Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anabolic Processes In Potein

leisure wear of Ivanhoe of Sweden

is slowly but surely to our shape. Last summer we discovered Ivanhoe products in an outdoor shop in the mountains or Fjell from the Swedish - Norwegian border. Since we offered by Ivanhoe textiles spontaneously pledged, we made contact with Ivanhoe in Gällstad.

Last fall we visited Ivanhoe of Sweden and agreed to under the set up a web shop with for German speaking customers. During the last quarter of 2010, we began the technical preparations. Now the focus is on the inputting of the articles. So we will promptly present the spring of the current collection 2011th

Ivanhoe of Sweden products are made of merino wool and cotton. Both types of wool, which are ideal for functional underwear including outdoor clothing. They are comfortable and have a comfortable fit.


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