Avira Entering
The first anti-virus program that we look at Avira AntiVir be.
Avira founded in 1986 and produced her first anti-virus program called AntiVir launched in 1988. To date, it was one of the first professional antivirus programs worldwide. Since then the program will be expanded continuously. Meanwhile, customers can choose between a free version and two paid versions, which of course have additional functionality and are approved for commercial use.
AntiVir detects more than 3.1 million viral strains and thus has a database, which is a great security against most attacks. You can relate AntiVir here.
We will deal first only with the free version of AntiVir, this is easily available for everyone and is sufficient as a basic protection.
After watching Avira've downloaded, you start by double-clicking the setup. By clicking the "Next" you get to the license agreements of Avira AntiVir. This will be confirmed after reading and click again on "Continue". Since the anti-virus software from Avira is available for free, it is clear that they want to not support other companies. This pleasure is only private users. Do you want to use Avira AntiVir so only privately, confirmed this and click Next. Then you you can decide if you want to install Avira AntiVir Benutzderdefiniert or Express. I would help you to choose the default rates Express installer, it bein holds everything you need. In the custom version can remove it only specific points, otherwise it has no advantages. Now you will be offered an optional registration. This can make it, of course, you have it not. As you remove the hook from the bottom box, you come on without registration. Clicking on Next starts the installation of Avira AntiVir. Once we click on "Finish", begins a the most important actions. Avira AntiVir recharges down the latest virus signatures. You gotta get this file. Take care of yourselves therefore to existing Internet connection. Then your system is scanned for malware. Let's go through this too. You are now
est once protected. Additional configuration options you will know with the next updates to learn.
Stay Alert!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
How Doget My Abc License
speeches of the conference in Hamburg
The "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, greet with great enthusiasm and a sincere revolutionary Wusch insurmountable for a success, the Conference of Hamburg.
Maoism in Peru has found its correct application by Gonzalo thoughts with which it is able to conduct the people's war for the new-democratic revolution and the destruction of the old State.
Today's conference represents the conclusion of several international events that the people's movement in Peru ideological struggle against revisionism, parliamentary cretinism and as for the correct application of Maoism has organized the third stage of Marxism-Leninism.
The internationalist solidarity, which we express as communists for the people's war in Peru and the struggles of oppressed peoples is reflected in the development of a revolutionary path in the imperialist countries to beat the enemy inside.
The Chairman Gonzalo, in his interview 1988 compared with those revolutionary parties and organizations of the "Old Europe" that have in practice revisionism fighting in which they attacked the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie and its interests in weapons, full solidarity and support expressed.
Today more than ever, the revisionism a difficult to devastating enemy because he does not always show his true colors: he represents the enemy within the working class and the proletariat.
In Italy, the revisionism began using the resistance struggle of the partisans against Nazi fascism, the Italian Communist Party as a way of social peace process started. He has betrayed the proletariat and the masses about the fact that it is possible to get through the parliamentary cretinism of socialism and, therefore, to continue the armed struggle was not necessary.
In the current times of crisis in the advanced capitalist System organizes the working class in resistance struggles and struggles to defend its own social and human rights for their survival, right here trying revisionism struggles to channel then allow what the institutions, and attempts to deprive these battles every revolutionary political perspective .
For a correct application of Maoism - any force in their own country - it is necessary, all the contradictions within the people and the concrete reality in which we are analyzing.
their defense and resistance struggles must be in the offensive struggles for the proletarian revolution to communism . Convert
as "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, we stand side by side with the struggles of proletarian immigrants to demand in the last few months a number of demands for their rights: the right to stay / residence permit against the lie of amnesty by the Italian government, better pay and conditions and rights bodies against the over-exploitation, which they themselves are on the sites, in factories and industrial sectors subject to the supermarkets, for the residential, education and health legislation.
Our participation in these struggles, we strive for a political perspective for the unity of the Italian and immigrant proletarians to bring against the same enemy, the imperialist bourgeoisie and the state which they supported. Even amidst these mobilizations, we spread the importance of people's war in Peru, as the most advanced experience of the world proletarian revolution, crushed for the isolation and gross lies, which have produced the reaction and the bourgeois left on the CPP and the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo .
Nowadays, given the complete undermining of the capitalist system, do the bosses that the working class pay for their crisis. The women are the ones who pay for these very serious consequences: lower wages than men, sexual Coercion, which is due to the barbarism of the Company, no state protection for child care and the most vulnerable in the family, widespread extortion at the work sites.
Maoism, if we take the experience of the popular women's movement in Peru represents an important example for the empowerment of women, in which there is no isolation of women in family and domestic sphere, and makes the women comrades an active and important element in the revolutionary pathway. The same it was in Nepal before they had decided the peace agreement with the old state, because during the people's war, women have responsible positions in the party and the revolutionary army occupied. In India, in which there are several militant revolutionary comrades who are willing to give their lives for communism, which give companions an important contribution to the liberation of a country from oppression. Today, in India as well as in Peru, there are many liberated zones and base points areas to fight in the women with the party against discrimination, and they open the way for the new state - as in the Philippines, where many comrades commanders channels in the first rows in the guerrillas and in the party.
We must now ask how we fight against oppression in the imperialist countries . Organize The enemies to fight are the special feature of the bourgeoisie, the Vatican and all religious obscurantism. The builders, the workers and all who fight against imperialism in the oppressing countries represent an important example for us, because they put their own lives in the service of the Party and the revolution.
The level of progress of a revolution is reflected in the level of emancipation of women from all forms of petty-bourgeois feminism, which is the aim of the proletarian dictatorship and destruction of the old State opposes.
The progress of women, we are always from a proletarian point of view, the ideology of the working class and judge of the proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to the revisionist line of Nepal and other parties and organizations that support them. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to defeat the Liquidadoren who deny the facts and the necessity of people's war and support the peace agreement with the class enemy. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to confirm with strength that only the revolutionary practice, the true practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Finally, we want our political and class solidarity all revolutionary prisoners in the prisons imperialist who now live in isolation, because they stick to their communist ideas and actions express. Remember the words of Chairman Gonzalo after his arrest: "This is just a detour on the way" in the talks about the sequel to the popular war. We stress again that the strongest solidarity - which we all comrades who are political prisoners, and in memory of fallen comrades - is the continuation of the struggle to Communism!
Long live the People's War in Peru!
Long live President Gonzalo!
Long live the Communist Party of Peru and the People's Liberation Army!
collective support of the people's war in Peru
December 2010
comrades and friends,
We are a warm red greeting to express to the comrades and to the organizations that participate in this conference, especially the comrades of the People's Movement Peru, the organizers and hosts, and to the glorious Communist Party Peru, which, since 1980 the people's revolutionary war in Peru. The people's war, which we all, as in a large laboratory, have learned by his progress and setbacks in his fight against the three mountains that bear on the people.
makes the need of driving the world proletarian revolution, to the urgent task that the RIM, as the most advanced center of Communists, reorganized and eliminated the opportunistic capitulatory line that has brought them to their current stop.
This must be participating not only by the organizations within the RIM, but also by the Maoist forces, who have no involvement in their implementation. Therefore, the need for "enhanced" nature of the new conference.
we consider to be particularly important in particular the participation of the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the glorious party that leads a people's revolutionary war. The prolonged people's war, which endangers the imperialism in India and is a shining example in Asia of hard standing in the revolutionary line, which was presented by Chairman Mao. The organization of his steadfast support, is an urgent task of all Communists in the international front. We expect this conference that a strong campaign comes out with this objective. Without
in dogmatism, anti-dialectical and falling middle-class thinking, we have the wrong "developments" or "synthesis", contrary to the Maoism as the third chief and highest stage of Marxism-Leninism, condemn, correct and refute. Not only in our own ranks, even within the ranks of such companions, and organizations that reject the prey of opportunism, of dogmatic revisionism were, and despite the presence of revolutionary programs in their countries, Maoism as the main page.
The revolution in the imperialist countries, whose character is needed socialist, organized the avant-Maoism, the application of the revolutionary people's war under the specific conditions of the major capitalist develop cities. Organizations, as it has taught us the KPP and displays, military and secret.
The large current economic crisis, the competition between the great powers to redistribute the world, the decline of the European Union open up new horizons for the revolutionary struggle of the line that represent the authentic feelings and opinions of the masses and set in the real world with them must be connected, the petty-bourgeois adventurism or anarchist individualism, which are an important part of youth in the imperialist countries still present rejects.
We are confident that this conference of Hamburg, a major step forward for the revolutionary work in the imperialist countries, especially in Europe represent, will.
comrades, allows us to conclude that we speak of our country, Galicia, a small nation without a country whose culture and language by the English state are suppressed. We are a hard-working, hospitable, solidarity and peace-loving people, but we are fully aware that there will be the end of this suppression only in the context of the Socialist Revolution, as part of the world proletarian revolution. Therefore, we work to build the Communist Party, which is armed with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and together with other fight for a New Revolutionary Communist International, which will remove all traces of oppression in the world is.
LONG LIVE THE Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, THE THIRD AND NEW STAGE OF proletarian ideology!
Committee of People's Struggle "MANOLO BELLO"
Galician Committee for the support of the people's war in India
Galicia, November 2010
publish, we herewith two speeches by "collective support of the people's war in Peru," " Committee of People's Struggle" MANOLO BELLO " and " Galician Committee for the Support of people's war in India " for the conference in Hamburg in December.
message of "collective support of the People's War in Peru"
The "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, greet with great enthusiasm and a sincere revolutionary Wusch insurmountable for a success, the Conference of Hamburg.
Maoism in Peru has found its correct application by Gonzalo thoughts with which it is able to conduct the people's war for the new-democratic revolution and the destruction of the old State.
Today's conference represents the conclusion of several international events that the people's movement in Peru ideological struggle against revisionism, parliamentary cretinism and as for the correct application of Maoism has organized the third stage of Marxism-Leninism.
The internationalist solidarity, which we express as communists for the people's war in Peru and the struggles of oppressed peoples is reflected in the development of a revolutionary path in the imperialist countries to beat the enemy inside.
The Chairman Gonzalo, in his interview 1988 compared with those revolutionary parties and organizations of the "Old Europe" that have in practice revisionism fighting in which they attacked the representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie and its interests in weapons, full solidarity and support expressed.
Today more than ever, the revisionism a difficult to devastating enemy because he does not always show his true colors: he represents the enemy within the working class and the proletariat.
In Italy, the revisionism began using the resistance struggle of the partisans against Nazi fascism, the Italian Communist Party as a way of social peace process started. He has betrayed the proletariat and the masses about the fact that it is possible to get through the parliamentary cretinism of socialism and, therefore, to continue the armed struggle was not necessary.
In the current times of crisis in the advanced capitalist System organizes the working class in resistance struggles and struggles to defend its own social and human rights for their survival, right here trying revisionism struggles to channel then allow what the institutions, and attempts to deprive these battles every revolutionary political perspective .
For a correct application of Maoism - any force in their own country - it is necessary, all the contradictions within the people and the concrete reality in which we are analyzing.
their defense and resistance struggles must be in the offensive struggles for the proletarian revolution to communism . Convert
as "collective support of the People's War in Peru" from Milan, we stand side by side with the struggles of proletarian immigrants to demand in the last few months a number of demands for their rights: the right to stay / residence permit against the lie of amnesty by the Italian government, better pay and conditions and rights bodies against the over-exploitation, which they themselves are on the sites, in factories and industrial sectors subject to the supermarkets, for the residential, education and health legislation.
Our participation in these struggles, we strive for a political perspective for the unity of the Italian and immigrant proletarians to bring against the same enemy, the imperialist bourgeoisie and the state which they supported. Even amidst these mobilizations, we spread the importance of people's war in Peru, as the most advanced experience of the world proletarian revolution, crushed for the isolation and gross lies, which have produced the reaction and the bourgeois left on the CPP and the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo .
Nowadays, given the complete undermining of the capitalist system, do the bosses that the working class pay for their crisis. The women are the ones who pay for these very serious consequences: lower wages than men, sexual Coercion, which is due to the barbarism of the Company, no state protection for child care and the most vulnerable in the family, widespread extortion at the work sites.
Maoism, if we take the experience of the popular women's movement in Peru represents an important example for the empowerment of women, in which there is no isolation of women in family and domestic sphere, and makes the women comrades an active and important element in the revolutionary pathway. The same it was in Nepal before they had decided the peace agreement with the old state, because during the people's war, women have responsible positions in the party and the revolutionary army occupied. In India, in which there are several militant revolutionary comrades who are willing to give their lives for communism, which give companions an important contribution to the liberation of a country from oppression. Today, in India as well as in Peru, there are many liberated zones and base points areas to fight in the women with the party against discrimination, and they open the way for the new state - as in the Philippines, where many comrades commanders channels in the first rows in the guerrillas and in the party.
We must now ask how we fight against oppression in the imperialist countries . Organize The enemies to fight are the special feature of the bourgeoisie, the Vatican and all religious obscurantism. The builders, the workers and all who fight against imperialism in the oppressing countries represent an important example for us, because they put their own lives in the service of the Party and the revolution.
The level of progress of a revolution is reflected in the level of emancipation of women from all forms of petty-bourgeois feminism, which is the aim of the proletarian dictatorship and destruction of the old State opposes.
The progress of women, we are always from a proletarian point of view, the ideology of the working class and judge of the proletariat: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to the revisionist line of Nepal and other parties and organizations that support them. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to defeat the Liquidadoren who deny the facts and the necessity of people's war and support the peace agreement with the class enemy. We support the ideological struggle of the CPP within the RIM to confirm with strength that only the revolutionary practice, the true practice of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Finally, we want our political and class solidarity all revolutionary prisoners in the prisons imperialist who now live in isolation, because they stick to their communist ideas and actions express. Remember the words of Chairman Gonzalo after his arrest: "This is just a detour on the way" in the talks about the sequel to the popular war. We stress again that the strongest solidarity - which we all comrades who are political prisoners, and in memory of fallen comrades - is the continuation of the struggle to Communism!
Long live the People's War in Peru!
Long live President Gonzalo!
Long live the Communist Party of Peru and the People's Liberation Army!
collective support of the people's war in Peru
December 2010
speech of the Galician Maoists to the International Conference in Hamburg.
comrades and friends,
We are a warm red greeting to express to the comrades and to the organizations that participate in this conference, especially the comrades of the People's Movement Peru, the organizers and hosts, and to the glorious Communist Party Peru, which, since 1980 the people's revolutionary war in Peru. The people's war, which we all, as in a large laboratory, have learned by his progress and setbacks in his fight against the three mountains that bear on the people.
makes the need of driving the world proletarian revolution, to the urgent task that the RIM, as the most advanced center of Communists, reorganized and eliminated the opportunistic capitulatory line that has brought them to their current stop.
This must be participating not only by the organizations within the RIM, but also by the Maoist forces, who have no involvement in their implementation. Therefore, the need for "enhanced" nature of the new conference.
we consider to be particularly important in particular the participation of the comrades of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the glorious party that leads a people's revolutionary war. The prolonged people's war, which endangers the imperialism in India and is a shining example in Asia of hard standing in the revolutionary line, which was presented by Chairman Mao. The organization of his steadfast support, is an urgent task of all Communists in the international front. We expect this conference that a strong campaign comes out with this objective. Without
in dogmatism, anti-dialectical and falling middle-class thinking, we have the wrong "developments" or "synthesis", contrary to the Maoism as the third chief and highest stage of Marxism-Leninism, condemn, correct and refute. Not only in our own ranks, even within the ranks of such companions, and organizations that reject the prey of opportunism, of dogmatic revisionism were, and despite the presence of revolutionary programs in their countries, Maoism as the main page.
The revolution in the imperialist countries, whose character is needed socialist, organized the avant-Maoism, the application of the revolutionary people's war under the specific conditions of the major capitalist develop cities. Organizations, as it has taught us the KPP and displays, military and secret.
The large current economic crisis, the competition between the great powers to redistribute the world, the decline of the European Union open up new horizons for the revolutionary struggle of the line that represent the authentic feelings and opinions of the masses and set in the real world with them must be connected, the petty-bourgeois adventurism or anarchist individualism, which are an important part of youth in the imperialist countries still present rejects.
We are confident that this conference of Hamburg, a major step forward for the revolutionary work in the imperialist countries, especially in Europe represent, will.
comrades, allows us to conclude that we speak of our country, Galicia, a small nation without a country whose culture and language by the English state are suppressed. We are a hard-working, hospitable, solidarity and peace-loving people, but we are fully aware that there will be the end of this suppression only in the context of the Socialist Revolution, as part of the world proletarian revolution. Therefore, we work to build the Communist Party, which is armed with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and together with other fight for a New Revolutionary Communist International, which will remove all traces of oppression in the world is.
LONG LIVE THE Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, THE THIRD AND NEW STAGE OF proletarian ideology!
Committee of People's Struggle "MANOLO BELLO"
Galician Committee for the support of the people's war in India
Galicia, November 2010
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Best 8 Inch Reflector Telescope
Orrefors Kosta Boda and Mats Jonasson live at Ambiente in Frankfurt
As every year, also this year take place in early February, the famous trade fair Ambiente in Frankfurt a. M.. Traditionally, the glass factories make from the Swedish Kingdom of Crystal will be showcasing their latest annual collection. So this year, again representing the glassworks Orrefors Kosta Boda and Mats Jonasson.
on the environment the visitor has the opportunity to learn firsthand about traditional techniques of glass-making art like eg Ariel or Graal. Because both were once invented in the Swedish Kingdom of Crystal and are now used worldwide by glass artists.
As every year, also this year take place in early February, the famous trade fair Ambiente in Frankfurt a. M.. Traditionally, the glass factories make from the Swedish Kingdom of Crystal will be showcasing their latest annual collection. So this year, again representing the glassworks Orrefors Kosta Boda and Mats Jonasson.
on the environment the visitor has the opportunity to learn firsthand about traditional techniques of glass-making art like eg Ariel or Graal. Because both were once invented in the Swedish Kingdom of Crystal and are now used worldwide by glass artists.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Ovulation Pain Makin My Leg Hurt
The anti-virus program
Today we deal with the anti-virus programs in the coming days I will be more responsive to individual programs and their functions.
The main task of an anti-virus program is all pests be they viruses, trojans and worms, stay away from your computer, you should come to this but to remove it again. Some anti-virus programs even go so far as to you before the visit dubious sites that were created for any phishing warning.
Each antivirus program uses different strategies to protect the computer, I will hereafter call this and explaining.
real-time scanner
Almost every anti-virus program has a built-in real-time scanner. If an antivirus program has such a real-time scanner, all requests are checked for files, but there are again two different ways. Either the file is scanned at the normal opening, or only when you create or modify the file. Because the files modified less frequently, or be read, the first option is preferable, some virus scanners offer users the possibility to choose between these two variants, as they give the option to disable or enable real-time scanner.
But will not the computer is protected by the mere use of real-time scanner. He proposes to only files that he has the virus signatures. Should now be in the background an infected file that is regularly enriched with new virus signatures, it is not the real-time scanner possible to discover when you open this file. In addition to scan certain files or archives, improve performance, only in part. Accordingly, in addition to the real-time scanning again and again, a manual scanner.
Manual Scanner
Manual scanner incorporated in many anti-virus programs also equal to. However, there are those that consist solely of a manual scanner. If they find what is often referred to a paid program, which will be used to clean up the computer. A manual scan is much more thorough and reviewed and inactive files according to their harmfulness. It is therefore advisable to perform this scan regularly.
These were the two most important and most common types of scans. Besides these, there's online scanner, and several others which, however, for the "normal" not a decisive factor.
But how will such an anti-virus program individual viruses, but leaves the clean files untouched? This is ensured by the so-called virus signatures and heuristics. By the virus scanner virus signatures it is possible to detect known viruses and thus ensure that it set aside. Many virus scanners have an update function of these virus signatures. For daily contaminate new Internet viruses and virus signatures are quickly too old when they took advantage of something else. Accordingly, this update function will always be used. Only then can the virus scanner recognize the latest virus and remains effective as possible.
To detect any unidentified viruses, there are anti-virus programs that use a heuristic. By the heuristics, the program tries to general characteristics of the malicious software to search. One example is a tool that connects to external web servers. Often, certain programs and share with your server name in order to function properly. This is neither bad nor alarming. However, as we have from the other blog entries know, do this also Stealer and Trojans. Accordingly, the ability to connect to a web server programs, one of the characteristics of malware and is therefore classified by some antivirus programs as equally dangerous. The user must then create an individual approval for the program.
These were the basic stuff to a virus, in the next entries, I would imagine some of them and show you how you deal with them.
Stay Alert!
Today we deal with the anti-virus programs in the coming days I will be more responsive to individual programs and their functions.
The main task of an anti-virus program is all pests be they viruses, trojans and worms, stay away from your computer, you should come to this but to remove it again. Some anti-virus programs even go so far as to you before the visit dubious sites that were created for any phishing warning.
Each antivirus program uses different strategies to protect the computer, I will hereafter call this and explaining.
real-time scanner
Almost every anti-virus program has a built-in real-time scanner. If an antivirus program has such a real-time scanner, all requests are checked for files, but there are again two different ways. Either the file is scanned at the normal opening, or only when you create or modify the file. Because the files modified less frequently, or be read, the first option is preferable, some virus scanners offer users the possibility to choose between these two variants, as they give the option to disable or enable real-time scanner.
But will not the computer is protected by the mere use of real-time scanner. He proposes to only files that he has the virus signatures. Should now be in the background an infected file that is regularly enriched with new virus signatures, it is not the real-time scanner possible to discover when you open this file. In addition to scan certain files or archives, improve performance, only in part. Accordingly, in addition to the real-time scanning again and again, a manual scanner.
Manual Scanner
Manual scanner incorporated in many anti-virus programs also equal to. However, there are those that consist solely of a manual scanner. If they find what is often referred to a paid program, which will be used to clean up the computer. A manual scan is much more thorough and reviewed and inactive files according to their harmfulness. It is therefore advisable to perform this scan regularly.
These were the two most important and most common types of scans. Besides these, there's online scanner, and several others which, however, for the "normal" not a decisive factor.
But how will such an anti-virus program individual viruses, but leaves the clean files untouched? This is ensured by the so-called virus signatures and heuristics. By the virus scanner virus signatures it is possible to detect known viruses and thus ensure that it set aside. Many virus scanners have an update function of these virus signatures. For daily contaminate new Internet viruses and virus signatures are quickly too old when they took advantage of something else. Accordingly, this update function will always be used. Only then can the virus scanner recognize the latest virus and remains effective as possible.
To detect any unidentified viruses, there are anti-virus programs that use a heuristic. By the heuristics, the program tries to general characteristics of the malicious software to search. One example is a tool that connects to external web servers. Often, certain programs and share with your server name in order to function properly. This is neither bad nor alarming. However, as we have from the other blog entries know, do this also Stealer and Trojans. Accordingly, the ability to connect to a web server programs, one of the characteristics of malware and is therefore classified by some antivirus programs as equally dangerous. The user must then create an individual approval for the program.
These were the basic stuff to a virus, in the next entries, I would imagine some of them and show you how you deal with them.
Stay Alert!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Western Groping In Train
reindeer skins from Lapland
over the Christmas holidays in Sweden we had an interesting Conversation. Someone tried to foist on us a lot of money Elchfell. He did not want us to push ourselves with such things trading. When he called us his price expectations, we had almost spit away as Berlin says.
We would rather keep our current supplier of reindeer leather and reindeer skins faithful. There we have also, if desired, a Elchfell. For the price that gave us the Elchfellverkäufer, we could let our future and our reindeer reindeer skins Leather from Lapland to Potsdam taking a taxi. That would probably still cheaper.
So here, as there is: negotiate such things with people who be familiar.
over the Christmas holidays in Sweden we had an interesting Conversation. Someone tried to foist on us a lot of money Elchfell. He did not want us to push ourselves with such things trading. When he called us his price expectations, we had almost spit away as Berlin says.
We would rather keep our current supplier of reindeer leather and reindeer skins faithful. There we have also, if desired, a Elchfell. For the price that gave us the Elchfellverkäufer, we could let our future and our reindeer reindeer skins Leather from Lapland to Potsdam taking a taxi. That would probably still cheaper.
So here, as there is: negotiate such things with people who be familiar.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Can Uterine Polyps Stop Getting Pregnant
Some actions of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which were published from January to November 2010 in the reactionary press.
11th January
In the area of Sacsacancha, Comas District, Concepción in Junin province, has the PLA a successful ambush against a patrol carried out, the mercenaries are driven to the police, army and air force. A sergeant in the Air Force was killed.
14th January
The VBA has attacked two military bases of the reaction. In the attack on the anti-terror base of Mazángaro, County of San Martin de Pangoa, Department of Junin, a Sargend the reactionary army was shot dead. In Ayacucho, the VBA has attacked a base of anti-terrorist Battalion No. 42 in Vizcatán.
17th January
near the village of Pucayacu, District José Crespo y Castillo, in the northern part of the Leoncio Prado province
, was a top-killed by the PLA.
28th In January
Dorfen Castillo Grande, Rupa Rupa, Yacusisa, Pucayacu and 7 de Enero, District José Crespo y Castillo and Ramal de Aspuzana, province of Tocache have distributed leaflets PLA units from PPP. In the village Cachicoto, part of the Monzon Valley, combatants have red flags with the hammer and sickle down on the main square and town hall painted with slogans of the CPP.
In the area of Sacsacancha, Comas District, Concepción in Junin province, has the PLA a successful ambush against a patrol carried out, the mercenaries are driven to the police, army and air force. A sergeant in the Air Force was killed.
14th January
The VBA has attacked two military bases of the reaction. In the attack on the anti-terror base of Mazángaro, County of San Martin de Pangoa, Department of Junin, a Sargend the reactionary army was shot dead. In Ayacucho, the VBA has attacked a base of anti-terrorist Battalion No. 42 in Vizcatán.
17th January
near the village of Pucayacu, District José Crespo y Castillo, in the northern part of the Leoncio Prado province
, was a top-killed by the PLA.
28th In January
Dorfen Castillo Grande, Rupa Rupa, Yacusisa, Pucayacu and 7 de Enero, District José Crespo y Castillo and Ramal de Aspuzana, province of Tocache have distributed leaflets PLA units from PPP. In the village Cachicoto, part of the Monzon Valley, combatants have red flags with the hammer and sickle down on the main square and town hall painted with slogans of the CPP.
15th February
In Los Olmos in the Lambayeque department, has destroyed a unit of the PLA two informants in the area Rinconada Caja de Lobos.
20th February
A company of the PLA attacked the military base 1 of the Anti-terrorist Battalion No. 42 of Pichari. It was on the hill in Tincuya Vizcatán.
23rd February
PLA units actions of armed propaganda and agitation in various parts of the district José Crespo y Castillo have performed, in which more than a dozen red flags with the hammer and sickle have been. They also have graffiti painted with slogans and flyers distributed
between the villages of Pueblo Nuevo PACA and the comrades have moved freely in order to paint several
graffiti with slogans on the houses, schools, health posts, road signs and even on the road to Aucayacu.
25th February
north of Tingo Maria, in the section Pumahuasi Puente-Chino, was a truck sabotaged by the People's Liberation Army.
27th February
The PLA attacked the anti-terror base of Bajo Somabeni, Satipo Province (Junín). In the attack was a Sargend the reactionary army killed and another wounded.
In Los Olmos in the Lambayeque department, has destroyed a unit of the PLA two informants in the area Rinconada Caja de Lobos.
20th February
A company of the PLA attacked the military base 1 of the Anti-terrorist Battalion No. 42 of Pichari. It was on the hill in Tincuya Vizcatán.
23rd February
PLA units actions of armed propaganda and agitation in various parts of the district José Crespo y Castillo have performed, in which more than a dozen red flags with the hammer and sickle have been. They also have graffiti painted with slogans and flyers distributed
between the villages of Pueblo Nuevo PACA and the comrades have moved freely in order to paint several
graffiti with slogans on the houses, schools, health posts, road signs and even on the road to Aucayacu.
25th February
north of Tingo Maria, in the section Pumahuasi Puente-Chino, was a truck sabotaged by the People's Liberation Army.
27th February
The PLA attacked the anti-terror base of Bajo Somabeni, Satipo Province (Junín). In the attack was a Sargend the reactionary army killed and another wounded.
15th March
in the settlement Huarapa (Utao), District Churubamba in Huanuco, the PLA has painted with the slogans of KPP.
also red flags with the hammer and sickle has passed.
23rd - 30 March
Over the weeks, in the areas of Ugarteche, Los Laureles, Margarita, Santa Ana, Antonio Mansilla, Las Vegas, Juan Velasco Alvarado, La Colorada, Alto San Juan, San Pablo, Topa, Rio Azul, Rio Barranco, Huascar, Supt and other villages in the Huánuco Department has, the PLA conducted a broad campaign of armed agitation and propaganda.
25th March
Marcco in the settlement, the district Ayahuanco in Huanta, Department of Ayacucho, VBA
units have carried out actions of armed propaganda and agitation.
30th In March
near Tingo María (Huánuco) a PLA unit has killed a rapist miserable.
30th March
on the left Banks of the River Ene, Pangoa in the district, province of Satipo in Junin, has the PLA made an ambush on a reactionary army patrol. A paramilitary was killed.
in the settlement Huarapa (Utao), District Churubamba in Huanuco, the PLA has painted with the slogans of KPP.
also red flags with the hammer and sickle has passed.
23rd - 30 March
Over the weeks, in the areas of Ugarteche, Los Laureles, Margarita, Santa Ana, Antonio Mansilla, Las Vegas, Juan Velasco Alvarado, La Colorada, Alto San Juan, San Pablo, Topa, Rio Azul, Rio Barranco, Huascar, Supt and other villages in the Huánuco Department has, the PLA conducted a broad campaign of armed agitation and propaganda.
25th March
Marcco in the settlement, the district Ayahuanco in Huanta, Department of Ayacucho, VBA
units have carried out actions of armed propaganda and agitation.
30th In March
near Tingo María (Huánuco) a PLA unit has killed a rapist miserable.
30th March
on the left Banks of the River Ene, Pangoa in the district, province of Satipo in Junin, has the PLA made an ambush on a reactionary army patrol. A paramilitary was killed.
April 13th April
In several villages of San Bartolomé, the district of Santo Domingo de Acobamba, Junín Region, has a PLA unit made public meetings with the people of the villages. The same did other comrades in the zone of Sillapata.
21st April
In the villages of Shitarillo and Cachiyacu District José Crespo y Castillo, has killed a PLA unit two reactionary municipal offices.
23rd April
A PLA unit has destroyed a reactionary in the town of Paloma Alegre (Ayacucho).
27th April
In an ambush, a VBA unit has a policeman and two members of the Special Project Corah certain Corvina Alta, in José Crespo y Castillo.
29th April
on the road Ayacucho-Huancavelica kills two police officers as a result of a collision with a unit of the PLA.
29th April
PLA units have attacked the anti-terror base in Tutumbaru Sivia district, province of Huanta (Ayacucho). The attack was carried out to the firing of missile weapons, were wounded in the four reactionary soldiers.
30th April
In several José villages of the district Crespo y Castillo (Huánuco), the VBA actions by armed agitation and propaganda carried out, distributed the flyers, put red flags with the hammer and sickle and the slogans were painted in many homes. Until the city of PACA Aucayacu itself, the district capital, and up to Pucayacu, further north, the fighters have carried out such actions.
In several villages of San Bartolomé, the district of Santo Domingo de Acobamba, Junín Region, has a PLA unit made public meetings with the people of the villages. The same did other comrades in the zone of Sillapata.
21st April
In the villages of Shitarillo and Cachiyacu District José Crespo y Castillo, has killed a PLA unit two reactionary municipal offices.
23rd April
A PLA unit has destroyed a reactionary in the town of Paloma Alegre (Ayacucho).
27th April
In an ambush, a VBA unit has a policeman and two members of the Special Project Corah certain Corvina Alta, in José Crespo y Castillo.
29th April
on the road Ayacucho-Huancavelica kills two police officers as a result of a collision with a unit of the PLA.
29th April
PLA units have attacked the anti-terror base in Tutumbaru Sivia district, province of Huanta (Ayacucho). The attack was carried out to the firing of missile weapons, were wounded in the four reactionary soldiers.
30th April
In several José villages of the district Crespo y Castillo (Huánuco), the VBA actions by armed agitation and propaganda carried out, distributed the flyers, put red flags with the hammer and sickle and the slogans were painted in many homes. Until the city of PACA Aucayacu itself, the district capital, and up to Pucayacu, further north, the fighters have carried out such actions.
6th May
PLA units have again made activities around the town of Tingo Maria, where the focus of their activity in some sectors of the town of Castillo Grande. The action by armed agitation and propaganda in which the comrades around a dozen red flags with the hammer and sickle in the zones Picuroyacu, 7 de Mayo, Plaza de Armas have clearly different, the attention of the urban population has directed.
17th May
have in various sectors of the road Fernando Belaunde Terry as actions by armed agitation and propaganda to 30 Anniversary to celebrate the beginning of people's war. You have several sections of road between Pucayacu and Ramal de Aspuzana, and in the village Yanajanca painted slogans.
20th May
Aucayacu in the city and in different parts of the road Fernando Belaunde Terry PLA units have red flags with the hammer and sickle down, and painted slogans and scattered a large quantity of leaflets as part of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the beginning of people's war. The fighters were in the early morning hours on the road and in their campaign of agitation and propaganda to the villages of Nuevo Copal, San Francisco, Rio Frio, Angashyacu and the City of Aucayacu himself, the district capital of José Crespo y Castillo, 52 km north of Tingo Maria arrived.
Even further north, between the villages of Pucayacu and Ramal de Aspuzana, it has shown the strong presence of the PLA in the region again. In various parts of the road Fernando Belaunde, there was graffiti with slogans, leaflets and red flags as part of the forest landscape for Travelers and residents in the area.
21st May
In the valley of Monzon (Huánuco) have the comrades moved freely during the night and this morning there was an already well-known scenario that demonstrates for the inhabitants of this valley is that the VBA dominated this area. Many graffiti with slogans of the CPP, several red flags with the hammer and sickle were in different parts of the highway, and hundreds of flyers found in several villages.
22nd May
PLA units have several graffiti with slogans in the rural community Paccha, Vinchos jurisdiction of the district in Ayacucho Province in Huamanga. It was as part of the actions of armed agitation and propaganda, the beginning of this Week to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of people's war were initiated.
22nd In May
Tutumbaru y Mach duck, which is located on the border of the districts have Sivia y Huanta in Ayacucho, PLA units leaflets of the CPP.
23rd May
In North Huamangas (capital of Ayacucho Department) have erschient several graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the slums 20 de Mayo.
23rd May
In a market in the city of Piura (capital of the department with the same name) were painted with slogans several stands of the CPP and the sickle and the hammer.
24th In May
Mono Bamba district (county Jauja, Junín), the PLA ambush on a patrol in the mercenary of the reactionary Army and the police are down. Three coffin ends of the army, as well as a commissioned officer, were wounded.
PLA units have again made activities around the town of Tingo Maria, where the focus of their activity in some sectors of the town of Castillo Grande. The action by armed agitation and propaganda in which the comrades around a dozen red flags with the hammer and sickle in the zones Picuroyacu, 7 de Mayo, Plaza de Armas have clearly different, the attention of the urban population has directed.
17th May
have in various sectors of the road Fernando Belaunde Terry as actions by armed agitation and propaganda to 30 Anniversary to celebrate the beginning of people's war. You have several sections of road between Pucayacu and Ramal de Aspuzana, and in the village Yanajanca painted slogans.
20th May
Aucayacu in the city and in different parts of the road Fernando Belaunde Terry PLA units have red flags with the hammer and sickle down, and painted slogans and scattered a large quantity of leaflets as part of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the beginning of people's war. The fighters were in the early morning hours on the road and in their campaign of agitation and propaganda to the villages of Nuevo Copal, San Francisco, Rio Frio, Angashyacu and the City of Aucayacu himself, the district capital of José Crespo y Castillo, 52 km north of Tingo Maria arrived.
Even further north, between the villages of Pucayacu and Ramal de Aspuzana, it has shown the strong presence of the PLA in the region again. In various parts of the road Fernando Belaunde, there was graffiti with slogans, leaflets and red flags as part of the forest landscape for Travelers and residents in the area.
21st May
In the valley of Monzon (Huánuco) have the comrades moved freely during the night and this morning there was an already well-known scenario that demonstrates for the inhabitants of this valley is that the VBA dominated this area. Many graffiti with slogans of the CPP, several red flags with the hammer and sickle were in different parts of the highway, and hundreds of flyers found in several villages.
22nd May
PLA units have several graffiti with slogans in the rural community Paccha, Vinchos jurisdiction of the district in Ayacucho Province in Huamanga. It was as part of the actions of armed agitation and propaganda, the beginning of this Week to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of people's war were initiated.
22nd In May
Tutumbaru y Mach duck, which is located on the border of the districts have Sivia y Huanta in Ayacucho, PLA units leaflets of the CPP.
23rd May
In North Huamangas (capital of Ayacucho Department) have erschient several graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the slums 20 de Mayo.
23rd May
In a market in the city of Piura (capital of the department with the same name) were painted with slogans several stands of the CPP and the sickle and the hammer.
24th In May
Mono Bamba district (county Jauja, Junín), the PLA ambush on a patrol in the mercenary of the reactionary Army and the police are down. Three coffin ends of the army, as well as a commissioned officer, were wounded.
first June
A unit of the PLA, the base of the anti-terrorist Battalion No. 34 of Pampa Cangallo in Paocbamba village, district of Anco La Mar - Ayacucho, attacked. Also there, the gas pipeline pumping station located on the company Techint. The attack has caused damage to the base, but there were no available information on losses.
6th June 201
A VBA company has performed in the zone of Purus, the Andean Community Huanta (Ayacucho), some meetings with people in several communities.
12th In June
Aucayacu city has a unity of the VBA destroyed a counter-revolutionary element.
23rd June
In the city of Huancavelica (capital of the department with the same name), close to the village Agraria Villa, next to the university campus, comrades have made a march in which they have called for a people's war slogans in chorus.
21st June
were at the National University of Huanuco Hermilio Valdizán painted slogans of the CPP.
26th June
The PLA has carried out actions of armed propaganda and agitation in the rural municipality in the district Huayllay Vinchos-Huamanga (Ayacucho).
A unit of the PLA, the base of the anti-terrorist Battalion No. 34 of Pampa Cangallo in Paocbamba village, district of Anco La Mar - Ayacucho, attacked. Also there, the gas pipeline pumping station located on the company Techint. The attack has caused damage to the base, but there were no available information on losses.
6th June 201
A VBA company has performed in the zone of Purus, the Andean Community Huanta (Ayacucho), some meetings with people in several communities.
12th In June
Aucayacu city has a unity of the VBA destroyed a counter-revolutionary element.
23rd June
In the city of Huancavelica (capital of the department with the same name), close to the village Agraria Villa, next to the university campus, comrades have made a march in which they have called for a people's war slogans in chorus.
21st June
were at the National University of Huanuco Hermilio Valdizán painted slogans of the CPP.
26th June
The PLA has carried out actions of armed propaganda and agitation in the rural municipality in the district Huayllay Vinchos-Huamanga (Ayacucho).
16th July
Along the highway Fernando Belaúnde, between Angashyacu and Aucayacu, Jose Crespo y Castillo in the district, the PLA has placed red flags bearing the hammer and sickle in Angashyacu, Colpa, San Francisco and Rio Frio. All very close to the city Aucayacu.
19th July
In the rural community Cusibamba (Ayacucho) have made PLA units actions by armed agitation and propaganda.
21st July
Alpachaca in the settlement, near the city of Huamanga, VBA, the actions of armed agitation and propaganda carried out.
24th July
In the area of the district in Ninacanya Panca, Jauja, has a unit of the PLA ground work done.
25th July
In Ciudad Rosada of Lampa (Department of Puno) have erschient graffiti with slogans of the CPP.
29th July
In the Department of La Libertad was graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the area of La Caridad, Tayabamba district, province Pataz. Even in the zones Ayauca, Golchilca Ongón graffiti and slogans were seen with the CPP and the People's War.
Along the highway Fernando Belaúnde, between Angashyacu and Aucayacu, Jose Crespo y Castillo in the district, the PLA has placed red flags bearing the hammer and sickle in Angashyacu, Colpa, San Francisco and Rio Frio. All very close to the city Aucayacu.
19th July
In the rural community Cusibamba (Ayacucho) have made PLA units actions by armed agitation and propaganda.
21st July
Alpachaca in the settlement, near the city of Huamanga, VBA, the actions of armed agitation and propaganda carried out.
24th July
In the area of the district in Ninacanya Panca, Jauja, has a unit of the PLA ground work done.
25th July
In Ciudad Rosada of Lampa (Department of Puno) have erschient graffiti with slogans of the CPP.
29th July
In the Department of La Libertad was graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the area of La Caridad, Tayabamba district, province Pataz. Even in the zones Ayauca, Golchilca Ongón graffiti and slogans were seen with the CPP and the People's War.
4th August
In the city of Piura Department in Sullana have erschient graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the first block of the Santa Rosa road in the area of José Carlos Mariátegui.
5th August
A reactionary Sargend was injured as a result of an ambush by the PLA. It was in the zone of Magdalena, in the district José Crespo y Castillo, Province of Leoncio Prado.
7th August
PLA units have mass work in Puerto Mejorada, jurisdiction of the district Chungui in La Mar, Ayacucho.
13th August
PLA fighters have distributed leaflets of KPP in the population of Sol Naciente District Llochegua, Huanta province, Ayacucho.
15th August
PLA fighters used a Gemeindtreffen from surrounding communities of the Anco district in the province La Mar, Ayacucho, distribute flyers to the CPP and to make mass work with the population of this area.
20th In August
Pulpería in the community district in Huanta Sivia, Ayacucho, has a unit of the PLA actions by armed agitation and propaganda made.
In the city of Piura Department in Sullana have erschient graffiti with slogans of the CPP in the first block of the Santa Rosa road in the area of José Carlos Mariátegui.
5th August
A reactionary Sargend was injured as a result of an ambush by the PLA. It was in the zone of Magdalena, in the district José Crespo y Castillo, Province of Leoncio Prado.
7th August
PLA units have mass work in Puerto Mejorada, jurisdiction of the district Chungui in La Mar, Ayacucho.
13th August
PLA fighters have distributed leaflets of KPP in the population of Sol Naciente District Llochegua, Huanta province, Ayacucho.
15th August
PLA fighters used a Gemeindtreffen from surrounding communities of the Anco district in the province La Mar, Ayacucho, distribute flyers to the CPP and to make mass work with the population of this area.
20th In August
Pulpería in the community district in Huanta Sivia, Ayacucho, has a unit of the PLA actions by armed agitation and propaganda made.
first September
Very close to the bridge Armachaca, five miles from the town of Antilla, in Curahuasi (in the Department of Apurimac), the VBA actions by armed agitation and propaganda presented as part of the campaign to boycott the municipal and regional elections.
6th September
in district Huachocolpa in Huancavelica Department, the PLA a spy of the reactionary army.
18th September
A unit of the PLA actions by armed agitation and propaganda in the village of Tambo Pacocha District Ayahuanco, Huanta, Ayacucho has made.
26. September
The Santa Ursula School in Sullana (Piura) was decorated by PLA fighters with red flags with the hammer and sickle. There the next morning, the simulation would take place by the local and regional elections.
Very close to the bridge Armachaca, five miles from the town of Antilla, in Curahuasi (in the Department of Apurimac), the VBA actions by armed agitation and propaganda presented as part of the campaign to boycott the municipal and regional elections.
6th September
in district Huachocolpa in Huancavelica Department, the PLA a spy of the reactionary army.
18th September
A unit of the PLA actions by armed agitation and propaganda in the village of Tambo Pacocha District Ayahuanco, Huanta, Ayacucho has made.
26. September
The Santa Ursula School in Sullana (Piura) was decorated by PLA fighters with red flags with the hammer and sickle. There the next morning, the simulation would take place by the local and regional elections.
third October
Three policemen, including an officer were injured, have attacked after PLA fighters and mines a police convoy in undermining the access road. The attack occurred in the area Mach duck, on the road between the districts Pichari and San Francisco, in the valley of the rivers Apurimac and Ene (VRAE).
third October
PLA units have a Helicopters from the company of the Independent Infantry Brigade No. 5 of the fifth military attack by the military and have an official of the Election Commission (ONPE) transported election materials. It was in the Micaela Bastidas, County of San Martin de Pangoa in Satipo. The fighters have fired from the helicopter, which was in the direction of the Ene river.
5th October
A captain of the reactionary army in an ambush of a PLA unit in mono Bamba (Jauja, Junín) killed.
9th October
A combined patrol of the reactionary army and navy of Peru was attacked by a PLA unit, which injured a soldier and a military sailor were injured. It was in the zone Robles (Annex of San Isidro), in the district Tintaypunco in the department of Huancavelica.
13th October
A helicopter from the Air Force of Peru (FAP) was attacked by units of the PLA, as the helicopter very close to the flight of the indigenous community of Micaela Bastidas, San Martin Pangoa, in the jungles of Satipo, Junín, stood.
25th October
A mercenary army of the reactionary, who served in the military base in the village of commands Merced de locro, Tingo María
(Huánuco) is, according to a VBA attack died on the base.
Three policemen, including an officer were injured, have attacked after PLA fighters and mines a police convoy in undermining the access road. The attack occurred in the area Mach duck, on the road between the districts Pichari and San Francisco, in the valley of the rivers Apurimac and Ene (VRAE).
third October
PLA units have a Helicopters from the company of the Independent Infantry Brigade No. 5 of the fifth military attack by the military and have an official of the Election Commission (ONPE) transported election materials. It was in the Micaela Bastidas, County of San Martin de Pangoa in Satipo. The fighters have fired from the helicopter, which was in the direction of the Ene river.
5th October
A captain of the reactionary army in an ambush of a PLA unit in mono Bamba (Jauja, Junín) killed.
9th October
A combined patrol of the reactionary army and navy of Peru was attacked by a PLA unit, which injured a soldier and a military sailor were injured. It was in the zone Robles (Annex of San Isidro), in the district Tintaypunco in the department of Huancavelica.
13th October
A helicopter from the Air Force of Peru (FAP) was attacked by units of the PLA, as the helicopter very close to the flight of the indigenous community of Micaela Bastidas, San Martin Pangoa, in the jungles of Satipo, Junín, stood.
25th October
A mercenary army of the reactionary, who served in the military base in the village of commands Merced de locro, Tingo María
(Huánuco) is, according to a VBA attack died on the base.
November 5th November
In the Zone of Huacamayo District La Pólvora in Tocache (department of San Martín) the PLA has conducted a trap in which killed a police officer and another policeman were wounded by gunfire.
7th November
The Operations Command Corah Huacamayo in the city (as above) is attacked by the PLA and the death of a reactionary.
11th In November
District of Chavin de Pariarca in Huamalies (Huánuco) have VBA units actions by armed agitation and propaganda out.
15th November
A unit of the PLA has attacked a helicopter in the Air Force of Peru (FAP) as he is flown from the Zone Yaviro. It was in the district of San Martin de Pangoa in Satipo, Junín. It was learned that the plane was damaged with respect.
18th A local policeman November
and former vice mayor of the village of Campo Grande, the town belongs to Pueblo Nuevo, 30 km north of Tingo Maria, in the district José Crespo y Castillo, a unit of the People's Liberation Army was destroyed.
23rd November
A lieutenant and a sergeant of the reactionary army from a patrol from the Special Forces of the general staff, together with the anti-terror patrols of the 1st Battalion No. 19 Brigade of the special forces were in Lima, died, after triggering a land mine that was planted by the PLA. Five other soldiers from were wounded. The action was in the gorge in the district of San Martin de Tucureni Pangoa in Satipo, Junín.
In the Zone of Huacamayo District La Pólvora in Tocache (department of San Martín) the PLA has conducted a trap in which killed a police officer and another policeman were wounded by gunfire.
7th November
The Operations Command Corah Huacamayo in the city (as above) is attacked by the PLA and the death of a reactionary.
11th In November
District of Chavin de Pariarca in Huamalies (Huánuco) have VBA units actions by armed agitation and propaganda out.
15th November
A unit of the PLA has attacked a helicopter in the Air Force of Peru (FAP) as he is flown from the Zone Yaviro. It was in the district of San Martin de Pangoa in Satipo, Junín. It was learned that the plane was damaged with respect.
18th A local policeman November
and former vice mayor of the village of Campo Grande, the town belongs to Pueblo Nuevo, 30 km north of Tingo Maria, in the district José Crespo y Castillo, a unit of the People's Liberation Army was destroyed.
23rd November
A lieutenant and a sergeant of the reactionary army from a patrol from the Special Forces of the general staff, together with the anti-terror patrols of the 1st Battalion No. 19 Brigade of the special forces were in Lima, died, after triggering a land mine that was planted by the PLA. Five other soldiers from were wounded. The action was in the gorge in the district of San Martin de Tucureni Pangoa in Satipo, Junín.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Girdle Old Women Movies
Cleo scribbler at Paperworld in Frankfurt
Like every year, including this year, the German manufacturer Cleo Skribent at Paperworld from 29.01. to 01.02. located in Frankfurt at stand B48 in Hall 3.1.
There Cleo Skribent first time the new Cleo Natura will present to the public. He is from February to our baltic products. eu Manufakturwaren.eu be available as well.
We are excited about this innovation. Because the idea has finished, the housing of a pen made of wood slightly. Do we still even with that we offer, other manufactured goods of wood, that wood also, or maybe even in the second decade of the 21st Century is justified.
not without reason that one finds in Scandinavia wooden houses, the 300 years or older. Whether in recent years rapidly constructed many houses prefabricated house party but are in 100 years, no one can tell today.
We are pleased with the new Natura Cleo Cleo scribbler and do a lot of success at Paperworld. Of course, we remain true to Cleo scribbler in 2011. Only because of the fact that you can send Cleo Skribent products very well online.
Because we know, the online trading the right to withdraw at least 14 days, we give four weeks. From the beginning of 2009 we were sent Cleos not a single back ...
Like every year, including this year, the German manufacturer Cleo Skribent at Paperworld from 29.01. to 01.02. located in Frankfurt at stand B48 in Hall 3.1.
There Cleo Skribent first time the new Cleo Natura will present to the public. He is from February to our baltic products. eu Manufakturwaren.eu be available as well.
We are excited about this innovation. Because the idea has finished, the housing of a pen made of wood slightly. Do we still even with that we offer, other manufactured goods of wood, that wood also, or maybe even in the second decade of the 21st Century is justified.
not without reason that one finds in Scandinavia wooden houses, the 300 years or older. Whether in recent years rapidly constructed many houses prefabricated house party but are in 100 years, no one can tell today.
We are pleased with the new Natura Cleo Cleo scribbler and do a lot of success at Paperworld. Of course, we remain true to Cleo scribbler in 2011. Only because of the fact that you can send Cleo Skribent products very well online.
Because we know, the online trading the right to withdraw at least 14 days, we give four weeks. From the beginning of 2009 we were sent Cleos not a single back ...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Fix A Phiten Necklace
's economic policy
The state premier of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzek (SPD), denounced the end of August 2010 the Deindustriealisierung in eastern Germany.
He forgot two things: First,
But the state of Brandenburg has today no more glass factories. And where nothing is produced, because you can now once and deliver nothing. The once active in the Lausitz Glassworks, which are also able to supply larger quantities, there is not a long time. This is the price of the Lausitz lignite Abbaggerung for given and all the world wondered suddenly why all around the rising water table to water in the basement out. What may well lie ds?
is particularly interesting is the fact of the disappearance of Brandenburg glass works, if you consider all this in historical context. Already more than three hundred years was processed in Brandenburg state glass. Who later emigrated to Sweden German John Kunkel operate only in a glass factory Potsdm Drewitz Berlin and later on the peacock island.
means that after 1990 more than 300 years glassblowing tradition just so you no me no cut off for no reason. It sounds more like a mockery containing Unfortunately, if you complained then 2010, the de-industrialization of entire regions.
The state premier of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzek (SPD), denounced the end of August 2010 the Deindustriealisierung in eastern Germany.
He forgot two things: First,
- with it for as the then Minister of Brandenburg itself a proper share of responsibility, and
- Second, it is 20 years after the reunification of Germany more than pointless to whine about it. For infinite since 1990, many millions of euros were for the reconstruction of the East in the new federal states. So there was more than one occasion, a former East German companies successfully plan economically active to convert to a market economy.
But the state of Brandenburg has today no more glass factories. And where nothing is produced, because you can now once and deliver nothing. The once active in the Lausitz Glassworks, which are also able to supply larger quantities, there is not a long time. This is the price of the Lausitz lignite Abbaggerung for given and all the world wondered suddenly why all around the rising water table to water in the basement out. What may well lie ds?
is particularly interesting is the fact of the disappearance of Brandenburg glass works, if you consider all this in historical context. Already more than three hundred years was processed in Brandenburg state glass. Who later emigrated to Sweden German John Kunkel operate only in a glass factory Potsdm Drewitz Berlin and later on the peacock island.
means that after 1990 more than 300 years glassblowing tradition just so you no me no cut off for no reason. It sounds more like a mockery containing Unfortunately, if you complained then 2010, the de-industrialization of entire regions.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Places In Brampton That Are Hiring
Two knives does a person no longer
We are often asked which of the services we Finn knife is now the best. For this we can say is: The best knife is not there. Much more crucial is his purpose .
We are really even with two knives. One knife is the popular Laxen the cutlery knife Karesuando Located Finnish border - right on the Swedish. The filleting knife Laxen does cut the bread, onion and meat and filleting fish at very good services and is a genuine all-rounder.
includes matching, have chosen a Finn knife with a very short blade. Here the pass very well Karesuando Räven knife or have been subject but also the Lapin Puukko Finn knife Leuku afford one to three excellent services. You have a blade length of 85 mm (Leuku 1) to 105 mm (Leuku 3).
For the Finn with the short blade knife you can find many uses. This begins when peeling an orange, and ends at the sharpening of sticks, which are perhaps the tents or fishing needs.
Whether it is to be a Sandvik stainless steel blade or a non-stainless carbon steel blade may each decide for themselves. Both blades can be sharpened in any case very simple. When fishing and camping, of course, a stainless steel blade has its advantages. They do not need oiling regularly.
We are often asked which of the services we Finn knife is now the best. For this we can say is: The best knife is not there. Much more crucial is his purpose .
We are really even with two knives. One knife is the popular Laxen the cutlery knife Karesuando Located Finnish border - right on the Swedish. The filleting knife Laxen does cut the bread, onion and meat and filleting fish at very good services and is a genuine all-rounder.
includes matching, have chosen a Finn knife with a very short blade. Here the pass very well Karesuando Räven knife or have been subject but also the Lapin Puukko Finn knife Leuku afford one to three excellent services. You have a blade length of 85 mm (Leuku 1) to 105 mm (Leuku 3).
For the Finn with the short blade knife you can find many uses. This begins when peeling an orange, and ends at the sharpening of sticks, which are perhaps the tents or fishing needs.
Whether it is to be a Sandvik stainless steel blade or a non-stainless carbon steel blade may each decide for themselves. Both blades can be sharpened in any case very simple. When fishing and camping, of course, a stainless steel blade has its advantages. They do not need oiling regularly.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Safety Crossword Puzzle
100 years Kaiser Wilhelm Society
On 11 January 1910 exactly one hundred years, founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science and Research in Berlin. Their goal was, as the name says, to support science and research of any kind.
was initiated by the then German Emperor Wilhelm II and Head of State King of Prussia (01/27/1859 - 04/06/1941). He said: ". ... under my protectorate, with a company to justify that is the establishment and maintenance of research institutes to Task "
the work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Society scholars have the opportunity to freely and impartially to devote to pure research and science. Their results were directly introduced into the production.
It does not wonder if, for example, exactly this time, the invention of the first German tide calculator by the Potsdam scientists Frederick Bold (12/05/1858 - 08/01/1940) falls. Was it the exact calculation of the tides have long represented one of the challenges the maritime to science. But allows a precisely calculated in advance Tide for any coastal location of the optimal planning of freight and passenger traffic to and from overseas.
Today is forecast to calculate the tide by means of an electronic Tide clock as for example by the Danish company Delite is made. Once set on a specific location, you can see at home in the interior, how the tides will behave.
Today this is interesting for example, Skipper, who are your boat from the North Sea. You can use a Tide clock in Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne, Bonn, Dusseldorf, Hamburg or elsewhere at any time to see how to develop the Tidenverlauf. Because nothing is worse for the skipper, as if they arrive Friday evening and the only reason why the same can not put to sea, just because the tide is out.
On 11 January 1910 exactly one hundred years, founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science and Research in Berlin. Their goal was, as the name says, to support science and research of any kind.
was initiated by the then German Emperor Wilhelm II and Head of State King of Prussia (01/27/1859 - 04/06/1941). He said: ". ... under my protectorate, with a company to justify that is the establishment and maintenance of research institutes to Task "
the work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Society scholars have the opportunity to freely and impartially to devote to pure research and science. Their results were directly introduced into the production.
It does not wonder if, for example, exactly this time, the invention of the first German tide calculator by the Potsdam scientists Frederick Bold (12/05/1858 - 08/01/1940) falls. Was it the exact calculation of the tides have long represented one of the challenges the maritime to science. But allows a precisely calculated in advance Tide for any coastal location of the optimal planning of freight and passenger traffic to and from overseas.
Today is forecast to calculate the tide by means of an electronic Tide clock as for example by the Danish company Delite is made. Once set on a specific location, you can see at home in the interior, how the tides will behave.
Today this is interesting for example, Skipper, who are your boat from the North Sea. You can use a Tide clock in Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne, Bonn, Dusseldorf, Hamburg or elsewhere at any time to see how to develop the Tidenverlauf. Because nothing is worse for the skipper, as if they arrive Friday evening and the only reason why the same can not put to sea, just because the tide is out.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Anabolic Processes In Potein
leisure wear of Ivanhoe of Sweden
is slowly but surely to our IvanhoeofSweden.de shape. Last summer we discovered Ivanhoe products in an outdoor shop in the mountains or Fjell from the Swedish - Norwegian border. Since we offered by Ivanhoe textiles spontaneously pledged, we made contact with Ivanhoe in Gällstad.
Last fall we visited Ivanhoe of Sweden and agreed to under the set up a web shop with IvanhoeofSweden.de for German speaking customers. During the last quarter of 2010, we began the technical preparations. Now the focus is on the inputting of the articles. So we will promptly present the spring of the current collection 2011th
Ivanhoe of Sweden products are made of merino wool and cotton. Both types of wool, which are ideal for functional underwear including outdoor clothing. They are comfortable and have a comfortable fit.
is slowly but surely to our IvanhoeofSweden.de shape. Last summer we discovered Ivanhoe products in an outdoor shop in the mountains or Fjell from the Swedish - Norwegian border. Since we offered by Ivanhoe textiles spontaneously pledged, we made contact with Ivanhoe in Gällstad.
Last fall we visited Ivanhoe of Sweden and agreed to under the set up a web shop with IvanhoeofSweden.de for German speaking customers. During the last quarter of 2010, we began the technical preparations. Now the focus is on the inputting of the articles. So we will promptly present the spring of the current collection 2011th
Ivanhoe of Sweden products are made of merino wool and cotton. Both types of wool, which are ideal for functional underwear including outdoor clothing. They are comfortable and have a comfortable fit.
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