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Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Are The Chances Of Getting Hepatitis
Important win
SETS BY Maoism!
DOWN WITH revisionism!
AGAINST parliamentary cretinism!
popular movement Peru
December 2010
Dear friends and comrades,
on behalf of the Office of International Relations of the TKP / ML We welcome Your conference with proletarian enthusiasm. The conference discussed the importance of Maoism and the scientific application and the experience of the international proletariat and those countries which apply the people's war.
We are in a Time in the subjective forces of the communist and revolutionary movement are still weaker and weaker. This does not mean that the situation can not change. All over the world, we see the reactions of the people against the policy of the imperialist-capitalist system and their local lackeys, as well as rebellions and fermentation of mass insurrection and the popular movements. This event is also a possibility that the subjective forces must use worldwide by the social and national liberation struggle to promote and develop, and we see it in India, the Philippines, Turkey, etc..
Efficient discussions on political and ideological level, for The international movement is very important. We hope that this conference will lead an extensive discussion and contribute to this development.
For various reasons we can not attend your conference, we thank you for your invitation and we wish the conference a success.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long Live the Proletarian internationalism!
December 2010
Long live proletarian internationalism!
For Communism!
SoL * Socialist Left
December 2010
Hamburg, 4 December 2010
alliance against imperialist aggression
The International Conference in Hamburg, Germany, on 4 December 2010 was the last event in the series of conferences, the Peru People's Movement has organized this year. Thus, a set task of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru has met. The conference was an important victory in the battle for the Associations of the Maoists in the world to the principles of our class - against the new revisionism, the surrender, the parliamentary cretinism and the imperialist plan of "peace agreement". The conference has also led to the drafting of the balance sheet by the application of Maoism, the New Power and the People's War contributed to Communism.
Accordingly we will post the main issue of Peru People's Movement for the conference and some of the speeches of some comrades in the conference. Later, we will publish other contributions. We hereby thank the comrades for their proletarian internationalism.
Accordingly we will post the main issue of Peru People's Movement for the conference and some of the speeches of some comrades in the conference. Later, we will publish other contributions. We hereby thank the comrades for their proletarian internationalism.
Workers of the world, unite!
main speech of the people's movement Peru at the International Conference in Hamburg, 4 December 2010
The Peru People's Movement expresses its warmest revolutionary greetings to all Communist Parties and organizations at this conference, to all comrades who have fought for their participation, and to all parties and organizations today can not be present, but they are here with us, through their messages and speeches. We reaffirm our determination to fight with great initiative and drive to the International Communist Movement (IKB) makes the leap that calls for the world proletarian revolution, and we expect that today's conference makes a small contribution in this regard. Therefore, we will examine some aspects of the three points that were set by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of Peru (CPP) for this series of conferences, which are now graduated.
The call of the Central Committee of the CPP that we do with the balance of the application of Maoism are making progress, it is a right that everyone - the seriously its role in the service of cohesion recorded IKB - as a starting point in order to fulfill its mandate. Some comrades have already made some steps, and its opinion. We hope during this conference to see that others will be one for the progress of this process. Of necessity it is a process that occurs within the two-line struggle. The implementation of a Balance means to us something more than the problems and / or positive aspects of everything to understand. Basically it is a question of understanding the law, that is, the complete understanding of the leading causes of everything and where all this. It seems banal, but some comrades do not just see it. There are even parties who believe that one can build a fortress, by drawing a line and the past "behind it" gives. This is an application of concept "that combine two to one". The Better not true fortress, perhaps in the 'best' case, build a sand castle that can not withstand the coming storm. So you shall, in any Case, the basis for future split in the party or its destruction by the surrender. In other words, you sacrifice the future because of an apparent immediate progress. This is a position of right opportunism in relation to the structure. We need to look back in the history of IKB not far - we've all seen what has happened in Nepal - to have an irrefutable proof, whereas this position out. So comrades, in formation as communists, we can provide this kind of atrocities to make our own. The Communists have the most open minds: Why do so many stubborn among us? So persistent in error, so much Resistance to make the leap. The Essence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was to change the soul. If we are to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, then we have to understand it. This includes the fight against revisionism and the application of the one, we have achieved so far to move ahead. If we process the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) can see, there was a time when the Left has gained increasingly clear that the movement has progressed and we were able to make jumps. It was and is in every process at any party or organization. One can not build a solid foundation still make the leap that the proletarian World revolution requires, without the unwavering opinion for the enforcement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and the rejection of revisionism. It is therefore necessary that everyone who is in the progress of IKB, the revisionist position "that combine two to one" rejects.
The current global crisis is part of the general crisis of imperialism. It is a visible expression of his agony. Worldwide, the masses cry out for the organization of the insurgency. The people want a revolution. The imperialists are in panic over the steady growth of the national struggle. In the imperialist countries themselves, the proletariat has begun sleeping in his waking state, and that's important. We are not fooled, however you have much to speak of a mighty people struggle with revolutionary content. What is missing is the role of communist parties, carrying out their task. So what do the "communist parties" in this situation? - We talk about those who claim to be followers of Chairman Mao - to develop their activities, which are managed by a violent parliamentary cretinism. Even those who claim to be totally against such cretinism say they use the "people's war" no new power, "posts of Nepal "and so on. It would be good if they find out what happened to the RCP-USA, as a negative example. They insist on this type of positions - for example, no conflict / no conflict with those who advocate the election of the Democratic Party, "people's war" no new power, "the way of the insurrection" - This leads into a maze with no way out and no related to the poorest masses in their country. The only thing that could make its leadership is to transform itself into something that looks more like a vulgar cult of charlatans as a communist party.
Furthermore, it is necessary to note that much of the imperialist countries and "the situation in Europe" is mentioned, which is what the vast majority of cases, only the situation in Western Europe. What we must not forget is that the base of the world proletarian revolution, the oppressed peoples of the Third World. There the revolutionary situation is more pronounced. There is the people's war in some countries actively operating force. There are the communist parties that perform really a revolution. Here are our shock troops. Anyone who does not understand the process of restoring view of IKB, who may hold the appropriate role of the parties, the people's war, not recognizing the states at best, things unclear. can the rear guard of one does not cite properly, the avant-garde must take the leading role. Everyone knows that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and was also confirmed by our experience with the RIM. One thing it is to place itself at the service of coordination to be a different leadership.
The "peace agreement" aimed precisely to the proletarian world revolution to behead, to destroy the communist parties, leading a people's war. It is the plan of imperialism, so he used his revisionist employees. Our Party has established at the First Congress: "The riesiege strategic region of Asia, a region with high concentration of mass so that if there were in India sufficiently developed communist parties, they would powerfully contribute to the progress of the Revolution" (International line). Today, we see that the communist parties in Asia and especially India have made some very important leaps in its development and they have begun to take up their role in the world revolution. This is a very good thing and has enormous strategic importance to our camp. It is therefore not surprising that there imperialism works hard to achieve his plan: it involved the parties' negotiations, "" talks "or whatever, to divert the revolution. In Nepal, imperialism was successful. The Communists of the world must learn lessons. There are two distinct ways in which the Maoist parties face in people's war the plan of imperialism: one is our case, that of Peru, and the other, the case of Nepal.
In our case - is the Communist Party of Peru a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thoughts Party - rejected the plan of imperialism: the CPP has the "peace negotiations" rejected. Therefore, today we have a party the people's war brings and keeps its course, lead to the conquest of power throughout the country to the democratic revolution to completion, and, once the People's Republic of Peru established without taking further break with the socialist revolution in order with successive cultural revolutions to march until the whole of humanity achieved communism. We meet a long the years of people's war-tested and forged People's Liberation Army (PLA), which was always in position, the tasks entrusted by the Party and defeated the genocidal hordes of Peru's reaction, and the elite forces of imperialism. We have a new power to open people's committees and base areas, the sparkle in the sun as an undeniable proof of the universal validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. We have a front that is increasingly developing into a true Front of National Liberation. That's what the international proletariat and the peoples of the world in Peru. In Nepal there are
a tame party, which is immersed in the pigsty that is the bourgeois parliament. A party who does not hesitate once to have bilateral relations with the Socialist-Fascist Party of China, with the revisionist usurpers who killed the defenders of Chairman Mao and socialism. A revolutionary army, disarmed and under control of the institutions of imperialism and its imprisoned fighters in the sights of the guns of the reactionary army. Count of base areas, unarmed masses who are called by the party to be part of the system of old State. This is what Prachanda and his associates have given us, because they meet the imperialist plan of the peace agreement have accepted.
We have two diametrically opposed alternatives, two experiences in the eyes of the international proletariat. Experiences achieved at the expense of the lives of thousands of communists, revolutionaries and masses. In the first case you have not betray those who have given us their precious blood, which still continue to fight in us. In the second case, one has all and all for betraying the interests of would-be caudillo. These two experiences are very different from the fantastic records of civil people in the imperialist countries.
Those who are able to learn lessons should do so. Do you want that the same thing has happened in Nepal, repeated at other locations? If that's the case, ye reconciled on, you still attempts in the reconciliation of Marxism and revisionism, do you do with "that combine two into one" section. But this will guide you into the next swamp and you will sink to the head. We will march on without you. If you like, that the revolution advances in the world if you are for the triumph of the People's War, which develop powerful, if you really are for the people's war to communism, you have against the new revisionism designed and arrest position to favor the left side, you have the reject a "peace agreement" and every nuance of parliamentary cretinism. It is really the only way to support the communists in Nepal, her party and the rebuilding of people's war path again to take on, even over the heads of the revisionist traitor.
dust in the eyes of the Communists is part of the struggle against imperialism, the world revolution, with a massive campaign of disinformation, lies and gross intrigue. Alldas done with the support from reactionaries and revisionists of all kinds. A Yankee imperialism led by the general counter-offensive, the central goal in recent years to try to remove the Chairman Gonzalo in the minds of the communists in the world to spread the idea of "the defeat of the People's War in Peru". This absurd counter-revolutionary gross lie that can not believe no one who knows a little about the reality of Peru's decision was obviously rampant, both hidden and open, alleged by the Destroyer of RIM. The "investigation" was an essential part of it. Those who deny the role of Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP say that an artificial analysis free from reality and, above all, without a strong class position, very far from the truth and the application of Marxism - to quote a phrase of our leadership.
This is real and concrete, that without the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, without the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thought, and the application to solve new problems in the middle of people's war by the Central Committee of our party would be the people's war through the hellish genocide been the armed forces of reaction and imperialism destroyed. Without adherence to the leadership of the Central Committee and on the basis of the unity of the party, the party would be blown up, and the revisionist and capitulationist rightist line (ROL) had fulfilled its task, the Yankee CIA gave these rats. This is the reality of the CPP, this is the reality of people's war, the reality that exists objectively. If others think differently, it is their problem - they will know that they are wrong, when the reality to them in the face. We will continue to explain things for all who have the interest to learn the truth. Those remain silent, not that achieve the rich experience of people's war and the contributions by the Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP, the international proletariat, we ask: If you really are for the further development of the world proletarian revolution, why do you then converges with the general counter-offensive ?
The Communist Party of Peru is the heroic fighter who ensures the course of people's war - now we are fighting so that a new party is in progress. A new Congress, which will develop on the basis of the First Congress, and not to deny it, the basis will be the basis of the unity of the party which established the First Party Congress was. Its objectives are set: It will approve organizational decisions and pending plans. He will be a strong boost for the people's war, and a further contribution to the experience of the international proletariat.
Internationally we are in a time of redefinition. On the one hand, we are the people who think the theme is very high: Unite under Maoism! On the other side are those that the criterion that two be combined into one "to follow. This is similar to the notorious example of cats by Deng, will earn between Marxism and revisionism no difference. This struggle is not new, it has lasted as long as the IKB exist. But today, if a band that has played an important role, has virtually abandoned, we are in a new phase. It is necessary that each party is in this situation on a page. We will go against the grain on. We expect everyone who is the communism that he will do the same.
We propose to undertake concrete steps in the coordination of the Maoist parties. We have to fight side by side with those who are against the "peace agreement" and the parliamentary cretinism. We want to reach common decisions in order to be fulfilled.
rejects the revisionist position that "two to connect to one" off.
The call of the Central Committee of the CPP that we do with the balance of the application of Maoism are making progress, it is a right that everyone - the seriously its role in the service of cohesion recorded IKB - as a starting point in order to fulfill its mandate. Some comrades have already made some steps, and its opinion. We hope during this conference to see that others will be one for the progress of this process. Of necessity it is a process that occurs within the two-line struggle. The implementation of a Balance means to us something more than the problems and / or positive aspects of everything to understand. Basically it is a question of understanding the law, that is, the complete understanding of the leading causes of everything and where all this. It seems banal, but some comrades do not just see it. There are even parties who believe that one can build a fortress, by drawing a line and the past "behind it" gives. This is an application of concept "that combine two to one". The Better not true fortress, perhaps in the 'best' case, build a sand castle that can not withstand the coming storm. So you shall, in any Case, the basis for future split in the party or its destruction by the surrender. In other words, you sacrifice the future because of an apparent immediate progress. This is a position of right opportunism in relation to the structure. We need to look back in the history of IKB not far - we've all seen what has happened in Nepal - to have an irrefutable proof, whereas this position out. So comrades, in formation as communists, we can provide this kind of atrocities to make our own. The Communists have the most open minds: Why do so many stubborn among us? So persistent in error, so much Resistance to make the leap. The Essence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was to change the soul. If we are to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, then we have to understand it. This includes the fight against revisionism and the application of the one, we have achieved so far to move ahead. If we process the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) can see, there was a time when the Left has gained increasingly clear that the movement has progressed and we were able to make jumps. It was and is in every process at any party or organization. One can not build a solid foundation still make the leap that the proletarian World revolution requires, without the unwavering opinion for the enforcement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and the rejection of revisionism. It is therefore necessary that everyone who is in the progress of IKB, the revisionist position "that combine two to one" rejects.
The current global crisis is part of the general crisis of imperialism. It is a visible expression of his agony. Worldwide, the masses cry out for the organization of the insurgency. The people want a revolution. The imperialists are in panic over the steady growth of the national struggle. In the imperialist countries themselves, the proletariat has begun sleeping in his waking state, and that's important. We are not fooled, however you have much to speak of a mighty people struggle with revolutionary content. What is missing is the role of communist parties, carrying out their task. So what do the "communist parties" in this situation? - We talk about those who claim to be followers of Chairman Mao - to develop their activities, which are managed by a violent parliamentary cretinism. Even those who claim to be totally against such cretinism say they use the "people's war" no new power, "posts of Nepal "and so on. It would be good if they find out what happened to the RCP-USA, as a negative example. They insist on this type of positions - for example, no conflict / no conflict with those who advocate the election of the Democratic Party, "people's war" no new power, "the way of the insurrection" - This leads into a maze with no way out and no related to the poorest masses in their country. The only thing that could make its leadership is to transform itself into something that looks more like a vulgar cult of charlatans as a communist party.
Furthermore, it is necessary to note that much of the imperialist countries and "the situation in Europe" is mentioned, which is what the vast majority of cases, only the situation in Western Europe. What we must not forget is that the base of the world proletarian revolution, the oppressed peoples of the Third World. There the revolutionary situation is more pronounced. There is the people's war in some countries actively operating force. There are the communist parties that perform really a revolution. Here are our shock troops. Anyone who does not understand the process of restoring view of IKB, who may hold the appropriate role of the parties, the people's war, not recognizing the states at best, things unclear. can the rear guard of one does not cite properly, the avant-garde must take the leading role. Everyone knows that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and was also confirmed by our experience with the RIM. One thing it is to place itself at the service of coordination to be a different leadership.
The "peace agreement" plan of imperialism are
The "peace agreement" aimed precisely to the proletarian world revolution to behead, to destroy the communist parties, leading a people's war. It is the plan of imperialism, so he used his revisionist employees. Our Party has established at the First Congress: "The riesiege strategic region of Asia, a region with high concentration of mass so that if there were in India sufficiently developed communist parties, they would powerfully contribute to the progress of the Revolution" (International line). Today, we see that the communist parties in Asia and especially India have made some very important leaps in its development and they have begun to take up their role in the world revolution. This is a very good thing and has enormous strategic importance to our camp. It is therefore not surprising that there imperialism works hard to achieve his plan: it involved the parties' negotiations, "" talks "or whatever, to divert the revolution. In Nepal, imperialism was successful. The Communists of the world must learn lessons. There are two distinct ways in which the Maoist parties face in people's war the plan of imperialism: one is our case, that of Peru, and the other, the case of Nepal.
In our case - is the Communist Party of Peru a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thoughts Party - rejected the plan of imperialism: the CPP has the "peace negotiations" rejected. Therefore, today we have a party the people's war brings and keeps its course, lead to the conquest of power throughout the country to the democratic revolution to completion, and, once the People's Republic of Peru established without taking further break with the socialist revolution in order with successive cultural revolutions to march until the whole of humanity achieved communism. We meet a long the years of people's war-tested and forged People's Liberation Army (PLA), which was always in position, the tasks entrusted by the Party and defeated the genocidal hordes of Peru's reaction, and the elite forces of imperialism. We have a new power to open people's committees and base areas, the sparkle in the sun as an undeniable proof of the universal validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. We have a front that is increasingly developing into a true Front of National Liberation. That's what the international proletariat and the peoples of the world in Peru. In Nepal there are
a tame party, which is immersed in the pigsty that is the bourgeois parliament. A party who does not hesitate once to have bilateral relations with the Socialist-Fascist Party of China, with the revisionist usurpers who killed the defenders of Chairman Mao and socialism. A revolutionary army, disarmed and under control of the institutions of imperialism and its imprisoned fighters in the sights of the guns of the reactionary army. Count of base areas, unarmed masses who are called by the party to be part of the system of old State. This is what Prachanda and his associates have given us, because they meet the imperialist plan of the peace agreement have accepted.
We have two diametrically opposed alternatives, two experiences in the eyes of the international proletariat. Experiences achieved at the expense of the lives of thousands of communists, revolutionaries and masses. In the first case you have not betray those who have given us their precious blood, which still continue to fight in us. In the second case, one has all and all for betraying the interests of would-be caudillo. These two experiences are very different from the fantastic records of civil people in the imperialist countries.
Those who are able to learn lessons should do so. Do you want that the same thing has happened in Nepal, repeated at other locations? If that's the case, ye reconciled on, you still attempts in the reconciliation of Marxism and revisionism, do you do with "that combine two into one" section. But this will guide you into the next swamp and you will sink to the head. We will march on without you. If you like, that the revolution advances in the world if you are for the triumph of the People's War, which develop powerful, if you really are for the people's war to communism, you have against the new revisionism designed and arrest position to favor the left side, you have the reject a "peace agreement" and every nuance of parliamentary cretinism. It is really the only way to support the communists in Nepal, her party and the rebuilding of people's war path again to take on, even over the heads of the revisionist traitor.
Unite under Maoism! throw
dust in the eyes of the Communists is part of the struggle against imperialism, the world revolution, with a massive campaign of disinformation, lies and gross intrigue. Alldas done with the support from reactionaries and revisionists of all kinds. A Yankee imperialism led by the general counter-offensive, the central goal in recent years to try to remove the Chairman Gonzalo in the minds of the communists in the world to spread the idea of "the defeat of the People's War in Peru". This absurd counter-revolutionary gross lie that can not believe no one who knows a little about the reality of Peru's decision was obviously rampant, both hidden and open, alleged by the Destroyer of RIM. The "investigation" was an essential part of it. Those who deny the role of Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP say that an artificial analysis free from reality and, above all, without a strong class position, very far from the truth and the application of Marxism - to quote a phrase of our leadership.
This is real and concrete, that without the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, without the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought, mainly Gonzalo thought, and the application to solve new problems in the middle of people's war by the Central Committee of our party would be the people's war through the hellish genocide been the armed forces of reaction and imperialism destroyed. Without adherence to the leadership of the Central Committee and on the basis of the unity of the party, the party would be blown up, and the revisionist and capitulationist rightist line (ROL) had fulfilled its task, the Yankee CIA gave these rats. This is the reality of the CPP, this is the reality of people's war, the reality that exists objectively. If others think differently, it is their problem - they will know that they are wrong, when the reality to them in the face. We will continue to explain things for all who have the interest to learn the truth. Those remain silent, not that achieve the rich experience of people's war and the contributions by the Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP, the international proletariat, we ask: If you really are for the further development of the world proletarian revolution, why do you then converges with the general counter-offensive ?
The Communist Party of Peru is the heroic fighter who ensures the course of people's war - now we are fighting so that a new party is in progress. A new Congress, which will develop on the basis of the First Congress, and not to deny it, the basis will be the basis of the unity of the party which established the First Party Congress was. Its objectives are set: It will approve organizational decisions and pending plans. He will be a strong boost for the people's war, and a further contribution to the experience of the international proletariat.
Internationally we are in a time of redefinition. On the one hand, we are the people who think the theme is very high: Unite under Maoism! On the other side are those that the criterion that two be combined into one "to follow. This is similar to the notorious example of cats by Deng, will earn between Marxism and revisionism no difference. This struggle is not new, it has lasted as long as the IKB exist. But today, if a band that has played an important role, has virtually abandoned, we are in a new phase. It is necessary that each party is in this situation on a page. We will go against the grain on. We expect everyone who is the communism that he will do the same.
We propose to undertake concrete steps in the coordination of the Maoist parties. We have to fight side by side with those who are against the "peace agreement" and the parliamentary cretinism. We want to reach common decisions in order to be fulfilled.
SETS BY Maoism!
DOWN WITH revisionism!
AGAINST parliamentary cretinism!
popular movement Peru
December 2010
to the comrades and comrades of the International Conference in Hamburg
Dear friends and comrades,
on behalf of the Office of International Relations of the TKP / ML We welcome Your conference with proletarian enthusiasm. The conference discussed the importance of Maoism and the scientific application and the experience of the international proletariat and those countries which apply the people's war.
We are in a Time in the subjective forces of the communist and revolutionary movement are still weaker and weaker. This does not mean that the situation can not change. All over the world, we see the reactions of the people against the policy of the imperialist-capitalist system and their local lackeys, as well as rebellions and fermentation of mass insurrection and the popular movements. This event is also a possibility that the subjective forces must use worldwide by the social and national liberation struggle to promote and develop, and we see it in India, the Philippines, Turkey, etc..
Efficient discussions on political and ideological level, for The international movement is very important. We hope that this conference will lead an extensive discussion and contribute to this development.
For various reasons we can not attend your conference, we thank you for your invitation and we wish the conference a success.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long Live the Proletarian internationalism!
December 2010
Message from SoL * Socialist Left
To the international Maoist conference
We are pleased to be here and welcome this conference as a step towards the elucidation of urgent issues of the Maoist movement.
As such clarity is important to us the development in Nepal but also shows the recent assassination of Comrade Azad of the Indian state. It is imperative that we not repeat the mistakes made. Too many comrades and comrades had already paid for them with their blood.
Our promise that we are part of the international proletariat, is the foundation of our solidarity with the fighting Communists and Communists around the world. It is the people's warring parties, our special interest, as it was just these parties are the struggles of our class went today most consistently. Today's wars have become popular in the possibility of a similar inspirational power, as once the October Revolution or the Cultural Revolution.
Our contribution to the struggle of the international proletariat is to build a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Germany, the struggle against German imperialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Together we will connect the enemies in the dust, together we will prevail. In this sense:
We are pleased to be here and welcome this conference as a step towards the elucidation of urgent issues of the Maoist movement.
As such clarity is important to us the development in Nepal but also shows the recent assassination of Comrade Azad of the Indian state. It is imperative that we not repeat the mistakes made. Too many comrades and comrades had already paid for them with their blood.
Our promise that we are part of the international proletariat, is the foundation of our solidarity with the fighting Communists and Communists around the world. It is the people's warring parties, our special interest, as it was just these parties are the struggles of our class went today most consistently. Today's wars have become popular in the possibility of a similar inspirational power, as once the October Revolution or the Cultural Revolution.
Our contribution to the struggle of the international proletariat is to build a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Germany, the struggle against German imperialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Together we will connect the enemies in the dust, together we will prevail. In this sense:
Long live proletarian internationalism!
For Communism!
SoL * Socialist Left
December 2010
greeting from " alliance against imperialist aggression "
Hamburger "alliance against imperialist aggression" is a coalition of groups, organizations, political parties and individuals from different countries. Our common ground is the anti-imperialist and internationalist struggle.
We see our work so as part of the international anti-imperialist struggle, which we support one hand with our resources and capacities, on the other hand, here and now want to develop. Our goal is to learn from our different fighting and life experiences, to join forces in solidarity and respect to make plans for an inter-nationalist anti-imperialism.
why we are delighted to be here, in a place of meeting so many people that lead a determined fighting and have experience from so many parts of the world. We express here and now our sympathy and solidarity with the people's wars in the Philippines, India, Turkey and Peru.
We are convinced that it is correct, feasible and necessary created together with many different forces, the anti-imperialist resistance, in this city in this country, in Europe and worldwide and that this conference will be a contribution!
We see our work so as part of the international anti-imperialist struggle, which we support one hand with our resources and capacities, on the other hand, here and now want to develop. Our goal is to learn from our different fighting and life experiences, to join forces in solidarity and respect to make plans for an inter-nationalist anti-imperialism.
why we are delighted to be here, in a place of meeting so many people that lead a determined fighting and have experience from so many parts of the world. We express here and now our sympathy and solidarity with the people's wars in the Philippines, India, Turkey and Peru.
We are convinced that it is correct, feasible and necessary created together with many different forces, the anti-imperialist resistance, in this city in this country, in Europe and worldwide and that this conference will be a contribution!
Hamburg, 4 December 2010
alliance against imperialist aggression
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Remote Fire Place Starter
Atmospheric moments with Saunatroikka from Finland
now outside where snow and ice have to say that the sauna is the perfect location to escape the cold. Who if not the Finns appreciate this. Obvious that you come from the right accessories.
This is also the Saunatroikka of hookah design from Karelia. The Saunatroikka which are made of soapstone small artesian wells. An artesian well is using an interesting physical phenomenon.
This requires a refractory vessel, which can be closed up. In the shutter works to make a one or more tubes, which rise like chimneys. Now heat the liquid. Builds up inside a pressure on and the water passes through the "chimneys " out. The moment where the water comes out, the pressure is equalized. Thus giving rise to successive small fountains, as more and more time is needed until there is enough pressure in the vessel that the water sprays out. This is repeated automatically until either the water is consumed or the heat supply is discontinued.
uses exactly this effect Saunatroikka and its smaller brother of the Saunabriha out. In the manufactured from Karel's soapstone vessel and water as desired aroma sauna is given. This can be water birch, pine needle extract or another perfume. Now the Saunatroikka or Saunabriha is simply placed in the middle of the hot stones of the sauna. It only takes a few minutes and Saunatroikka or Saunabriha start working and pleasant aroma scents begin to spread.
The nice thing is that neither the Saunatroikka still needed for the Saunabriha any electronics. One has no trouble with a lack of updates or service packs. Because it is an ancient very simple physical process which is also still in the 21st überelektronisierten Century is more than worth seeing.
now outside where snow and ice have to say that the sauna is the perfect location to escape the cold. Who if not the Finns appreciate this. Obvious that you come from the right accessories.
This is also the Saunatroikka of hookah design from Karelia. The Saunatroikka which are made of soapstone small artesian wells. An artesian well is using an interesting physical phenomenon.
This requires a refractory vessel, which can be closed up. In the shutter works to make a one or more tubes, which rise like chimneys. Now heat the liquid. Builds up inside a pressure on and the water passes through the "chimneys " out. The moment where the water comes out, the pressure is equalized. Thus giving rise to successive small fountains, as more and more time is needed until there is enough pressure in the vessel that the water sprays out. This is repeated automatically until either the water is consumed or the heat supply is discontinued.
uses exactly this effect Saunatroikka and its smaller brother of the Saunabriha out. In the manufactured from Karel's soapstone vessel and water as desired aroma sauna is given. This can be water birch, pine needle extract or another perfume. Now the Saunatroikka or Saunabriha is simply placed in the middle of the hot stones of the sauna. It only takes a few minutes and Saunatroikka or Saunabriha start working and pleasant aroma scents begin to spread.
The nice thing is that neither the Saunatroikka still needed for the Saunabriha any electronics. One has no trouble with a lack of updates or service packs. Because it is an ancient very simple physical process which is also still in the 21st überelektronisierten Century is more than worth seeing.
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