Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Does Plan B Make Pee A Lot


we are now dealing with one of the most important issues, these passwords. For I hear too often, the accounts are stolen, although no malware is on the computer. With demand for what they use for a password I usually heard things like, "123456", "abc", "your name" or "NameDesTieres. These passwords are, as you can imagine, perhaps, very uncertain. Because there are certainly people in your circle of friends, look at the times SchülerVZ your profile, or ICQ would abuse your list.

The trick of a password is, how you might also imagine that no one else knows, and no one else can guess. Accordingly, a password is best from a random mix of letters, numbers and special characters. An example of a good password would be thus: jOs2n § L
Another logical appearing point is the length of the password!. make this night are a good target figure. Many Internet portals even require passwords at least 8 characters long. You should however keep in mind when it is not intentional. Of course this "The longer the password, the greater the protection. "If you have a brain that can remember infinitely many points you can use it, of course, also 15-digit passwords. Bruteforcing attacks are nearly impossible.

ye know, now you the basics about passwords. In the next week I'll tell you something about the use of passwords on the Internet, by then should you think you where you what passwords you used. Provides a list together, because you should change the passwords after the next review may / will.

remains vigilant.


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