperialism in the oppressing countries represent an important example for us, because they put their own lives in the service of the Party and the revolution.
The level of progress of a revolution is reflected in the level of emancipation of women from all forms of petty-bourgeois feminism, which is the aim of the proletarian dictatorship and destruction of the old State opposes.
The progress of women, we are always from a proletarian point of view, the ideology of the working class and judge of the proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to the revisionist line of Nepal and other parties and organizations that support them. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to defeat the Liquidadoren who deny the facts and the necessity of people's war and support the peace agreement with the class enemy. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to confirm with strength that only the revolutionary practice, the true practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Finally, we want our political and class solidarity all revolutionary prisoners in the prisons imperialist who now live in isolation, because they stick to their communist ideas and actions express. Remember the words of Chairman Gonzalo after his arrest: "This is just a detour on the way" in the talks about the sequel to the popular war. We stress again that the strongest solidarity - which we all comrades who are political prisoners, and in memory of fallen comrades - is the continuation of the struggle to Communism!
Long live the People's War in Peru!
Long live President Gonzalo!
Long live the Communist Party of Peru and the People's Liberation Army!
collective support of the people's war in Peru
December 2010
speech of the Galician Maoists to the International Conference in Hamburg.
comrades and friends,
We are a warm red greeting to express to the comrades and to the organizations that participate in this conference, especially the comrades of the People's Movement Peru, the organizers and hosts, and to the glorious Communist Party Peru, which, since 1980 the people's revolutionary war in Peru. The people's war, which we all, as in a large laboratory, have learned by his progress and setbacks in his fight against the three mountains that bear on the people.
makes the need of driving the world proletarian revolution, to the urgent task that the RIM, as the most advanced center of Communists, reorganized and eliminated the opportunistic capitulatory line that has brought them to their current stop.
This must be participating not only by the organizations within the RIM, but also by the Maoist forces, who have no involvement in their implementation. Therefore, the need for "enhanced" nature of the new conference.
we consider to be particularly important in particular the participation of the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the glorious party that leads a people's revolutionary war. The prolonged people's war, which endangers the imperialism in India and is a shining example in Asia of hard standing in the revolutionary line, which was presented by Chairman Mao. The organization of his steadfast support, is an urgent task of all Communists in the international front. We expect this conference that a strong campaign comes out with this objective. Without
in dogmatism, anti-dialectical and falling middle-class thinking, we have the wrong "developments" or "synthesis", contrary to the Maoism as the third chief and highest stage of Marxism-Leninism, condemn, correct and refute. Not only in our own ranks, even within the ranks of such companions, and organizations that reject the prey of opportunism, of dogmatic revisionism were, and despite the presence of revolutionary programs in their countries, Maoism as the main page.
The revolution in the imperialist countries, whose character is needed socialist, organized the avant-Maoism, the application of the revolutionary people's war under the specific conditions of the major capitalist develop cities. Organizations, as it has taught us the KPP and displays, military and secret.
The large current economic crisis, the competition between the great powers to redistribute the world, the decline of the European Union open up new horizons for the revolutionary struggle of the line that represent the authentic feelings and opinions of the masses and set in the real world with them must be connected, the petty-bourgeois adventurism or anarchist individualism, which are an important part of youth in the imperialist countries still present rejects.
We are confident that this conference of Hamburg, a major step forward for the revolutionary work in the imperialist countries, especially in Europe represent, will.
comrades, allows us to conclude that we speak of our country, Galicia, a small nation without a country whose culture and language by the English state are suppressed. We are a hard-working, hospitable, solidarity and peace-loving people, but we are fully aware that there will be the end of this suppression only in the context of the Socialist Revolution, as part of the world proletarian revolution. Therefore, we work to build the Communist Party, which is armed with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and together with other fight for a New Revolutionary Communist International, which will remove all traces of oppression in the world is.
LONG LIVE THE Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, THE THIRD AND NEW STAGE OF proletarian ideology!
Committee of People's Struggle "MANOLO BELLO"
Galician Committee for the support of the people's war in India
Galicia, November 2010
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